/ / The drug "Ambrobene": solution for inhalation, injection and ingestion

The drug "Ambrobene": solution for inhalation, injection and ingestion

Препарат «Амбробене» – известное лекарство от cough, which is available in the form of tablets, capsules, syrup, solution (for injection, inhalation and oral administration). The tool has a mucolytic property, that is, it dilutes sputum and facilitates its release.

The main indications include: pneumonia and bronchitis (both in acute and in chronic form); bronchial asthma, in which there is obstructed sputum withdrawal; bronchiectasis.

Ambrobene solution

Considered one of the most effective against coughIt is the drug "Ambrobene". The solution is prescribed to adults and children in the form of injections or for oral administration (of course, the composition is different!). Today it is one of the most commonly used drugs for coughing.

Children are usually prescribed "Ambrobene" syrup. Instructions enclosed in the package must be read before using the drug. Syrup can be drunk to patients with diabetes.

If you have a dry cough, then effective for itmitigation will become the tool "Ambrobene". A solution of the drug can be used for inhalation. To make inhalation, it is mixed in equal proportions with sodium chloride. The effect appears fairly quickly. The procedure helps to restore the patient’s normal condition more quickly.

Ambrobene syrup instruction

Tablets are the most common form of release.drug "Ambrobene". Solution for injection is preferable in that it does not have a direct effect on the gastrointestinal tract, unlike tablets. You can enter the drug "Ambrobene" under the skin, intramuscularly, as well as intravenously (through a dropper).

Tablets are taken with food or immediately afterher Wash it down with plenty of water, preferably warm. The first three days you need to drink three pills a day, in the next three days - two. Children can be given pills starting at the age of five.

Liquid form "Ambrobene" - the solution can beused both for inhalation and inside. It is a colorless transparent liquid with no odor. The drug is released in a dark glass vial with a dropper and a wrap-around lid, a measuring cup is attached. Drain solution for internal use with plenty of water. For dosing use measuring cup, as described above. The medicine can be given to children up to two years, but not more than twice a day, 1 ml.

Ambrobene solution

Another drug release form"Ambrobene" - gelatin capsules containing white granules inside. They should be taken immediately after eating and try to drink more water, which contributes to the dilution and release of sputum. Children under 12 years old cannot give capsules.

Препарат "Амбробене" имеет и противопоказания:sensitivity, pregnancy (I term), gastric ulcer, epilepsy, renal failure. With caution should take the drug to people suffering from diseases of the liver and kidneys. In this case, it is recommended to increase the interval between taking the medicine or reduce the dose.

Side effects are rare. Possible headache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, weakness. Severe headache and weakness may occur if Ambrobene solution is administered quickly.

The drug must be taken before the complete disappearance of all symptoms. Possible transition to another form, if it is more rational according to the doctor.