/ / Feces of dark color: causes in adults and children

Dark-colored feces: causes in adults and children

The consistency with color and even the smell of feces canMuch to say about the state of human health. This factor was taken into account in antiquity. Therefore, in the event that the chair suddenly turned black, this is a reason to seriously think about the reason for such a change. For example, everything can be explained by quite ordinary things - the consumption of certain specific foods. But sometimes dark feces may indicate serious pathologies that require immediate medical attention. In addition, there is a huge range of chronic diseases in which black stool is a dangerous and highly suspicious symptom.

dark feces cause

What should be a healthy color feces?

Normal stool tone may vary byyellowish brown to dark brown. It may also vary slightly depending on the type of nutrition of a person and the personal characteristics of the organism. This color is provided by the presence in the structure of feces recycled bile and some undigested food particles that make up the diet of a particular individual. It is very important that the chair was decorated. As a rule, everyone knows what exactly the color of feces is normal for him. In this regard, not to notice when it becomes unusual, almost impossible.

Harmless causes of dark feces

Often, feces may turn black due to ingestion.some foods that give it such an unusual color. Among these products, it is probably worth mentioning red beetroot, pomegranates, prunes, black currants, red grapes, blueberries. Absolutely all these and other rich fruits with vegetables and berries can change the color of feces.

dark feces in adults causes

In the event that, after analyzing your dietfood, a person understands that the cause of dark feces is a separate food, and he does not feel sick, and his chair is decorated, then he has nothing to worry about. You can simply stop eating such fruits or berries, and after a couple of days, the feces will certainly acquire their normal color. Do not worry, and in the presence of black inclusions in the feces, they are undigested food particles that have changed their color in the digestive system. Sometimes the causes of dark feces in adults are not so harmless.

Serious concern in humans is caused by the presence inKale blotches, which are very similar in appearance to small worms. They are usually mistaken for worms, and quickly run to doctors to be tested and cured. But most likely, it will be fiber banana, which was eaten the day before. As for these pinworms and helminths, they, like most other parasites, have a completely different color: white or yellowish.

Color of feces and the effect of drugs on it

Dark feces may be due to the intake of somepharmaceuticals. For example, drugs that are used to treat anemia. Such medicines contain iron, which is able to give the stool a similar color. Many vitamin complexes along with medicines containing bismuth with activated carbon have the same effect.

feces of dark color causes

In the event that the person who discovereddarkening, taking any medications the day before, he needs to study the instructions for them. If you can make sure that the whole thing is just in the preparations, then you can calm down, since in this case there is absolutely no harm for the body.

Internal bleeding

It is worth emphasizing that drugs thatcontain acetylsalicylic acid, as well as drugs that reduce blood clotting, they themselves will not be able to stain fecal masses. But their use is sometimes the cause of internal bleeding. In this regard, in the event that the patient saw a dark feces against the background of treatment with such means, he should seek medical help.

Diseases provoking the appearance of black feces

Suddenly blackened feces often serveclinical symptom of internal bleeding. In most situations, everything can be explained by the erosion of a blood vessel in the area of ​​the formation of a stomach ulcer. In this regard, people who suffer from peptic ulcer disease are required to carefully monitor the color of their fecal masses. And in the event that they turn black, this is a reason for immediate medical attention.

feces of dark color in adult causes

Together with the blackening of the stool in people whosuffer from internal bleeding, observe other signs of a life-threatening condition. One of these symptoms is scarlet vomiting and symptoms of blood loss. In addition to bleeding ulcers, the causes of dark-colored feces in an adult are various intestinal pathologies with tumors in the stomach and veins of the esophagus. Sometimes other dangerous ailments are also to blame:

  • The development of the acute form of lymphoblastic leukemia.
  • The presence of esophagitis, gastritis or Crohn's disease.
  • The appearance of hookworm or histoplasmosis.

There is also a dark feces in a child.

The appearance of black feces in children

Fortunately, in children, the causes of this color of feces are mostly harmless. They seldom have such serious and at the same time life-threatening conditions as in adults.

Parents are often afraid of color with consistency.feces in infants, which is allocated in the first days of life. Absolutely black stools in newborns are called meconium, and it is considered the norm. The color of the original feces is explained directly by its structure: it consists mainly of bile, hair, epithelial cells, amniotic fluid, mucus and water. It will take a little bit of time, and the baby’s chair will acquire the mustard color normal for his age.

In the event that dark feces are detectedcolors in an older child, it is a reason to analyze the composition of products and medicines that the child had to take the day before. If the child ate blueberries with bananas, blackberries and some other fruits, then, most likely, it is not at all worth sounding the alarm. Especially when the child feels healthy, cheerful and active.

But when the occurrence of black feces in additionaccompanied by deterioration, and there are alarming symptoms in the form of abdominal pain with nausea and weakness, and, besides, constipation or diarrhea with vomiting, it is necessary to call the doctor urgently. In children, especially very young ones, dangerous conditions develop much faster than in adults.

dark feces in a child

Causes of dark green feces are discussed below.

The main reason is poor nutrition.Coloring of fecal masses in green color occurs when eating products containing dyes and iron. Such products are fruit juices, sea fish, lettuce, broccoli, red beans, black licorice, etc. When you use some of the above products, the color of feces can change over 5 days. Dark green feces are usually observed in vegetarians, as their diet is dominated by vegetables and fruits. Dark green fecal mass may indicate some pathologies. Such a shade of stool appears on the background of bleeding in the stomach or intestines. This may indicate a peptic ulcer or cancer processes in the body. Green feces may indicate the development of dysentery, treatment in this case is carried out only in the hospital.

Observation of black feces in pregnant women

Black feces in pregnant women isfairly common feature. It is said that pregnancy with childbirth is not a cause of stool darkening. But nevertheless, such changes are very frightening future moms. Do not panic. As a rule, the cause of black feces in expectant mothers lies in the fact that they consume vitamin complexes that are enriched with iron. In addition, women who are expecting a baby are trying to eat as much fruit as possible with berries and vegetables that contain iron.

the child has dark color feces

Thus, in the event that darkeningthe stool is not accompanied by deterioration of health and alarming symptoms, absolutely nothing to worry about. But if there is a peptic ulcer or any chronic disease of the digestive system, it is worthwhile to be alert and go for an additional examination.

What should be done if black feces are detected?

Каждый человек, который обнаруживает черный кал, always begins to worry about what caused such changes. In any case, one should not panic prematurely, let alone let it go. The following measures should be taken:

  • It is necessary to study the diet in recent days.In the case when during the last period of time a person ate normal food and did not use any medications, a sudden blackening of the stool may indicate the development of a life-threatening condition. And this requires a visit to the doctor, who can not be put off.
  • Need to observe the consistency and color of fecesfor a couple of days. In situations where the causes are harmless and harmless, the stool will certainly return to normal a maximum of a couple of days after the exclusion of products that stain feces. But if the feces turn black due to a serious illness, this will not happen, and its color will not change to a normal color. In particular, a person should be alerted by recurrent black diarrhea.
  • It is also important to pay attention to well-being. You should analyze the state of health in recent times, which was preceded by a sharp blackening of the chair.
    dark green feces cause


In the event that the cause of dark fecesharmless, human well-being will remain unchanged. Thus, he will feel healthy and full of strength. In situations in which the occurrence of black stools is accompanied by constipation with abdominal distension, anemia, vomiting, heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain and other alarming painful symptoms, whose intensity also increases with time, we will already be talking about a serious illness or complications.