During a cold or viral illnessa person often feels an increase in body temperature. Thus, our body tries to cope with the pathology. However, such situations often arise when the level of the thermometer readings reaches high levels. In this situation, do not panic. You just need to bring down the temperature. This can be done with the help of modern drugs or popular methods. It is about the latter and will be discussed in the article. You will find out what folk remedies are. To bring down the temperature of the child will help a variety of grandmother's recipes. However, it is necessary to approach their choice very carefully.
Should I churn the temperature?
Before you learn how to bring the temperature downchild folk remedies need to be said about the permissible norms and boundaries. Most viruses and bacteria die at a body temperature of 38 degrees. That is why, lowering the level of the thermometer to reach this mark, you give the disease every chance of further progression. Doctors strongly recommend the use of antipyretics, including folk only if the value is above 38.5 grams.
However, regarding this rule it is worth makinga reservation. If a person does not tolerate a fever (there is a strong weakness, clouding of consciousness, pain), then it is better not to allow high values. When it comes to a child prone to convulsions, the temperature should be brought down from 37.5 degrees. In this case, you can use drugs or folk remedies.
To bring down the temperature in a child - is it possible?
The most effective means to eliminatefevers are medications. They may be in the form of tablets, suspensions, powders, injections or suppositories. Such a variety of choices is offered for the convenience of patients. However, not all parents want to give their child drugs. Many mothers and fathers try to resort to grandmother's recipes and use folk remedies.
To bring down the temperature in a child with their help.But you should first figure out what kind of fever you are dealing with. When a child has a hotter body, including limbs, this is a normal increase in body temperature. In this case, the skin may acquire a reddish tint. When detecting icy extremities and pale tissues of the body, this is the so-called white fever. At this point, there is a spasm of blood vessels and impaired blood flow. Ordinary drugs and grandmothers tools may simply be powerless. Let us consider several ways how to bring down the temperature of a child with folk remedies.
Strip baby
What can be used at people's temperaturefacilities? To reduce the temperature of the child (1 year) will help you banal elimination of excess clothing. Often, in case of illness, parents try to warm their baby. However, this leads to the opposite effect. It is worth remembering that in the first months of life, thermoregulation in children is still not working well. An extra layer of clothing can increase the thermometer by a fraction of a degree.
The room where the child is located should notbe cold The optimum temperature will be 22 degrees. Remove from the baby all the outerwear. You can leave a cotton T-shirt or panties. If you use diapers, then at this point you should refuse them. Absorbent underwear keeps warm, and in your case it needs to be given away. Perhaps this is the safest way to reduce body temperature in young children.
According to many doctors, vodka and vinegar whenfever - the most effective folk remedies. To bring down the temperature in a child with their help, you can pretty quickly. However, there is harm from the ingress of ethanol in the blood. For young children, it is better to use vinegar. After 12 years, the use of vodka for these purposes is permissible. Before you wipe, dilute the selected substance. Otherwise, your baby may get burned.
- Take a glass of clean water and half a glass of vodka. Stir and wipe the baby’s entire body. Pay attention to the inguinal folds, armpits, the inner side of the thigh.
- Add 300 ml of apple cider vinegar to half a liter of water.If you do not have this product, then you can take a table. However, pay attention to concentration. It should not be above 6 percent. Dampen a cloth in the resulting liquid and wipe the body.
Note that the resulting substance should not be rubbed into the body, but only applied to the surface. When rubbed, you can get quite the opposite effect.
Cool bath
What folk remedies to bring down the temperatureto kid? If you have already tried many ways, but nothing helps, then this option will be effective for sure. However, it is necessary to resort to it only in extreme cases.
Type water in the bath.Fluid temperature should be at 37 degrees. Strip the baby and put him in the water. Wait 5 minutes, then wipe the body of the baby dry and wrap it in a blanket. Immediately after the procedure, you will notice a decrease in body temperature to 37-37.5 degrees.
Vitamin C
Каким народным средством можно сбить температуру to kid? One of the most effective means is vitamin C. In large quantities, it not only reduces body temperature, but also improves the functioning of the lymphatic system. This substance also boosts the body's immune defense. Vitamin C is recommended to use even in case of illness with the absence of fever.
A large number of described antipyreticsubstances found in oranges, lemons, parsley. You can use the described ingredients independently or in a processed form. Lemon can make a refreshing drink. To do this, squeeze the juice of one fruit into a liter of water at room temperature. It is worth noting that drinking plenty of water can also significantly reduce body temperature. From parsley allowed cooking decoctions.
Healthy drinks
To reduce the temperature often useherbal teas. This may be sage, chamomile, thyme or another plant. In this case, the substances described not only contribute to the elimination of fever. They also have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, analgesic effect.
Among the healthy drinks that reduce the temperaturecan be identified cranberry and cranberry juice. These products contain large amounts of vitamin C. They increase the body's resistance, have immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action. You can drink them in unlimited quantities. However, the same can not be said about herbs. Some plants can cause allergies when consumed in large doses.
Additional resources
The following products will help reduce the fever in a child or adult:
- honey with milk (also has a soothing and expectorant effect);
- raspberry jam (contains salicylic acid and helps cleanse the body);
- fried onions (effective at the onset of the disease, also helps with coughing);
- tincture of echinacea (significantly improves the immune system and accelerates the healing process).
All described means are effective at a red fever. That it is most common in humans. But what about the white fever? What folk remedies will help in this situation?
What to do with spasm of blood vessels?
As it turned out, in this situation it is also possible to bring down the temperature of a child with folk remedies. Vinegar or vodka pound legs of feet and hands. After that, be sure to wear socks on the baby.
When the limbs become warm, you can proceedto all the above actions. However, if the temperature rises or has already reached 39 oz, immediately call an ambulance. This is a very dangerous situation, and the slightest delay can lead to serious complications. I wish you success!