/ / Rupture of the cruciate ligament of the knee: causes, first aid, treatment

Cruciate ligament fracture of the knee: causes, first aid, treatment

Травмой, которая может произойти в любом месте и under various circumstances, is the rupture of the cruciate ligament of the knee. Most often because of such damage to patients, surgical rooms become people leading mobile life, and athletes. Of all the tendons of the knee, the cruciform are most prone to rupture, since they are among the most functional tendons and almost all movements are performed with their participation.

cruciate ligament rupture

Damage rates

The rupture of the cruciate ligament of the knee is obtainedunder the action of a blow or effort directed behind the knee joint, with the tibia turned inward in a bent position. The injury is sometimes accompanied by fractures of the bones in the joints with the tendons, which affects the treatment procedure. Severe injuries include the rupture of both cruciate ligaments in combination with two lateral tendons and the articular capsule, the consequences are manifested in the appearance of a “loose” joint and the inability to use the leg when walking. The classification of ligament injuries is as follows:

  • к первой степени относят растяжения продолжения tendons and microscopic fiber injuries, discomfort is pain, redness of the knee, some swelling, a slight restriction of mobility;
  • the second degree includes numerous breaks in the fibers, all the symptoms described earlier appear more acute, the joint partially moves;
  • the third degree is characterized by a complete rupture of the muscle, there is a sharp severe pain, an extensive hematoma appears, swelling, it is impossible to rely on the sore leg, the joint is relaxed.

Medical examination

The injured limb is examined by a specialist.- Traumatologist, he decides whether surgery is necessary on the knee, depending on the severity of the injury. The initial study is to conduct a survey of the victim and palpation of the knee joint.

bruised knee what to do

The second stage is the ray diagnosis,This results in lateral and direct projection X-ray prints. In some cases, computed tomography is used to better view bones. Clear visualization of ligaments, muscles look at magnetic resonance imaging. After that, the effects of the injury are determined with a high degree of accuracy.

The doctor performs the Lachman test, which isthat the patient is placed on his back and covering the back of the thigh with his right palm. The left hand smoothly tighten the proximal part of the leg forward. The conclusion about the degree of destruction of the cruciate muscles is made based on the possibility of pushing the joint forward and on how the swollen knee looks.

Symptoms of ignored knee injury

Sometimes injured patients do notpay attention to the change in the behavior of the joint when walking. If the degree of damage is mild, then the instability of the joint passes with time. Ignoring the symptom leads to the development of arthritis of the joint even at middle and early age. After a short time, the patient turns to the doctor with a severe swelling of the tissues adjacent to the knee. The swollen knee should be freed from joint fluid.

Anterior ligament rupture leads tohemarthrosis, accompanied by the ingress of blood clots into the internal articular cavity. This consequence of inattention to health is characterized by severe pain, which makes it impossible for a specialist to conduct an examination by palpation.

Cruciate ligament rupture in front of the knee

The function of the tendon muscle is to protectjoint from flexing in the opposite direction. An injury is caused by a situation where a person firmly fixes a foot with a shin, but a circular outward thrust is required. The impact belongs to the indirect type, as well as landing after an unsuccessful jump. The indirect effect on the knee joint becomes a consequence of movement in team sports.

knee surgery

The second type - a direct hit - refers to those caseswhen rupture of the cruciate ligament of the knee occurs when the destructive action of the object is applied or when it falls. Sports such as hockey and baseball are typical of such injuries. A rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee is a serious injury and is treated by a specialist. The use of conservative methods does not always lead to positive results, almost all patients have swelling and increased pain after the measures taken.

Cruciate posterior ligament injury

This tendon muscle is located behind the anteriorcruciate ligament. Her damage is less common, since nature has well protected the bundle. The reasons for the rupture of the posterior ligament are a strong frontal impact on the knee or shin. Such strikes are found in case of accidents, road accidents, sports competitions. If there is a suspicion of rupture of the posterior tendon, check the working condition of the half-lateral angle (posterior external joint). In more than 50% of cases, fracture of the bone and posterior rupture of the cruciate ligament of the knee are combined. Treatment is complicated by the restoration of two body systems.

Recognition of the posterior ligament rupture

A characteristic symptom is a small subluxation.tibia in posterior position, it can be clearly seen on x-rays. In this case, the ultrasound does not show the severity of the problem. The patient experiences pain in the knee, tissue edema develops, movement of the joint when walking becomes unnatural, a feeling of emptiness and instability in the knee appears.

Conservative treatment of back muscle tear

В отличие от переднего крестовидного сухожилия, rear treatment has a positive trend. Restoration of the cruciate ligament of the knee requires fixed fixation of the quadriceps femoral muscle, which performs the function of the movement of the leg. If only the tearing of the back ligament is observed, then the patient is independently engaged in rehabilitation, making a set of elementary exercises.

