/ / Natural badger fat against various ailments

Natural badger fat against various ailments

badger fat
Badger fat possesses natural efficacy badgeraccumulates nutrients in the fat for a successful wintering. Considering that it feeds on valuable roots, healing herbs, it forms a unique composition of biologically useful substances.

The natural composition and easy digestibility of valuable components determine the well-deserved place of badger fat in the TOP of natural medicinal preparations.

Composition and properties

Badger fat contains a unique combination of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, many of them are indispensable, and therefore must be delivered to the body from the outside.

Natural complex of vitamins A, E warnsdevelopment of tumors, improves the condition of the skin, hair, prevents the occurrence, blocks the development of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs, kidneys and urinary organs. Their combination enhances the anti-inflammatory activity of PUFA. They have antioxidant properties, enhance immunity, tissue healing.

Organic acids help improve digestion, enhance the antioxidant effect of fatty acids, vitamins.

Vitamins of group B are responsible for the regulation of the heart, nervous system, organs of vision, blood formation, participate in the formation of immunity.

Action on the body

Badger fat has a positive effect on many systems, individual organs:

  • The immune system;
  • Blood characteristics;
  • Skin condition;
  • Metabolism.

It is successfully used to treat:

  • Lung diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia), especially tuberculosis, due to the ability of badger fat to inactivate the tubercle bacillus;
  • Purulent diseases and infections;
  • Healing wounds.

Numerous positive reviews of successfultreatment of colds, purulent processes, nonhealing wounds, gastritis, ulcerative processes, broncho-pulmonary problems, circulatory organs, skin pathologies, burns, frostbite allow to recommend badger fat for wide application to children from 3 years old, adults. Children under 3 years show only light external rubbing, excluding the heart area.

Contraindication is individual intolerance. Children under 3 years old are not recommended to ingest fat in order to avoid allergic reactions.

Where can I buy

Russian Roots - Grass Shop
In the shops of the network "Russian roots" you can buyanimal fats in glass bottles of 250 ml and 100 ml, the composition of badger fat with cedar sap, beaver's stream and Altai honey, capsules with badger fat are convenient for internal use.

All raw materials come from environmentally friendly reserves in Altai. Buying worsted fat on the site http://magazintrav.ru/barsuchij_zhir_kupit, you can be completely confident in its quality and healing properties.

The entire assortment of animal fats can be viewed and bought here - http://magazintrav.ru/zhivotnye-zhiry