/ / Paypal biopsy: what is it? Paypel-biopsy: result, consequences, reviews

Paypel biopsy: what is it? Paypel-biopsy: result, consequences, reviews

Women throughout their lives have notonce undergo various examinations. One of the modern types of diagnostics is a pipe-biopsy. What it is? This question arises in almost every woman who is prescribed a study. It is about him and will be discussed in the article. You will be introduced to a new type of examination called a pipe biopsy. What it is? The answer will be presented to your attention below. You will also learn what the procedure has consequences and results.

pipel biopsy what is it

Paypel biopsy: what is it?

This manipulation is sometimes calledaspiration biopsy. Unlike other types of research, such as hysteroscopy, diagnosis does not require hospitalization and anesthesia. The procedure of sampling is carried out on an outpatient basis and takes no more than one minute. Much longer is the preparation for the study.

Peipel biopsy - what is it?Every modern gynecologist can answer this question. The doctor will tell you that an aspiration biopsy is performed using a special device, the pipe. This is where the name of the diagnosis comes from.

In the process of manipulation ...

Such diagnostics as a pipe biopsy,assigned to women with suspicion of various diseases. It is also produced among nulliparous women who cannot bear a child for a long time. Diagnoses such as uterine fibroids, endometritis, metritis, hyperplasia can be made using this procedure.

In the process of researching a woman is doing localanesthesia. Drugs that suppress the contractility of the muscular organs can also be used. Before the introduction of the pipe, the doctor carefully treats the vagina and cervical canal with antiseptics. Then a tube is inserted into the woman's body towards the uterus. Reaching the desired depth, the doctor begins to slowly pull the piston from the tool. As a result of this action, negative pressure is created. Particles of the endometrium are separated from the walls of the organ and fall into the pipel. After that, the doctor slowly removes the device and releases the patient.

after pipel biopsy

Pipel biopsy: research result

When manipulation is done, the resulting materiallowered into the liquid medium. In this state, the particles of the endometrium and the mucous membrane of the uterus are delivered to the laboratory. This is where the main diagnosis is made. For this lab technicians use a microscope.

The result a woman can get after just oneweek after manipulation. However, in some laboratories specified other terms. It is worth noting that in private clinics the result comes a little faster than in public institutions. However, for this research you have to pay.

After the pipe biopsy is worth going withthe result to the doctor. Only a doctor can correctly decipher the data and, if necessary, prescribe a treatment for you. As a result, the most diverse information can be indicated. Usually, doctors write about what was discovered during the study period. These are particles of the endometrium, bacteria, fungi, various sticks and so on. If a woman has a benign or malignant tumor, polyps, then this is also all indicated. Do not try to interpret the result yourself. Ask for help from experts.

pipel biopsy reviews

Consequences of the diagnosis

Paypel biopsy consequences usually hasinsignificant. The doctor always warns the patient about the possibility of mild pain in the lower abdomen. Also, some patients report that there is a slight discharge from the genital tract. They appear due to damage to the mucous layer of the uterus. The duration of bleeding should not exceed two days. Otherwise, we are already talking about a complication that requires immediate medical intervention.

The most dangerous consequence of diagnosis isperforation of the uterus. However, subject to all rules of conduct, it is almost impossible. If there was a puncture of the reproductive organ, then the woman begins to feel unbearable pain in the abdomen, the patient's pressure drops, and weakness appears. This pathology requires urgent surgery.

pipel biopsy result

Opinions about the procedure: reviews of patients and doctors

Paypel-biopsy reviews have only positive.Patients say that the procedure is fast. Within a few minutes after the diagnosis, a woman can get up on her own and go about her business. Some of the weaker sex say that for several days they had to use painkillers. Other women report that they did not experience any discomfort after the examination.

Doctors claim that the pipe biopsy onToday is the safest and most accurate survey method. It is prescribed for bleeding of unknown etiology, after miscarriages, before artificial insemination. Indications for the study of a great many. Experts say that the undoubted advantage of the procedure is that the material is taken not from one part of the uterus, but from each wall. This is achieved by creating a negative pressure, whereas a normal biopsy involves the collection of one piece of the mucous wall.

Doctors do not recommend conducting a study during menstruation. Also, contraindications to manipulation are pregnancy and the presence of an inflammatory process.

paypel biopsy effects

Instead of concluding

You learned about a rather new, but already verypopular research method called pipel biopsy. What it is, described in the article. You could get acquainted with the consequences and feedback on the manipulation. If you are assigned such a diagnosis, then know that this is the most accurate, fast and painless way to determine the health status of a woman. Before testing, be sure to take tests for infections and inflammations. Good health and good results!