/ / Sodium thiosulfate: not only an antidote

Sodium thiosulfate: not only an antidote

This drug is injected into the patient's bodyintravenously. First of all, sodium thiosulfate is a cyanide antagonist. That is, when cyanide poisoning with the help of this drug a person can be saved. According to the classification, this substance is intended for immediate assistance. In practice, there are still some indications for its use, read more in this article.

As is known, when chemotherapy cancer to the patientIt is necessary to deal with a large amount of toxic substance, which is usually very poorly tolerated by the majority. And sodium thiosulfate can reduce the side effects of one of the substances in this class - cisplatin. It is clear that in this case, no one applies this medicine without the recommendations of a doctor.

As with many other drugs, for thiosulphatethe rule is fair: you can only apply if there is more benefit than possible harm. What does the doctor take into account when prescribing "Sodium thiosulfate"? Instructions for use recommend the following factors.

  • Allergic reactions:even if you have ever had an allergy to citrus, you still need to tell the doctor about it. And even more so, if you remember an allergy to medicines. Of course, the doctor will decide;
  • Young age:Although no experimental data were obtained about the effect on children, doctors try not to prescribe sodium thiosulfate to children. Although, of course, if you need to save from poisoning, all means are good. Including this;
  • Elderly age:there is also no experimental data, but it is assumed that there is not much difference in the side effect between young and elderly patients. Therefore, most often, age does not become the reason for refusing the prescription of this medication;
  • Pregnancy.Experiments on animals demonstrated harmful effects in all trimesters of pregnancy, so there were no experiments in humans. So, women in this situation, sodium thiosulfate, as a rule, is not prescribed;
  • Breastfeeding: the drug is used for nursing mothers only when absolutely necessary;
  • Admission of other drugs: decision for a doctor;
  • Interaction with alcohol and tobacco. You can not smoke tobacco and drink alcohol during the application of thiosulphate;
  • Some diseases. The drug is used with caution in arterial hypertension, liver and kidney disease, edema of the lower limbs, heart disease.

Along with the beneficial effects of unfavorable and sodium thiosulfate. Side effects (often associated with exceeding the dose):

  • Anxious excitement (it comes to the fact that a person can not remain alone)
  • Blurring the contours of objects (vision changes a person)
  • Hallucinations (a person sees, hears or feels illusory objects and actions)
  • Changes in the psyche (sometimes reminiscent of psychosis, since there is a temporary lack of contact with reality)
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Joint pain
  • Tinnitus.

It must be said that sodium thiosulfate is presentnot only as a medicine, it is found in household chemicals and cosmetics. However, you should not be afraid to use it, because it does not enter the bloodstream, so you can not fall into paranoia.

One more action of the givenpreparation. Thiosulphate sodium is now being used to treat patients whose vessels are calcified. At the same time, normal calcium metabolism does not deteriorate, which makes it possible to widely use the drug in question. The only problem is nausea and vomiting that appear in most patients. But in this case, this side effect can be neglected.

Sodium thiosulfate can be prescribed only by a doctor.Therefore, in this article we do not indicate the dose and frequency of use. This information is sufficient for patients, and for doctors there are more detailed reference books.