/ / Drug "Valparin": instructions for use, composition, synonyms, analogues. Drug reviews

The drug "Valparin": instructions for use, composition, synonyms, analogues. Drug reviews

What is Valparin medication for? Instructions for use, synonyms and indications of this medication are described in this article.

valparin instructions for use

Form and composition

Какая форма присуща лекарству «Вальпарин»?Tablets - in this form of the drug in question can be purchased at the pharmacy. They have a prolonged action, a biconvex round shape, as well as a white shell.

What is part of the drug "Valparin"?The instruction states that this product contains valproic acid and sodium valproate. It also includes the following excipients: glycerin, colloidal silicon dioxide, eudragit E-100, hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, polyethylene glycol 1500, ethyl cellulose, sodium saccharin, silicon dioxide hydrate, eudragit HE-30D, titanium dioxide and talc.

You can buy these pills in strips of 10 pieces and in a carton box, respectively.

Pharmacological action

How does the drug "Valparin"?Instructions for use (the composition of the product was described above) states that it is an anticonvulsant medication. It contains sodium valproate, which increases the GABA content in the brain, which contributes to its increase in postsynaptic neurons.

Нельзя не отметить и то, что рассматриваемый component affects the transport of potassium ions through the neuronal membrane. This process inhibits the development and spread of epileptic excitation along nerve fibers.

It should also be said that sodium valproate has an anticonvulsant effect in various types of epilepsy.

valparin pill instructions

The drug "Valparin" does not have a sedative andhypnotic effects, and does not depress the center of breathing. In addition, its active substance does not adversely affect the heart rate, the patient's body temperature, his blood pressure and kidney function.

The kinetic properties of the drug

What pharmacokinetic features hasmedicine "Valparin"? The instruction states that after ingestion of pills inside the controlled release of their active substance begins immediately, and after 2-8 hours it reaches the maximum level in plasma.

The bioavailability of the agent in question is 100%.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is manifestedonly after reaching a concentration of valproic acid in the blood, equal to 45-100 mg / l. It should be noted that the therapeutic and pharmacological actions of this agent with controlled release of the main component do not always depend on its plasma concentration.

The connection of the medication with plasma proteins is about 85-90%. It is metabolized in the liver, and excreted with the urine. At the same time, the first-pass metabolism is not observed.

The half-life of this tool is about 9-20 hours. In children, this period is reduced.

valparin instructions for use composition

Indications for admission

What are the most effective conditions?does the drug "Valparin" manifest itself? Instructions for use, reviews by experienced professionals report that the mentioned drug is made specifically for the treatment of generalized epilepsy, including the following types of seizures:

  • myoclonic;
  • abscess;
  • atonic;
  • tonic-clonic.

Also, this drug is prescribed for partial epilepsy, and more precisely, for:

  • secondary generalized seizures;
  • combined or simple seizures.

In addition, these pills are often used when specific syndromes appear (Lennox-Gasto, Vesta).

Prohibitions for the use of tablets

Does Valparin have a contraindication? According to the instructions, this tool has many prohibitions for use:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • severe disorders in the pancreas;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • acute or chronic hepatitis;
  • porphyria;
  • cases of active hepatitis (medicinal genesis);
  • time of breastfeeding;
  • children up to three years old;
  • hypersensitivity to medication components, including valproic acid.

Anticonvulsant means "Valparin": instructions for use

The dosage of this drug is selected individually, depending on the body weight and the age of the patient.

valparin instructions for use synonyms

As a rule, for adults, the initial dose of the drug is 600 mg per day. Subsequently, this amount is increased by 200 mg (every three days, until the desired result is achieved).

The multiplicity of reception of the considered funds is 1-2 times per day. The maximum recommended dosage of the drug is 1-2 g per day.

Tablets "Valparin", the instructions for use of which are discussed in this article, should be swallowed as a whole, with a small amount of warm water.

In the elderly, the dosing regimen of this agent is similar to the dosing regimen in adult patients, but is chosen individually.

Для малышей с массой тела от 20 кг начальная The dosage of the drug is 400 mg per day. This amount should be increased gradually until the desired result is achieved (about 20-30 mg / kg per day, in 1-2 doses).

A child weighing up to 20 kg prescribed anticonvulsant medication is prohibited.

Side effects

What side effects do Valparin tablets cause? Instructions for use informs that while taking this medication, undesirable effects may occur in sick people:

  • Allergic reactions: Stevens-Johnson syndrome, skin rash, erythema multiforme, itching of the skin, photosensitization.
  • Digestive system: nausea, hepatitis, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, pancreatitis.
  • The reproductive system: secondary amenorrhea, menstrual disorders.
  • CNS: coma, tremor, ataxia, impaired consciousness.
  • Hematopoietic system: anemia, inhibition of platelet aggregation, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia, a decrease in the content of fibrinogen.
  • Others: weight gain, hair loss, creatininemia, hyperammonemia.

