/ / Which inhaler is better: ultrasonic or compressor. Which inhaler to choose?

Which inhaler is better: ultrasonic or compressor. Which inhaler should I choose?

The benefits of inhalation have long been known.Most people did this procedure at home or in a medical facility. In recent years, many models of electronic inhalers. This allows the sick person not to bother with a boiling kettle and hot pots. But due to the fact that a lot of them, it is quite difficult to decide which is better to choose an inhaler. And it is necessary to be guided in this not only on the price or personal preferences of the appearance, since all models have a different way and efficiency of action. Most patients have long abandoned steam inhalers. After all, they have many contraindications, and it is not always convenient to use them. Therefore, the modern buyer most often has the question: which inhaler is better - ultrasonic or compressor. In order to correctly make a choice, you need to know their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the features of the action.

What is the benefit of inhalation

Why are inhalers bought and why are they inselling so much? This procedure has long been used for any diseases of the respiratory tract, and in recent years, colds and viral infections sometimes become epidemics.

inhalers for children which is better and how to use
People also suffer from allergic cough,asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis are increasingly common. Inhalation helps from all these diseases. They not only reduce inflammation, but also contribute to better expectoration of sputum, and even are a means of preventing viral infections. And the procedure carried out using an inhaler has many advantages:

- much less medicine is used, since it is absorbed better and acts more efficiently;

- thanks to spraying the smallest particles, the drug enters immediately into the respiratory tract, which speeds up recovery;

- they have fewer contraindications than the traditional procedure, they can even be used in infants.

Types of devices

The huge variety presented on the shelves of our stores, confuses many customers. They do not know which is better to choose an inhaler. First of all, you need to figure out what they are.

one.The simplest device is a steam inhaler. According to the method of action, it is the same as the usual many procedures over the saucepan. Therefore, many began to abandon such inhalers. Indeed, besides the fact that they have many contraindications, not everyone will be able to inhale hot steam. Yes, and drugs can be used in it is not all.

2Compressor inhaler (also called a jet). Using a compressor, he breaks the medicinal solution into the smallest particles that, when inhaled, get into the respiratory tract. This device is more effective than steam, it can use a lot of different drugs, but it also has its drawbacks.

3. Ultrasonic inhaler - a more modern and expensive device. It transforms the medicinal solution into steam using ultrasound. This may reduce the effectiveness of certain drugs.

which inhaler is better for a child ultrasound or compressor

four.The most expensive inhaler, which, however, is devoid of the drawbacks of previous models, is a mesh inhaler. It is compact and very effective, but many buyers do not consider purchasing it because of the high price.

What types of inhalers buy most often?

Despite the existence of four different typesdevices, most people choose a compressor inhaler or ultrasonic. Which is better, hard to say. Buyers mainly focus on its price, appearance or manufacturer. But in this way you should not buy a medical device, because its effectiveness will depend not only on the individual characteristics of the patient, his age and the presence of contraindications. For the treatment of various diseases need certain types of inhalers. And in this matter it is best to consult with your doctor.

Fewer buyers pay attention tomesh inhalers because of their high price. They just recently went on sale and have not yet gained popularity. But steam appliances are bought less often due to the limited possibilities of their use. Therefore, the most common question is: which inhaler is better - ultrasonic or compressor. To answer it, you need to consider all the pros and cons of using each type of device.

Advantages of compressor inhalers

  • Suitable for use with any drugs, including antibiotics and hormonal drugs.
  • Can be used several times a day, which is indispensable for people with chronic diseases who need constant treatment.
    compressor or ultrasonic inhaler which is better
  • The device is very simple to use and has a long service life.
  • Can be used for people with any respiratory problems. Also not limited to age - even used for infants.

Disadvantages of compressor inhalers

  • The intensity of the jet of the delivered medication depends on the patient's inhalation strength.
  • Most models are large and network powered.
  • These inhalers make a lot of noise when working, which may interfere with some patients.

The advantages of ultrasonic inhalers

  • Under the action of ultrasound medicinal solutioncrushed to such an extent that it penetrates into the most inaccessible parts of the respiratory tract. Therefore, they are used in diseases of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis and pneumonia).
  • You can use it while the patient is sleeping, and while the child is playing - just put the inhaler next to him, and the procedure will still be effective.
    what better inhaler to choose
  • The device is compact and mobile, as it can run on batteries. This is an advantage for patients with bronchial asthma, who often have to be away from home.
  • It is well perceived by children and seriously ill patients, since it makes almost no noise, is easy to use and safe.

The disadvantages of ultrasonic inhalers

  • Under the influence of ultrasound, somedrugs, so not all of them can be used in this device. For example, treatment with an ultrasonic inhaler with antibiotics and essential oils is not available.
  • Многих при выборе, какой ингалятор лучше purchase - compressor or ultrasonic, confuses the price of this device. It is quite high - more than two thousand rubles. In addition, in addition, you need to buy replaceable bowls, containers for drugs and a special gel.

So which inhaler is better: ultrasonic or compressor?

It depends on how often they will have to use, for what purpose it will be used, how old the patient is, and on some other points.

which inhaler is better to buy a compressor or ultrasound
The most important thing to pay attention to -this is a disease in which the procedure will be applied. You need to know what size the particles of the medicinal solution are obtained in the device, how far into the respiratory tract they penetrate. It is better to consult with your doctor about this. He can advise specifically for you which inhaler is better: ultrasonic or compressor. It depends on the disease and the medication used. For example, if your disease requires regular use of antibiotics or steroids for the procedure, it is better to purchase a compressor. And for children who hardly perceive the mask on the face and the noise from the device, the ideal option would be ultrasound. In addition, when choosing a model of an inhaler, you need to carefully study the instructions for it. Then its use will be as efficient as possible.

Inhalers for children

Which is better and how to usedevice, they know not all parents. In this matter, it is better to consult a doctor. He will advise the model that will more effectively help with the illness of your baby, will tell you what drugs can be used in the device and how many times a day to do the procedure.

Most often, parents are faced with a choice:which inhaler is better for a child - ultrasound or compressor. It is worth carefully studying the advantages and disadvantages of each device. The most popular for children is the compressor inhaler, but kids are often afraid of it because of the noise and the need to wear a mask. Therefore, you can choose a model designed specifically for children.

which inhaler is better ultrasonic or compressor
Such inhalers are less noisy, painted in bright colors and often take the form of toys: steam trains or animals.

Very often lately people buyinhaler compressor or ultrasonic. What is the best of them - can not answer unequivocally. It is necessary to focus not only on the price and appearance of the device. The main thing is that it is effective.