/ / Human anatomy: pedicle fossa

Human Anatomy: Pedicle Fossa

The subfamily fossa is small in size and narrow, but relatively wide in diameter. In anatomy it is known as "fossa infratemporalis".

abscess of the inframammary fossa

general information

The pendulum is formed from above thanks toa bone coming from the movable crest, or, more precisely, adjacent to the wing on the larger side. In front the zone is in contact with the upper jaw, adjacent to its posterior tubercle. From the sphenoid bone is an education called lateral. It forms the medial wall of the region under consideration. But from below and outside the organ is not bound by any bone. On the side, the inframammary fossa ends near the lower jaw.

The nearest neighbor of the crenellated fossa is also a fossa, butcalled the pterygo-palatine. It is a gap resembling a funnel, and begins where the pit is deepening at the point of approaching the walls of the median and confining the front.

In this zone, the temple muscle, nerves, vessels, and also the muscle, called the wing-lateral muscle, are partially present. All this provides a connection between the pterygoal fossa and the eye cavities.

infratemporal fossa

Temporal and temporal

The close neighbor of the region under consideration is the temporalfossa. It is located near the zygomatic arch. The area is limited by the line of the temple from above, and the parietal bone plays the role of the medial wall in the lower part. Partially the temporal fossa is formed by:

- sphenoid bone;

- temporal bone;

- cheekbone.

The temporal fossa is defined from one side by the zygomatic arch, and from below is formed by a dorsal crest.

The temporal and transverse fovea are located close,while the second is under the first one. It communicates with the cranial fossa due to a spinous, oval hole. For the contact with the pterygoid palatine, a wing-upper jaw slot is provided.


Подвисочная ямка может быть поражена инфекцией, penetrated through the lower boundary, because it is rather conditional. Anatomically the fovea is in contact with the chewing space and cheeks. Absence of isolation on this side allows the infected cells of the eye sockets, cheeks, and other pits to quickly infect the transverse.

Абсцесс подвисочной ямки инициируются a periostitis that appeared at the level of the upper molars. Since this disease affects the fatty lump of the cheek, the first thing that affects the dorsal fossa is the fossa.

Venous sinusitis affects the inframammary fossa due to contact with the pterygoid venous plexus, through which the infection comes from the orbit.

From the infiltrate fossa, the infection moves on to:

  • the brain;
  • of the pharyngeal region;
  • hard shell of the brain.


The phlegmon of the inframammary fossa and the pterygoid palatine are diagnosed jointly because of the close contact of the affected spaces.

Phlegmon is an inflammatoryprocess zone, coupled with purulent discharge, severe pain. Infection of the fossa affects the affected area over time, causing severe intoxication of the body.

For the inframammary fossa is characterized by a weakinflammatory jaw contracture. The patient is recorded high fever and severe headache. After 48 hours, a tumor develops, an edema leading to exophthalmos.

temporal and transverse fossa

Treatment phlegmon - operative, emergency.If you are late with surgical intervention, the space near the pharynx is damaged, which makes speech difficult, breathing becomes difficult, it becomes almost impossible to swallow.

The operation is performed by opening the oral cavity in itsvestibule, producing a 2-3 cm incision in the region of the upper molars. Applying the curved clamp, open the way through the transverse to the pterygoid-palatine fossa, allowing the exudate to calmly flow out. In simpler cases, when the abscess is at this level, such an operation is sufficient, a cure occurs. In the event that the infection struck the peripheral zone, the surgeon performs a percutaneous incision from under the jaw.