Overdose with anticonvulsant

What symptoms may occur while takinghigh doses of Valparin medication? Instructions for use (tablets can be purchased at any pharmacy with a prescription from a doctor) states that, to date, deliberate or accidental overdose of the drug in question has been reported extremely rarely. As a rule, violation of the dosage of this medication contributes to nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory depression, coma and hyporeflexia.

valparin instructions for use reviews

To eliminate such conditions, the patient is prescribed gastric lavage and activated carbon. If necessary, inpatient treatment is provided in the form of symptomatic therapy and hemodialysis.

Interaction with other medicines

Does it interact with othersmedications "Valparin"? Instructions for use inform patients that sodium valproate is able to enhance the effect of antipsychotics, antidepressants and anticonvulsant drugs.

Unlike other anticonvulsants, the medication in question does not contribute to the induction of hepatic enzymes, and therefore it does not reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

With parallel reception of "warfarin" and sodium valproate, the percentage of binding to plasma proteins of the first decreases.

The active substance of the considered drugable to change plasma concentrations of lamotrigine and phenytoin. When combined with acetylsalicylic acid derivatives and anticoagulants, the antiplatelet effect is enhanced.

With the simultaneous use of "Valparina" withethanol, as well as other drugs that inhibit the work of the central nervous system (for example, these are MAO inhibitors, antidepressants tricyclic, antipsychotic drugs), may be enhanced oppression of the central nervous system.

Alcohol and other hepatotoxic drugs increase the risk of liver damage.

Considered drug increases the timethe half-life of "Lamotrigina", and also causes a slowdown in its metabolism and inhibits liver enzymes. In this regard, the half-life of the drug may increase up to 70 hours in adult patients and up to 45 hours in children.

"Valparin" is able to reduce the clearance of "Zidovudine" by about 40%. However, its half-life does not change.

drug valparin

MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants andantipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics), as well as other drugs that reduce the threshold of convulsive readiness, significantly reduce the effectiveness of the considered medication.

Breastfeeding period and pregnancy

According to experts, the appointmentdrug "Valparin" when carrying a fetus is possible only if the intended benefits for the future mother significantly exceeds the possible risk to the baby.

When taking medication during pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct specialized prenatal monitoring of the fetus.

The use of medication during lactation is not recommended.

Special Information

Before starting treatment with the considered remedy, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In the process of taking an anticonvulsant medication, it is necessary to regularly monitor the content of bilirubin in the blood, amylase and platelets, as well as the activity of hepatic transaminases (every 3 months).

According to experts, valproic acidable to inhibit platelet aggregation. This greatly increases the risk of increased clotting time for bleeding. It is necessary to consider the likely development of complications that are associated with bleeding in the postoperative time, in people receiving sodium valproate.

With prolonged use of this medication, patients may develop spontaneous bleeding and form hematomas. In this case, the pill should be discontinued immediately.

As mentioned above, sodium valproate is oftencauses drug pancreatitis, and also contributes to the violation of liver function (usually in the first 6 months of treatment). In this regard, at the very beginning of therapy, it is necessary to monitor the state of the pancreas gland, as well as regularly conduct liver function tests and monitor the level of prothrombin.

Disrupted liver and hepatic functionfailure to take sodium valproate with sodium can be observed in children with epilepsy, with metabolic and degenerative diseases, slowed mental development and organic pathology of brain tissue.

If you observe signs such as a lethargic condition, severe weakness, swelling, jaundice and vomiting, you should immediately stop using the medication.

When treating "Valparin" the patient should be especially careful when working with dangerous mechanisms. This is due to the fact that this medicine is able to reduce concentration.

valparin instruction

Terms and conditions of storage

Anticonvulsant tablets "Valparin"dispensed in pharmacies only by medical prescription. They should be stored in a place inaccessible to children and protected from moisture, as well as at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.

The shelf life of the medication in question is three years (from the date of manufacture).

The drug "Valparin": analogues, synonyms

Чем можно заменить рассматриваемый препарат?There are a large number of synonyms and analogues in this tool. These include the following medicines: "Apilepsin", "Depakin", "Acediprol", "Depakin Enteric", "Depakin Chronosphere", "Depakin Chrono", "Dipromal", "Konvulsofin", "Konvuleks", "Orfiril" Encorat, Averiden, Enkorat Chrono.

As in the case of "Valparin", these funds should be taken only as directed by the doctor, in strictly recommended dosages.

Opinion of consumers and professionals

Что говорят врачи о таком лекарстве, как "Valparin"? Reviews of experts indicate that this drug is very effective and effective, especially in generalized and partial epilepsy.

As for consumers, most of themAgree with the opinion of doctors. Patients claim that taking this drug contributes to the rapid suppression of the development and spread of arousal (epileptic) in neurons. However, it should be noted that the use of this medication often causes side effects. According to consumer reviews, the most frequent adverse reactions are: skin allergies, nausea, anemia, and weight gain. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.