/ / Solution of "Chlorhexidine"

A solution of "Chlorhexidine"

"Chlorhexidine" is an antiseptic drug,which is available in several forms of treatment. So, it can be a gel, applied externally, a concentrate for a solution, a cream and patches. In this manual, we will mainly talk about the solution of the drug "Chlorhexidine".

Chlorhexidine solution: instructions

This drug has a bactericidal andbacteriostatic action with respect to various bacteria, which depends on the concentration of the agent used. In addition, the drug has a virucidal and fungicidal effect. "Chlorhexidine" remains active in the presence of pus, blood, organic substances and various secrets.

Indications for use

The solution of "Chlorhexidine" is used both intherapeutic, and for preventive purposes with various infectious diseases, for disinfection and antiseptic treatment. The drug is used to prevent a number of infections that are transmitted sexually (ureaplasmosis, chlamydosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis and others). In this case, it must be applied no later than two hours after the act of sexual intercourse.

With the help of the drug, purulent wounds are treated,Fungal and bacterial skin diseases, infected burns, diseases of the mucous membranes. It is used in dentistry for the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, aphtha, periodontitis, alveolitis, as well as in surgery, obstetrics and urology. Sometimes it is used for postoperative care of patients with ENT pathology.

0.2% solution used in gynecology for sanitationand reproductive tract treatment before treatment and diagnostic procedures; 0,5% solution - for treatment of burns and wounds, skin and mucous membrane cracks, wounds.

The aqueous solution of "Chlorhexidine" is an excellent tool for sterilization of medical instruments, disinfection of surfaces of various instruments and equipment.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is contraindicated with increasedsensitivity to the main active substance, as well as in the presence of dermatitis. It is used carefully in pregnancy, in childhood, and also during lactation. Unfortunately, today information about the harm or benefit of the drug in the above cases is not enough.

A solution of "Chlorhexidine" can cause a number of side effects:

-Allergic reaction in the form of skin rash;

- dryness of the skin, itching in the place of application, appearance, dermatitis, photosensitization of the stickiness of the skin of the hands;

- dyeing of tooth enamel, scaling, distortion of taste.

The likelihood of the aboveof actions becomes higher in cases of overdose. If the solution accidentally got inside - it is necessary to immediately rinse the stomach with milk, raw gelatin and eggs. Symptomatic treatment is often performed.

Dosage and route of administration

The solution of "Chlorhexidine" is used topically andexternally. It is the aqueous solutions used in the form of rinses, irrigation and applications. A solution (a dose of 5-10 ml) is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin two or three times a day.

Treatment of medical instruments and surfacesis carried out with a clean sponge or by soaking. About the method and dosage in more detail should tell the attending physician, as they depend on the specific case, disease and age of the patient.

Chlorhexidine solution is used in neutralenvironment. Hard water can cause a decrease in bactericidal properties. Incompatible pharmaceutically with alkalis, soap and other similar compounds. The effectiveness of the drug is enhanced by the action of ethanol.

Attention!This instruction is intended solely for acquaintance with the drug "Chlorhexidine" and should not influence the decision about treatment with it. The purpose of treatment should be with the participation of the attending physician. Before use, we recommend that you read the manufacturer's annotation carefully.