/ Testosterone in the pharmacy: review and prices. Testosterone Testimonials

Testosterone in the pharmacy: an overview and prices. Testimonials about testosterone preparations

Normal testosterone levels are very important.for men's health. This hormone provides a normal sex life and eliminates the development of pathological processes in the prostate gland. With age, testosterone levels decrease. Therefore, it is necessary to take additional medications to replenish its stock in the body. There are many drugs that affect the production of this hormone. Preparations for men have a good effect on the body and help in a short period to achieve a positive therapeutic effect. Testosterone in the pharmacy can be presented in several versions. The most popular tools will be described below.

Drug "Nebido"

This is an androgenic medication depot form.It has a fairly high price. In Russia, the medical facility "Nebido" costs about 4,000 rubles. Available in amber glass ampoules. Introduced medication intramuscularly. The color of the product is transparent, with a slight yellowness, it has an oily base. The main substance of the drug is testosterone undecanoate.

testosterone in the pharmacy
In 1 ml of the drug there is 250 mg of the hormone.Auxiliary components are castor oil, benzyl benzoate. The drug is administered once every two weeks, one gram. With such a regimen in the body, testosterone will be normal. It is necessary to do an injection slowly. Before using the drug "Nebido" it is recommended to warm it up a little. In its composition, it has castor oil. Used to treat adult men only. There are some side effects. Most often the drug causes acne and pain at the injection site.

Indications for use

First of all it is testosterone deficiency.in primary and secondary hypogonadism in men. Thanks to this remedy, low testosterone replacement therapy is provided. This medication should not be prescribed for cancer of the prostate and / or glands, hypercalcemia, pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

testosterone drugs for men
It is not recommended to use the drug "Nebido" with a tendency to apnea and hypersensitivity. Testosterone preparations have a rather strong effect on male potency.

Medicine "Testosterone Propionate"

The pharmacy will be able to buy it for 400 rubles.This is an androgenic agent based on testosterone esters. It has an effect on the development and function of the external genital organs, testes, prostate gland. Normalizes sex life, stimulates the production of sperm.

Dosage is prescribed individually.It depends on the severity of the disease and its course. With the combined use of anti-TB drugs and barbiturates, the effect of the drug Testosterone Propionate decreases. When treating with this remedy, side effects may occur. Testosterone in the pharmacy can be presented in other ways. It should pick up tools that have a similar composition.

Indications, contraindications and side effects of the drug

There are a number of side effects.These are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tremor, coarsening of the voice, increased growth of facial hair, increased body weight. Indications for the introduction of funds are replacement therapy for primary and secondary hypogonadism, male menopause, oligospermia, menopause in women, breast cancer, uterine myoma.

Contraindications to drug treatment are consideredprostate cancer, mastopathy, kidney and liver disease, old age in men, age up to 18 years. If androgen-dependent side effects are detected, the medicine should be discontinued for a short time, and then continue to be taken in smaller doses.

testosterone drugs
When using the medication, you need to monitor the pressure in hypertensive patients and in people with heart disease. Testosterone preparations for men are not addictive and can be used for a long time.

Sustanon Solution

Androgenic drug.It has a fairly large cost in pharmacies in Russia. Its price ranges from 2000 rubles. Available in ampoules with a yellow colored oil solution. The main substance of the drug - testosterone propionate. Auxiliary components are peanut butter, benzyl alcohol and nitrogen.

testosterone boosters in the pharmacy
The tool normalizes testosterone levels inblood, which affects the growth and development of the male body. The medicine "Sustanon" is introduced deep into the muscle. Most often, prescribe 1 ml of the drug once every three weeks. But the dose may vary and be more or less. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person. With prolonged treatment, priapism may occur. Testosterone in the pharmacy is available without a prescription.

The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy andlactation. Do not buy testosterone in a pharmacy for cancer of the prostate and breast, with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. Do not prescribe a remedy for children under 3 years. Chronic kidney and liver diseases are also contraindications. It is not recommended to prescribe medication for hypertrophy of the prostate gland with symptoms of urinary retention.

Store the medicine at a temperature not higher than 30 degrees in a dark place.


Androgenic drug.The price of testosterone in this form is 2000 rubles. One pack contains 10 vials of solution. The agent is used for intramuscular administration. The drug is available in the form of a transparent and oily liquid yellow. The main substance in the composition - testosterone propionate. The hormone is associated with blood proteins by almost 100%. The drug is administered in a dosage of 1 ml once a month.

testosterone propionate in a pharmacy
During pregnancy and breastfeeding is nottreatment with this remedy is recommended. Cannot be taken together with anti-tuberculosis and sedatives. Joint admission will reduce the effect of the medicine Omnadren. Side effects in women can be dysmenorrhea, increased growth of facial hair, weight gain. In men, priapism, a violation of spermatogenesis. Boys develop early puberty and rapid closure of the pituitary bones.

Reviews of experts on the use of drugs based on testosterone

Doctors say that any hormone therapyhas its advantages and disadvantages. Buying testosterone boosters in the pharmacy to build muscle or increase sexual potential is undesirable. It is necessary to use medicines strictly according to the purpose. Experts say that testosterone drugs for men often cause side effects. Consumer feedback mentions the same.