/ Polyclinic № 149 (Moscow). Address and reviews of doctors

Polyclinic № 149 (Moscow). Address and reviews about doctors

In Moscow there are 2 polyclinics №149.One of them is in the Preobrazhenskoye area, and the other is in South Butovo. They serve different categories of patients. Polyclinic №149 on Khromova provides assistance to the adult population, and the polyclinic on Bartenevskaya Street deals with the treatment of children. Currently, the medical facility in South Butovo has changed the number.

Clinic description

Polyclinic №149 on Khromova offersmultidisciplinary medical assistance to residents of the Preobrazhenskoye district It serves adults and adolescents from the age of 15. Services are provided free of charge, according to the policy, as it is a state budgetary institution. Doctors of different specialties conduct reception. Heavy patient care is provided at home.

The polyclinic is a branch of the consultative and diagnostic center No. 2 of the Bogorodskoye district. In the institution, you can take the tests and be examined for various pathologies.

polyclinic 149

Women's consultation in the clinic №149 isOn the second floor. Here doctors receive gynecological profile. Also in the building of the clinic there is a pharmacy, where the preferential categories of patients can purchase the necessary medicines.

On the basis of the institution works "Schoolhypertensive disease "for patients with arterial hypertension. Here patients are informed about the features of the disease, they train self-help at pressure jumps and talk about methods of preventing attacks. The cardiologist conducts classes.

The clinic has a treatment room, wherepatients are given injections and other medical manipulations. There is also a physiotherapy department, where patients are treated with UHF-therapy, a quartz lamp, electrophoresis and other methods.

Opening hours of the clinic

All polyclinic services work from 8 to 20 hours,Monday through Friday. On Saturday, Sunday and holidays only duty doctors work. On Saturdays, the clinic is open from 9 am to 6 pm, and on Sundays and public holidays - from 9 am to 4 pm.

Female consultation at the clinic works from 8 to 20 hours on weekdays. Opening hours on Saturday - from 8 to 15 hours, Sunday - day off.

Pharmacy on the second floor is open during opening hours of the clinic.

clinic record to the doctor

Contact details

Polyclinic № 149 Moscow is located at:Khromov Street, 45. The nearest metro station is Preobrazhenskaya Square. To get to the clinic number 149, you need to get out of the first subway car from the center, transfer to any tram and get to the Cherkizovo stop. Women's consultation is located at the same address in the building of the clinic.

How to make an appointment with a doctor?

To make an appointment with a specialist, you need to call the registry. Writing to clinics doctors is carried out during working hours.

You can make an appointment through the website of the Electronic Registry or the portal of state services. To do this, take the following steps:

  1. Select location: Moscow.
  2. Emphasize the medical facility: Polyclinic №149.
  3. Select the required profile of the doctor.
  4. Choose the name of the doctor, the date and time of admission.
  5. Print and get a ticket.

You can also make an appointment with specialists in the information terminal, which is located in the clinic near the registry.

polyclinic 149 female consultation

Polyclinic doctors

In the clinic number 149 in Moscow, on Khromova street, the following specialists receive:

  • district physicians;
  • urologist;
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • infectious diseases specialist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • ultrasound doctor;
  • functional diagnostics doctor.

Diagnostic department of the clinic

In the clinic №149, you can take tests in a clinical laboratory or undergo ultrasound and functional diagnostics.

The clinic offers patients the following examination methods:

  • laboratory clinical diagnostics (general and biochemical analyzes, studies on infections and parasites);
  • fluorography;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of abdominal organs, small pelvis, kidneys, thyroid gland;
  • X-ray of the chest, spine, skull, stomach, kidneys;
  • functional diagnostics.

polyclinic 149 on Chromov

Women's consultation

Female consultation at the clinic №149renders medical services to residents of the Preobrazhenskoye area. The institution offers patients free medical care, part of the services that are not included in the list of compulsory health insurance is paid. Served by women aged 15 years.

