/ / Medicine "Pyrogenal". Instructions for use

The medicine "Pyrogenal". Instructions for use

Свечи "Пирогенал" относятся к иммуномодуляторам wide spectrum of exposure. The drug is also available in the form of a solution for injection. The drug has the ability to activate the reticuloendothelial (connective tissue), hypothalamic-pituitary and fibrinolytic (plasmin) system. Describing the drug "Pyrogenal", instructions for use indicate its anti-inflammatory and desensitizing (desensitizing) properties. The drug is used in adjuvant (postoperative) therapy.

Due to the ability to stimulate cells in the phagocytic system, phagocytosis, secretion of oxygen radicals, tumor necrosis factor, synthesis of interleukin-1 and interferon are activated.

Due to the effect of the drug "Pyrogenal" on fibroblasts, the synthesis of collagen is prevented, the maturation of fibrocytes is accelerated.

The drug helps to activate the adrenal cortex, increases the level of hormones.

Лекарство "Пирогенал" инструкция по применению recommends stricture of ureters and urethra and chronic liver pathologies as non-specific therapy. The tool is used for immunorehabilitation and immunoprophylaxis against the background of incomplete recovery after acute viral or bacterial disease. Applies the drug "Pyrogenal" in gynecology for adhesive disease, inflammatory processes in the uterus. The testimony also includes sexually transmitted diseases, burn pathology. The injection solution is additionally used in stimulating regenerative (regenerative) processes associated with diseases or injuries of the nervous system (peripheral and central). Injections "Pyrogenic" recommends that the instructions for use in some allergic diseases (bronchial asthma), diffuse streptoderma of the chronic course, psoriasis and other pathologies.

After injection, along with fever(due to the pyrogenic effect of the drug), there is a decrease and then an increase in the concentration of leukocytes. In addition, the permeability of tissues, the blood-brain barrier, including.

By contraindications to the drug "Pyrogenal" instructions for use include acute febrile conditions, pregnancy, as well as individual intolerance.

As practice shows, along with goodthe clinical effect is also marked by good tolerability of the drug by patients. In particular, this concerns the use of suppositories, which, in addition, are a convenient dosage form.

Candles are intended for direct injection only.bowel (rectal). As a single dose, one suppository per day is recommended. The introduction is carried out on the recommendation of the doctor every day or every other day. The initial dose in a single dose of 50 mg. Daily dosage should not be more than 200 mg. The therapeutic course involves the introduction of from twelve to fifteen suppositories.

When using candles "Pyrogenal" as a monotherapy for immunorehabilitation and immunoprophylaxis, the recommended dosage is 50-100 mcg. Therapeutic course - from five to ten suppositories.

On the recommendation of a physician, the combined use of suppositories and injections of Pyrogenal medication is allowed.

As a rule, the introduction of suppositories is not accompanied by negative effects. In some cases, the temperature may rise to 37-37.6 ° C and minor malaise.

The drug "Pyrogenal" is compatible and sufficientlyIt is well combined with various drugs used in the treatment of the above pathologies, enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents during complex therapy.

Before using the medication is recommended to consult a doctor.