/ / Medicinal plants. List for home kit

Medicinal plants. List for home kit

List of medicines annuallyupdated with all the new names. Despite this, many people still continue to use medicinal plants. The list of phytotherapy fans is updated every year due to the fact that drugs of synthetic origin cause severe side effects and allergies. Medicinal plants, on the contrary, can be taken for years due to their unique composition. They contain a whole range of chemically complex substances whose spectrum of action is very wide.

Along with the usual for everyone, it is recommended to make first-aid kits in which medicinal plants would be collected. The list of the most necessary is presented below.


In herbal medicine, all parts of this plant are used, although the roots are most popular. Valerian is a universal remedy that helps relieve stress and calm the body.

Valerian root infusions are used ashypnotic. Unlike synthetic drugs with a similar effect, this plant does not cause impairment of well-being or dependence. People suffering from epilepsy are also advised to put these medicinal plants in the first-aid kit. Their names are also known to people with disabilities of the cardiovascular system, because valerian can reduce blood pressure.

medicinal plants list

St. John's Wort

The range of application of this medicinal plantwide enough. Traditional medicine uses the upper part of the plant, as well as its flowers. The infusion of Hypericum has long been known as one of the strongest remedies for depression. In addition, decoction of the dried plant treats diseases of the respiratory tract, such as bronchitis, asthma and cough. The collection of medicinal plants of this species is carried out during flowering. The appearance of the first unripe fruit symbolizes that such plants cannot be used for medicinal purposes.


This herbaceous perennial plant drew onthe attention of people due to the unusual structure of the leaves. Their lower side is warm, and if you attach the leaves to the body, you can feel how they heat. The upper part (the one that remains in the sun) is always cool to the touch. Other medicinal plants do not have such unusual properties. Their names correspond to the nature of this unusual phenomenon.

Народная медицина предлагает использовать листья this plant, less flowers. Broths and infusions that are obtained from the leaves are an effective expectorant and diaphoretic agent. They are used during cough of different origin.

medicinal plants names


Medicinal plants of Russia are presented moreone species, which is impossible not to mention. This plant stimulates the nervous system. In addition, it is indispensable for the patient during the recovery period, as it contributes to the proper operation of the adrenal glands. It is about sage. An infusion of its leaves and flowers is recommended for people who suffer from depression and neurotic states. Also, the decoction of this plant helps to prevent excessive sweating, which is especially useful for patients with tuberculosis, during menopause, as well as for people with excessive hand sweating.

Regular use of sage infusion contributes to the regulation of blood pressure for those with whom it was elevated.

Sage leaves are also used to disinfect the room in which the patient was. To do this, they burn on charcoal.

medicinal plants of Russia


Infusion of leaves and ground peppermint- This is, above all, the best tool for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestinal disorders. Not all types of medicinal plants have such a wide spectrum of action, like mint. It enhances the secretion of gastric juice, relieves indigestion and intestinal colic, relieves pain during an ulcer. A small amount of peppermint infusion helps to combat toxicosis in pregnant women, as well as bouts of seasickness.

People also talk about the healing properties of mintwho suffer from nervous or heart diseases. It is irreplaceable in the first-aid kit in cases when it is necessary to alleviate a toothache. In order to get rid of a migraine, it is enough to attach to the head a few leaves of fresh peppermint.

collection of medicinal plants

Milk thistle

Medicinal plants of Russia account for morethousands of species. Some of them, such as milk thistle, are used not only in herbal medicine, but also in traditional medicine. This unique plant is able to protect the liver from toxins, as well as derive from it those that managed to accumulate (including due to the use of synthetic drugs). For medicinal purposes, use all parts of the plant: the stem, leaves, roots, seeds and flowers. Thistle seeds are used in cases of indigestion and anorexia. Also, this plant is known for its properties to restore blood. Young mothers also know about milk thistle, as its use during lactation increases the amount of milk.

types of medicinal plants

What you should pay attention to

Most people do not know about all the usefulproperties that have medicinal plants. The list provided here can be continued. But one cannot be sure that these plants are completely harmless. Like any other means of treatment, they must be taken in accordance with the recommendations and to observe the correct dosage. Self-medication can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract, cause liver and kidney disease. In addition, a serious disease can not be cured, using only medicinal plants. The list of those that you intend to use, it is better to show your doctor. He can approve it only after he has conducted a comprehensive analysis and established a diagnosis.