Rehabilitation gymnastics is simple, but it is performed continuously, the doctor gives the exercises. Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesic drugs, diuretics.

Surgical intervention in the posterior ligament rupture

Surgical intervention is determined byimplantation of a prosthesis made of synthetic material or the introduction of grafts. Stitching ligaments do not, because this procedure is ineffectual. The surgeon works with a damaged knee only in case of a simultaneous fracture or rupture of accompanying nodes. If there is a partial tear or sprain, then treatment is carried out as rehabilitation after injuries.

cruciate ligament rupture treatment

Treatment of cruciate ligament tears in the posterior and anterior disposition

Для удаления кровяных сгустков из внутренней areas of the joint make blood sampling with the help of the injection. They are convinced of the mobility which has remained after this procedure, exclude a gap of a meniscus and impose gypsum.

The foot in a fixed position is aboutmonths, then go on therapeutic massage, physical education and physiotherapy methods, finally curing the fracture of the cruciate ligament of the knee. Rehabilitation takes about 3-4 months, the opportunity to work is restored.

Knee surgery is not done immediately afterinjuries, as there is a risk of complications in the joint. They resort to urgent surgical intervention only if the injury caused splitting and tearing of the bone tissue. Then this part is attached to the main bone and lay plaster.

trauma rehabilitation

First actions in case of injury

The person is placed in a prone position.The injured leg is placed using the pads so that the sore joint is above the level of the body. This situation creates an outflow of fluid and blood from the problem area. Use any means to cool the knee, it is ideal to use an ice compress for two hours.

If there is a fracture of the cruciate ligament of the knee,timely assistance will prevent the occurrence of subsequent complications, facilitate the treatment process. It is very difficult for a non-specialist to diagnose before the arrival of the doctor, therefore, if there is an assumption that there is no gap, and the patient has been stretched, all precautions should be taken, as for breaking.

Quick help with knee bruise

If the patient has hurt her knee, what to do in suchcase? The first minutes after the injury solve a lot in the further restoration of the joint's performance. If the injury occurred on the street, they call an ambulance, and before her arrival, they take the first steps to reduce edema. The patient is seated on a hill, for example, a bench, and they try to place any objects under the leg of the patient so that the limb is as high as possible.

Apply ice to the problem area ifpatient bruised knee. What if there is no ice? Cold objects are useful: glass jars, bottles - it is desirable to cool them with water at short intervals. Cooling will create a local constriction of the blood vessels and reduce the spread of edema, hemorrhage.

rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee

Профилактических мер от ушибов колена not enough, the injury always happens unexpectedly, so first aid plays a pivotal role. Some people do not attach any importance to this, the bruise disappears, but sometimes after a few years, problems with joint mobility begin due to gradually developing complications.

Kneecap Injury Treatment

In case of severe injury, puncture is performed.remove accumulated blood and fluid. For pain relief, pain relievers such as Analgin, Diclofenac, Dolarin, Ketanov, and others are used. Lubrication of the joint with bruises ointments produces a distracting effect. Impose a fixing support bandage, which does not restrict movement completely, only contributes to the protection of the weakened joint from excessive loads.

The use of therapeutic exercises

Exercise and exercise help completelyrestore the cruciate ligament of the knee. Symptoms of severe damage go away, and the time of the recovery period comes. The condition for the start of classes is the cessation of pain. They do it regularly, 2-3 times a day, all exercises are done 10 times each. The main exercises are:

  • extension and bending movements of the knee joint, which with a slight injury do with the load, but do not load the ligaments prematurely after rupture;
  • the method of static tension of the hip and ankle muscles is used to increase the tone and stimulate blood circulation as rehabilitation after injuries;
  • To strengthen the muscles of the lower leg, foot rotation is used from side to side;
  • two weeks after getting injured, they perform simple squattings against the wall, while their knees look forward, their backs are straight;
  • the next exercise is lifting socks to maximize the calf muscles;

cruciate ligament fracture symptoms

  • Exercises in the third month after injury are performed with burdening, they take small dumbbells in their hands, squatting is performed in a lower position;
  • training will be a slow walk on the steps and classes on the exercise bike.
  • make daily walks, the distance is determined individually, depending on the state of health.

Injuries happen unexpectedly, but treatit needs to be taken seriously; one should not neglect the stretching of the ligament or the bruise for the sake of workload at work or other matters. Improper treatment and incomplete rehabilitation become an obstacle to the normal functioning of the joint in subsequent years and provide a restriction of movement in old age.