Чтобы поставить верный диагноз, врачи назначают various studies. Among them is a blood test. It helps to determine the level of protein, which is considered an indicator of the exact state of the human body. C-reactive protein, along with the general acts as a catalyst for biochemical reactions occurring in the human body.
Чтобы вовремя выявить инфекцию, онкологическое disease, liver and kidney disease, metabolic disorders in the body, doctors are conducting a blood test for the presence of protein in it. It is with the help of protein that immunity is formed, useful substances are transported to various organs of the body. The serum contains a common and c-reactive protein. Their level indicates the level of health of a person.
СРБ (с-реактивный белок) – это такой компонент blood, a kind of marker that reacts most acutely to all kinds of inflammatory processes and tissue damage. Normally, the serum of this protein should be less than five milligrams per liter. But if the biochemical analysis showed that the c-reactive protein is positive, this indicates that a bacterial infection has entered the body, a chronic disease has become aggravated, a tumor grows or there is an inflammation of some organ. It is from the c-reactive protein that the state of immunity depends. After all, it increases a person's defense response to various infections. When biochemical analysis reveals an increased c-reactive protein, this indicates the onset of a serious illness. Such an analysis helps to prescribe the right treatment, determine the doctor, whether it is necessary to prescribe the patient an antibiotic or better to cancel it. But when the level of c-reactive protein in the blood is reduced (less than ten milligrams per liter), then the need for antibiotic is no longer needed.
If a healthy person in the blood serum abruptlywent up with a-reactive protein, additional tests should be prescribed. His rise above twenty mg / l indicates a dangerous illness. After all, if a c-reactive protein is raised, it is a signal that a hidden inflammatory process begins in the body or a serious disease develops (infarction, atherosclerosis, thromboembolism, ischemic stroke, atherothrombosis, etc.). With endocarditis, fungal, viral, bacterial, parasitic and other infections, with multiple myeloma, peritonitis, oncology and tuberculosis, too, the level of c-reactive protein in the blood serum increases. The same happens in the blood and after severe surgical interventions.
Любое изменение состава кровяной сыворотки – a decrease or increase in the level of protein - should be monitored, since human health depends on this. To qualitatively carry out such research, a modern highly sensitive latex agglutination technique was developed. It allows using the newest reagents in time to identify the disease and begin its treatment at an early stage, as well as not to start a chronic disease. With the help of this method, the inflammatory process in the body and the effectiveness of its treatment are monitored.
And what is a common protein?This is the total concentration of globulins and albumins in the blood. An increase in the level of the total protein signals an exacerbation of chronic or early acute diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, even malignant neoplasm. With a lowered index of the total protein, pancreas, intestines, liver, kidneys, etc. develop. If a person is hungry, experiences strong physical exertion, the amount of total protein in the blood serum also decreases.
Крайне важно для определения количества белка в blood (both general and c-reactive) to undergo regular examination, especially if there is a predisposition to various diseases or poor heredity.