/ / Cervical osteochondrosis - gymnastics and treatment

Cervical osteochondrosis - gymnastics and treatment

Cervical osteochondrosis is an inflammatory disease of the spinal bones of the cervical spine. Previously, it arose mainly after 35-45 years. But relatively recently it has become much younger.

Cervical osteochondrosis - gymnastics

Причинами заболевания может быть heredity, sedentary lifestyle, uncomfortable posture (sitting at a computer monitor, etc.), metabolic diseases, because of which the blood supply and nutrition of tissues are deteriorated.

The essence of osteochondrosis is the deformation of the intervertebral discs, their painful changes, delamination, reduction in height. Then intervertebral joints and adjacent vertebrae are involved in this process.

Aching, constricting (sometimes burning) pains in the back andlateral parts of the neck, head, shoulder blade and shoulder, difficulty in moving the head, numbness of the hands, depression and irritability characterize cervical osteochondrosis. Gymnastics - the first thing that comes to mind with these symptoms. After all, almost everyone sooner or later comes the desire to get in shape. To do this, people are engaged in fitness and sports, but if you do not take into account a number of rules, those who have cervical osteochondrosis, gymnastics can be quite difficult task.
In acute pain, exercise is not recommended. Gymnastics and other physical activity should be stopped until the pain goes away.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis
How to treat cervical osteochondrosis in this period?

The treatment is mainly aimed at stoppingpain syndrome and the prevention of the onset of dystrophic processes in the structures of the spine. Therapeutic measures that are aimed at getting rid of pain, often include cryotherapy, reflexology or the use of drugs that cause anesthesia, hyperemia, with anti-inflammatory effect.

Когда отступила боль, которую вызвал шейный osteochondrosis, gymnastics - the most effective way to restore the previous position of the vertebrae. These exercises are quite simple and do not require supernatural efforts.
1. Stand up straight, relax your muscles and lower your arms.After that, gently turn your head to the right, then to the left. Repeat 15 times. If you suddenly feel dizzy or faint, stop doing it, sit down and try to return to your normal state. Drink water or go outside. This side effect often comes from too sudden movements and appears if you have cervical osteochondrosis. Gymnastics - perfectly helps to fight its manifestations.
2The following exercise, called the turtle, is quite well known to all those suffering from cervical osteochondrosis. Stand straight, relax, tilt your head back as far as possible. After that, slowly and carefully tilt your head forward. Your chin should be tightly pressed against your chest. The total number of repetitions - 15 times. When performing after the chin is pressed to the chest, slowly slide it down. The lower the better. Do not be afraid of tension in the neck - this is normal.
3In order to perform another exercise, you must sit down on a chair, arms down to the sides, then lift your shoulders as high as possible. Hold this position for about 10 seconds, then relax and take a deep breath. It is recommended to do 15 repetitions.

Cervical osteochondrosis

4.If these exercises are not enough, and you want to do everything possible, then fold your hands in the lock behind your head, then tilt it back, and your hands should act as a spring that does not allow it. Achieve an optimal position, after sitting for 10 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat. This exercise gives a significant load on the spine, so it is not recommended to perform it more than 5 times a day.

Perform these exercises regularly and success in the treatment of osteochondrosis is guaranteed.