Pea, a plant of the legume family, ismost ancient cultivated vegetable. People have long known what useful peas are, and it is used not only for cooking food, but also used in medicine. His homeland is considered to be China, India and the countries of the Middle East. The ancient Romans fed slaves with simple and nutritious pea soup, a little later they learned about it in the Mediterranean and Europe. Peas on the table among the Spaniards, French and Germans became traditional and popular. During the time of the Baptism of Russia, we also learned about him from us, he became an excellent alternative to meat during fasting.
Голландцы еще в 17 веке культивировали новый сорт pea - cerebral, he was distinguished by an increased amount of sugar, quickly ripened and was very delicate in taste. Until today, this variety remains the best for canning, it is the most common and consumed pea. Useful properties of this legume consist in a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins, salts, starch. The most common varieties of peas are sugar, which is eaten completely with a pod, cerebral, which has already been mentioned, and shelling, the most high-calorie and starchy variety, which is dried and used only in cooked form.
Is pea useful?
Definitely yes!It is endowed with many necessary valuable substances and is well absorbed by the body. Pea croup has a therapeutic and preventive effect, strengthens blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, reduces the risk of malignant tumors and heart disease. Peas, whose beneficial properties also consist in a cosmetological effect, heal boils and boils, while pea flour makes rejuvenating facial masks, removes age spots and whitens freckles. Proteins contained in peas contain amino acids the same as in meat, as well as vitamins B, PP, carotene, starch and fiber. Its nutritional value is higher than many other vegetables and even potatoes.
The advantage of peas is that it is almostdoes not lose useful properties during heat treatment. Due to the low calorie content of green peas it is used in dietology, it restores digestion and improves the metabolic processes in the body. Peas, having a slight diuretic effect, helps to remove stones from the gall bladder, remove toxins and general cleansing of the whole body. Nicotinic acid, which is part of it, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol, and antioxidants - the risk of a heart attack, cancer.
The use of peas in food.
From peas, nourishing and very tasty vegetables, peoplelearned how to cook a wide variety of lenten dishes - salads, vinaigrettes, appetizers. It is used in soups, porridges, side dishes, added to the fillings of pies and pies, made from it casseroles and pancakes. One of the most nutritious and traditional pea dishes is pea puree. It is used as a side dish, and as an independent dish. An important advantage of such legumes as peas, the useful properties of which are already known, is its low price and long shelf life. Dry peas are stored in a dark place almost forever, unless insects or mold are produced in it, of course.
Contraindications to the use of peas.
Pea is contraindicated for people suffering from gout,nephritis and inflammatory processes in the intestine and stomach. When a stomach ulcer can be consumed, but only in the form of well-cooked mashed potatoes. It is possible to prevent intestinal distention after ingestion of pea dishes by adding bread and carrots to them.
Undoubtedly, the most useful and healing isfresh green peas freshly plucked from the bed. But you can freeze the peas, the beneficial properties of which will remain virtually unchanged. It can and should be eaten regularly, because it is an irreplaceable source of protein of plant origin.