/ / How dangerous is the presence of caseous traffic jams in the throat?

How dangerous is the presence of caseous congestion in the throat?

With pain and discomfort in the throat, it was necessary thoughwould face each, probably, every time. Banal, it would seem, cold causes swelling of the mucous membranes of the inflamed pharynx. Nerve endings become more and more irritated, tickling arises, pain appears. An acute process with strong immunity is treated quickly in normal (home) conditions by rinsing. But not always self-treatment ends safely. Often begins the development of diseases of the pharynx, as laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and already in a chronic form. Among the symptoms of these diseases can be identified the feeling of coma in the throat, the smell of rot going from the mouth, an unpleasant taste. If you try to look at the throat in front of the mirror, on the side walls you can see yellowish cheesy tiny lumps. This caseous traffic jams in the throat. Photos are presented in the article.

Caseous traffic jams

Is it dangerous?

This is worth mentioning separately.The presence of caseous traffic jams usually indicates tonsillitis, and the acute form often, in the absence of proper and correct treatment, becomes chronic, which is subsequently reflected on the kidneys, heart, and on the composition of the blood as a whole. In very advanced cases, you can even talk about blood poisoning.

Caseous caps in the throat photo
Perpetrators of problems (caseous traffic jams) ofpalatine tonsils (in common - glands) as a result of accumulation of lymphoid tissue. And only a small part of the formations is visible, the rest is hidden in the depths. Even a person who is far from medicine understands how serious the process of inflammation can actually be. The presence of purulent caseous jams speaks of squamous epithelia, "dead" leukocytes, and accumulations of dangerous putrefactive microbes.

To treat or not to treat?

Sometimes the patient is offered radical measures, andit is tonsillectomy. Palatine tonsils are surgically removed. However, this measure is extreme, since it leads to the disruption of the natural protective mechanisms of the pharynx and disruption of the anatomy as a whole. In addition, the removal of the tonsils further complicates the treatment of virtually all colds.

Caseous plugs from the tonsils
The formation of caseous traffic jams - a protective reactionthe body to penetrate from the nose of the infection, and an increase in lymph nodes, in turn, indicate the degree of aggressiveness of these infections. Removal of the tonsils increases the threat to the lungs, the throat becomes many times drier, and the pain during inflammation is stronger. And this whole set is guaranteed to accompany you for life. Cutting tonsils will reduce the protective activity of the body. An attempt at mechanical erasure (or scraping) leads to even more irritation. This does not exactly solve the problem, as it causes new growth of pus accumulations.

Visible to the root

In many hospitals, the disease is treatedwashing with special preparations, sea salt, herbal extracts. Sometimes such measures help. But it is worth remembering that the problem lies in the diseases of the nose, not the throat, because it spreads infection, leading to the appearance of caseous traffic jams. Treatment should begin by removing the source of the infection. Therefore, it is necessary to begin with the nose. Selection of medicines is highly individual and is prescribed by a doctor.