/ / Women's consultation 15: services

Female consultation 15: services

The capital of Russia has always been one of the mostdeveloped cities of the country. This applies to all areas of activity. Social institutions in Moscow, built to serve the population, occupy the first places in the country due to high-quality work and rich equipment. One of such branches is medical service. In the capital there are many general medical institutions for children and adults, as well as specialized clinics. Some Moscow hospitals and outpatient clinics are well-known outside of Russia thanks to qualified doctors and the most complex medical procedures. Specialized hospitals include urban maternity hospitals, highly specialized clinics, and scientific diagnostic centers. Female consultations in Moscow are often attached to large medical institutions. This principle of distribution facilitates the work of maternity homes and clinics, which should be closely interrelated.

Female consultation 15: structure

female consultation 15

Данное лечебно-диагностическое учреждение attached to the maternity hospital number 32. However, female consultation is considered a separate institution and has its own structure. Departments in a medical facility are divided into diagnostic, examination and treatment rooms. Women's consultation 15 consists of the following structures:

  1. Отделение акушерско-гинекологической помощи – Patients who have any problems of the genitourinary system, pregnant women, as well as those who want to get expert advice about their health status are coming there.
  2. The therapeutic room is necessary in every gynecological clinic, since many patients have somatic pathologies, under which they must be under special observation.
  3. Operating - it carries out small medical manipulations, including the setting of the Navy, diathermocoagulation, vacuum abortion, etc.
  4. Diagnostic room - various studies of the female genital organs are conducted there, and fetal development is assessed.
  5. Procedural room - it takes samples.
  6. The dentist's office is necessary for all women in the first trimester of pregnancy to prevent chronic infection in the body.

Pregnancy Management Services

female consultation 15 doctors

Female consultation 15 accepts all patients"in position" who live at the address attached to the medical facility. In addition, pregnant women have the full right to undergo a paid examination in this clinic. Women, regardless of the address of residence, may enter into a contract with a medical institution, through which they are allowed to undergo examination and give birth in this institution. The only condition is a gestation period not exceeding 36 weeks. In addition, patients have the right to choose the doctor who will observe them. Additional services provided in the antenatal clinic are: carrying out diagnostic procedures, examination of the therapist and narrow specialists, keeping medical records (maternity leave, certificate for the registry office). In addition, women's counseling 15 has a school for preparing for childbirth and an exercise therapy center for pregnant women.

Gynecological services

women's consultation 15 reviews

In addition to managing pregnant women, in female consultationNo. 15 provides assistance to patients with various diseases of the genital organs. Diagnostics and treatment of such pathologies as inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, infertility, menopausal syndrome, and venereal infections are carried out in the gynecological clinic. Also within the walls of a medical institution, you can be examined by a therapist and an endocrinologist. Female consultation is one of the most popular gynecological services. 15. Physicians assist patients in choosing contraceptives, carry out medical abortion, perform high-quality diagnostics and treatment of benign tumors localized on the cervix. Procedures for cauterization and freezing of erosion are carried out in a small operating room.

Laboratory work in female consultation number 15

The medical facility has a laboratoryequipped according to modern rules. It performs general and biochemical blood tests, urine tests. Smears made in the gynecological office, too, go here. In addition, the laboratory uses a PCR method aimed at identifying the causative agents of STIs; blood is taken to determine antibodies. For the selection of adequate therapy can be made seeding sensitivity to antibiotics.

15 female consultation phone

Department of functional diagnostics

In the women's consultation number 15 you can govarious studies. The most common of these is ultrasound of the pelvic organs. It is carried out using both an abdominal device and transvaginal sensors. In addition to examination of the genital organs, ultrasound examinations of the liver, kidneys and mammary glands are performed in the institution. Special research methods include: cardiotocography, doplerometry and biopsy of uterine cells. With the help of special equipment, removal of polyps, electrical and laser surgery. One of the best diagnostic clinics is a female consultation 15, which can be self-recorded on the website of a medical institution. A wide range of laboratory and instrumental studies makes the dispensary different from others.

Female consultation 15: patient reviews

female consultation 15 self-recording

At a medical facility, calm andpleasant setting. Due to the attentive attitude of doctors and other employees of the ambulatory, patients form a positive opinion about the clinic. Qualified specialists and modern equipment - this is what 15 female consultation is associated with. Phone of the medical institution: 8 (499) 264-23-45.