В учреждении пациенткам оказывают акушерскую и gynecological care, diagnose and prescribe treatment. The consultation has a small operating theater for small surgical interventions and procedures.

The institution cooperates with the districtconsultative and diagnostic center, skin and venereal and oncologic dispensaries. If necessary, patients are given a referral for examination in these institutions.

In the antenatal clinic, local obstetrician-gynecologists take part. The disease is diagnosed by the following methods:

  • mammography;
  • colposcopy;
  • laboratory research.

Polyclinic in South Butovo

A few years ago in Moscow there was another polyclinic №149 in South Butovo. In 2012, this institution was renamed. Now it is "Children's City Polyclinic №118, branch №2".

polyclinic 149 south butovo

This medical facility serves children frombirth to 15 years. The clinic operates from Monday to Thursday, from 8-30 to 19 hours, on Friday - from 8-30 to 18 hours. On Saturdays, only the local pediatrician on duty takes from 9 to 15 hours. Sunday is a day off.

Children's polyclinic № 118, branch number 2, is located onAddress: 61 Bartenevskaya Street. The nearest metro station is Buninskaya Alley. You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling the reception. Possible electronic record on the Internet. If the child feels bad, then you can call the district pediatrician to the house.

At the children's clinic there is a milk-distributing point, it is open from 6-30 to 12 hours.

The medical institution has several divisions: pediatric department, clinical diagnostic laboratory, department of rehabilitation treatment.

In the clinic are receiving a few precinctpediatricians. A baby day is organized once a week, when doctors diagnose and treat the youngest patients. The office "Healthy Childhood" was opened, where parents are given advice on disease prevention.

reviews of clinics

In addition to pediatricians in the clinic are receiving the following specialists:

  • otolaryngologist;
  • surgeon;
  • traumatologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • allergist-immunologist;
  • audiologist;
  • children's gynecologist;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • dermatologist;
  • dentist;
  • the doctor of functional diagnostics;
  • orthopedist;
  • traumatologist.

In the clinical diagnostic lab dogeneral and biochemical analyzes. In order to detect diseases in children in the clinic conduct x-ray, ultrasound and functional examinations.

The Department of Rehabilitation is created forrehabilitation of disabled children. They do physical therapy with small patients, swim in the pool, do massage and hydro-massage, and perform physiotherapy. This contributes to the rapid adaptation of children after serious illnesses.

Reviews of the clinic on Khromova

About the clinic number 149 on Khromova can be founddifferent reviews. If we are talking about female consultation at the clinic, then the patients are happy with the medical care. They note the professionalism and friendly attitude of obstetrician-gynecologists. Many women who were observed in the consultation about the first pregnancy would like to register again with the same doctors and with the second child.

As for the organization of medicalservice in the clinic, the patient's opinion about this is not always positive. Patients complain of coldness and forgetfulness of staff. There were situations when the cards or the results of patient analyzes were lost due to carelessness of medical workers.

Affects the lack of specialists in the clinic. Entries to the doctor or the diagnosis sometimes have to wait a long time.

149 clinic Moscow

However, along with shortcomings, patients notestrong diagnostic base of medical institutions. When contacting a doctor, all the necessary tests and tests that can be done in the clinic itself are prescribed.

Reviews of the clinic in Butovo

Reviews of parents of children about the clinic in Butovo inmostly positive. A lot of warm words are said about polyclinic massage therapists. Moms of young patients are satisfied with the work of the rehabilitation department. Massages helped disabled children to significantly improve their health.

Parents of patients respond with warmthdistrict pediatricians, emphasizing the care and care of physicians. It is often possible to find the opinion that the children's polyclinic in Butovo is one of the best medical institutions in the city.

It can be concluded that reviews about clinicsvery different. These two medical facilities are difficult to compare. Children's clinic in South Butovo was established relatively recently, it was renovated, it is better equipped and looks more modern than the medical institution at Khromova. This is due to a large number of positive reviews.