/ Kolme medicine. Instructions for use and description

The medicine "Kolme". Instructions for use and description

Medication "Colme" instructions for usecharacterizes as a drug that has anti-alcohol effects. The drug helps to increase the concentration of acetaldehyde - a product of the disintegration of ethyl alcohol, provoking sensations of tachycardia, nausea, shortness of breath, hot flushes and others, making alcohol unpleasant. This action leads to aversion to the smell and taste of alcohol. The activity of the drug is noted after forty to sixty minutes after administration and lasts for twelve hours. The drug does not have a hypotensive effect.

how much is the colm


The drug is recommended for the treatment and prevention of recurrence of alcoholism in the chronic stage.

Contra "Kolme"

The medication is not prescribed for severe pathologies.cardiac system, during pregnancy, in diseases of the respiratory and renal systems (with reduced function), hypersensitivity. Not recommended medication during lactation.

Means "Colme". Instructions for use. Adverse reactions

contraindications colme

Taking the medicine does not provoke negativeconsequences if not consumed alcohol. In rare cases, skin rash, drowsiness, fatigue, transient leukocytosis, and tinnitus may occur. When drinking alcoholic beverages, there is a hyperemia of the skin of a pronounced nature, pulsation in the neck and head, difficulty in breathing, tachycardia, nausea. Patients feel tenderness in the chest. There is also blurred vision, collapse state, sweating, weakness increases. In accordance with the amount of alcohol consumed, the severity of side effects.

The medicine "Colme". Instructions for use

Means drink inside. Dosage 36-75 mg (twelve to twenty-five drops) twice a day (with an interval of twelve hours). The duration of therapy is assigned personally.

The drug "Colme". Instructions for use. additional information

Kolme instruction manual

In case of overdose, aggravation of adverse effects is likely.reactions. In case of poisoning with a remedy, standard first aid measures and symptomatic treatment are recommended. In states of overdose, control over the activities of the respiratory system, heart, and liver should be ensured. If necessary, a blood transfusion. The drug is prescribed only after a thorough diagnosis of the patient, warning of complications and the likely consequences. The drug begins to drink no earlier than twelve hours after the last use of alcohol. It should be remembered that side effects may occur when taking alcohol-containing products. Caution in treatment is observed in the presence of diabetes, hyperthyroidism, pathologies of the renal and cardiovascular systems, epilepsy. On the basis of a prolonged therapeutic course, it is recommended to exercise control over the activity of the thyroid gland at least once every six months.

How much is "Colme"

The price of the drug depends on the form of release. The initial cost of the drug - 1048 p.