/ / What is the most effective pill for nausea?

What is the most effective nausea pill?

A nausea tablet may suddenly needabsolutely anyone. After all, modern foods often cause this unpleasant symptom. But before you answer the question about which pills to drink from nausea, you should definitely find out what this sign is and when it appears.

pills for nausea

General information

A person begins to feel nauseous onlywhen appropriate signals from the periphery arrive at a particular center of the brain. If such “bells” are quite strong, then the patient involuntarily develops an emetic reflex with the subsequent release of the contents of the stomach. If these signals are very weak, then a person can only feel unpleasant nausea.

What drugs can help?

It is worth mentioning that medicinaldrugs aimed at suppressing this symptom should not be taken in all cases. That is why it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

So, the following remedies are especially effective for eliminating this symptom.

Drug "Aeron"

what pills to drink from nausea
This taken pill for nausea affectssome biologically active substances in the human body that are neurotransmitters. Under the influence of this drug, the salivary glands form less secretion, and the lacrimal and sweat glands become less active. In addition, this medicine has an overwhelming effect on the pancreas. The drug "Aeron" is often used with severe nausea to prevent vomiting. It is forbidden to take with glaucoma and prostate tumors.

Means "Validol"

Nausea pill "Validol" well helpsget rid of the presented symptom. This is due to the fact that the main active ingredient of this tool is menthol. Even in the instructions for this drug there is a mention of vomiting and nausea. However, not everyone knows about it, considering it exclusively heart medicine. Take this pill should be sublingual, that is, by placing under the tongue.

Tablets for nausea "Tsirukal"

pills for nausea tsuercal
This drug belongs to prokanetics,stimulating the muscles of the digestive tract, including the small intestine, stomach and esophageal sphincter, while interacting with dopamine and acetylcholine receptors. It is worth noting that it is the dysfunction of the last organ that causes nausea. Thus, taking this drug, you can significantly reduce emissions of gastric acid and strengthen the muscles of the esophageal sphincter. In addition, the drug "Tsirukal" so stimulates the muscle tissue of the stomach, that it is much faster emptied and displays solid and liquid food in the intestine.

Medicine "Anestezin"

Anesthesin tablet for nausea may inhibitnerve impulses. It is because of this property that such a drug is actively used to combat this unpleasant symptom. As a rule, the presented agent is prescribed in the amount of 0.3 mg three times a day (for an adult). Children from 5 years old such tablets are allowed to give 0.2 mg per day.