/ Properties of the preparation Zinerit. Analogs means

Properties of the preparation Zinerit. Analogs means

Beautiful, clean, smooth skin is alwaysa subject of admiration. And to achieve such results, you should certainly carefully take care of it, especially in adolescence, when the body undergoes hormonal changes. One of the best and most effective remedies is Zinerit, its analogues are Baziron, Differin, and Skinoren Gel.This article details the properties and application of Zinerit, as well as other pharmacological agents that help in the fight against acne.

The drug "Zinerit" for the treatment of acne

This remedy is aimed at treating acne,which can not be treated with cosmetic methods. It belongs to the group of combined antibiotics, the main constituents of the substance are zinc acetate and erythromycin. The medicine "Zinerit" is excellent for all those who have oily skin prone to inflammation. It is produced in liquid and powder forms, and a solvent consisting of ethanol-alcohol and sebactate of di-isopropyl is also separately applied.

Zinerit analog
"Zener" has anti-inflammatory,antibacterial and comedolytic action. The antibiotic erythromycin actively fights against various bacteria that cause acne. And thanks to zinc acetate, the secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands is significantly reduced. Use even in the most neglected cases means "Zenerit", an analogue of this drug on the effectiveness in pharmacology is quite difficult to find. The results after its use are already noticeable after a couple of weeks, and regular use for three months will completely eliminate acne. And yet, at the beginning of the treatment period, you should consult a dermatologist, since the occurrence of acne can be caused not only by bacteria, but also by a dangerous subcutaneous mite.
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Instructions for use

Liquid must be combined before use.in a bottle of dry powder, then shake well. Apply the product to the affected skin, for this purpose a special applicator is provided, which comes in combination with the preparation. To obtain an effective result, the medicine "Zenerit" is used twice a day, this is in the morning and immediately before bedtime. When applying makeup, it is necessary to use the product before this procedure, but it is best to abandon cosmetics for the period of treatment. With a visible clinical effect, reduce the application to once per day. A very powerful tool in the treatment of acne is the drug "Zener", its analogue from other manufacturers is almost impossible to find. Although modern pharmacology offers various options for drugs that can be used for acne, given the individual characteristics.

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Analogs "Zinerita"

Highly effective remedy in the fight againstAcne is the drug "Zener", which analogues in some cases can be drugs with a similar effect. So, the gel "Baziron" has an excellent antimicrobial effect, is able to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and open the pores. But which is better - "Baziron" or "Zener" - it is difficult to judge, since everything will depend on the complexity and nature of acne eruptions. Cream or gel "Differin", which contains adapalen, has a good destructive effect on comedones. But the cheap analogue of "Zenerit" can be prepared at home. For talkers take tablets "Erythromycin" and "Acetylsalicylic acid" in equal parts, crushed to a powder and pour spirit tincture of calendula.