/ / Psoriatic arthritis: symptoms and treatment, photo, reviews

Psoriatic arthritis: symptoms and treatment, photos, reviews

Some autoimmune pathologies of the joints,arising from lesions of the skin, are psoriatic arthritis. This disease is characterized by a chronic or acute form of leakage.

Description of pathology

The occurrence of such arthritis occurs in an equaldegree in both men and women, usually in adulthood. Pathology is a consequence of the inflammatory process in the bone tissue of the joints. Its main predecessors are rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, which occur both separately and in parallel.

psoriatic arthritis

The manifestation of pathology is based on growingcells that form on the surface of the skin. In psoriatic arthritis a person has an acute pain syndrome in the joints, which indicates the onset of the inflammatory process. Pathology most often manifests itself in the head, elbows and knee joints. When a person has signs of psoriasis, then the occurrence of complications in the form of psoriatic arthritis is not excluded.

На современном этапе замечается тенденция роста the incidence of this pathology not only in the elderly, but also among young people. In order to successfully combat such a dangerous disease, you need to understand the causes, types and symptoms of this ailment.

Varieties of pathology

Psoriatic arthritis is subdivided into several types, which have characteristic symptoms and manifestations. Varieties of this disease are:

  1. Asymmetric, which is characterized by the defeat of several joints simultaneously. In most cases there are three of them, and both small and large bone elements are affected.
  2. Симметричный.This type characterizes the defeat of paired joints, which as a result entails the disability of a person. In symptomatology, it largely resembles such a pathology as rheumatoid arthritis.
  3. Arthritis of the distal interphalangeal joints of the feet andbrushes. For this type of disease is characterized by damage to the small joints of the fingers, located near the nail plates. Mostly this applies to the upper limbs, however, it can also appear on the lower. This type of disease resembles osteoarthritis, as a result of which it is sometimes difficult to distinguish these diseases in the initial stages.
  4. Spondylosis.The occurrence of this disease indicates a lesion of the bone tissue of the spine, and sometimes the hip area, and pathology may develop in several or one section of the spinal column.
  5. Mutilating or deforming arthritis thatis the most difficult type when a person, as a rule, becomes disabled for life. The causes of disability are that the affected joints cease to perform their main functions and the person cannot perform the simplest manipulations with legs and hands. In rare cases, with deforming psoriatic arthritis is fatal.
how to treat psoriatic arthritis

Causes of the disease

Each type of this disease is a typehas its own characteristics, in the presence of which a person manifests certain symptoms. In addition, there are certain conditions that cause the formation of psoriatic arthritis, which is very important to know.

Развитие недуга может возникать на фоне transformations of the epidermis cells, which, in turn, are provoked by certain changes in biological and chemical processes. The same factors determine the development of foci of the inflammatory process in bone tissues and cavities of joints. The specific reasons for the formation of psoriatic arthritis have not yet been fully studied, but medical researchers suggest that the main factors that influence the development of the disease are disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. All sorts of nervous shocks, stresses and mood swings over time can provoke symptoms of such a serious illness.

However, this is not the only reasonsince it is not necessary to exclude hereditary factors, as a result of which psoriatic arthritis can develop in the offspring (you can see where the disease is located in the photo in the article).

The provoking factors

There are a number of factors that entail development.similar pathological abnormalities. For example, when infected with various types of viruses or bacteria, some of which are able for quite a long time to live inside the human body, becoming the causative agents of this disease.

In cases where the joints have been hurt ordamaged, can also begin the formation of psoriatic arthritis, since even a minor injury can cause very serious consequences.

In violation of metabolic processes in the body allthe organs are overloaded, which leads to failures in their work and provokes the development of this pathology. This phenomenon is especially characteristic of the spine.

In addition to the above, the cause of arthritis may be a surgical intervention, which could result in infection with any infection.

When a process of transformation of connective tissues occurs, due to which a person may develop psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis also develops.

psoriatic arthritis treatment

Less frequent causes

Other, less common causes:

  1. Nervous disorders, frequent stress. Any psycho-emotional disruptions lead to the dysfunction of certain organs, which can cause the development of this disease.
  2. Bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco lead to a decrease in the immune defense of a person, which increases the possibility of active distribution and growth in the number of pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Изменения гормонального фона.This reason is typical mainly for women, because the body needs to constantly adapt to changes in the ratio of hormones during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause. For example, during pregnancy, the symptoms of the disease can be completely unpredictable. Some pregnant women have increased symptoms of pathology, while others, the symptoms of the disease subside. During menopause, signs of psoriatic arthritis, as a rule, increase. This is due to the fact that at this period in women there is an insufficient absorption of calcium, which provokes osteorosis, diseases of the bone tissue.
  4. When using some medicationdrugs also do not exclude the likelihood of the development of this disease. These drugs include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen and Diclofenac.

From the above, we can conclude that there are a lot of reasons for the development of this disease, so almost every person can get sick with this disease.

Before we consider how to treat psoriatic arthritis, let's talk about its symptoms.

psoriatic arthritis reviews

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of pathology often occurs inpeople suffering from psoriasis. The time span from the onset of psoriasis to the onset of arthritis varies from a few weeks to a whole decade. Arthritis may be preceded by the appearance of dermatosis, when there is a lesion of the nail processes. As a result of the development of dermatosis, small depressions appear on the nails, and the clouding and depletion of the nail surface is noted. As a result, the nails begin to crumble and fall off.

The most common symptoms of psoriatic arthritis (onphotos in medical reference books can be seen), they pass unnoticed and gradually acquire a chronic form, however in cases when the symptoms of the disease predominate in the acute form, the illness can be successfully treated.

Symptoms of arthritis in the form of spondylosis and lesionsinterphalangeal joints are less common. There may be swelling and enlargement of the joints in size. In most cases, these symptoms of psoriatic arthritis gradually spread and extend beyond the joints. The skin in such areas becomes bluish color, and nails atrophy and stop growing. The fingers become crooked, with a characteristic increase in the interphalangeal joints.

Most often, doctors diagnose the pathology of largejoints: elbow, knee, ankle. Only in five percent of cases in humans is the vertebral or hip type of the disease observed. The inflammatory process is also characterized by symptoms of acute pain, which occurs depending on the location of the lesion.

Symptoms and treatment of psoriatic arthritis are interrelated.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis should be based on anamnesispatient and some methods of physiological research. If we consider laboratory methods of research, then it is impossible to diagnose this joint disease. In patients, only a slight increase in ESR levels can be observed.

psoriatic arthritis symptoms photo


To identify psoriatic arthritis existsreliable method that allows you to accurately diagnose, and this is a radiography. Through X-ray data, the specialist has visual confirmation of the pattern of pathological changes in the joints, since the picture clearly demonstrates their deformation and damage, as well as the growth of osteophytes in some areas of bone tissue.


In addition to radiography, the doctor will also produceexamination of the patient. If he has signs of lesion of the skin, a rash on the skin or deformation of the nails, then this first of all indicates the development of the disease. Based on a well-organized diagnosis, the specialist prescribes appropriate treatment for psoriatic arthritis.

Treatment of the disease

Therapy of this pathology is complex anda long process, and to cure it completely will not work, however, the sooner the measures are taken, the higher the chance that the disease will come into remission. The main goal of treatment is to stop further tissue damage, reduce inflammation and restore motor function.

psoriatic arthritis photo


With traditional treatment of psoriatic arthritissuch medications as Naproxen, Butadion, Ibuprofen are used. Injections of corticosteroids and glucocorticoids are also used, preparations of monoclonal antibodies and sedative medications are used.

Also appropriate methods of physiotherapy effects - ultrasound, laser therapy, massage, etc.

Diet for psoriatic arthritis

The treatment of this disease includesadherence to a special diet that helps reduce the symptoms of pain and prevent further development of the disease. When organizing a diet should pay special attention to dairy products, lean meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs, chicken eggs. Food should not be high-calorie, but it is recommended to use foods rich in calcium and phosphorus. Cooking also plays an important role, as steamed dishes are more beneficial than fried and smoked. From fatty foods should be abandoned, as well as from the sharp and salty foods.

Consider reviews of psoriatic arthritis.

psoriatic arthritis symptoms and treatment


If we consider the information obtained from the reviewspatients, this disease is not a very common pathology. It mainly develops in people with psoriasis, but not in every known case. Patients describe this disease as the occurrence of changes in the joints, accompanied by pain, redness and peeling of the skin, degradation of the nail plates.

The reviews also contain a large numbertreatment information for a similar bone disorder. According to people suffering from this disease, as well as specialists involved in its treatment, the disease is almost incurable, especially in the later stages. In the early stages, you can only halt its development. In general, therapy is based on the use of a variety of anti-inflammatory drugs and hormonal drugs that help reduce pain, swelling and stop the deformation of joints.

We reviewed the symptoms and treatment of psoriatic arthritis. Photos have also been submitted.