/ / A few tips on how to get rid of edema during pregnancy

A few tips on how to get rid of edema during pregnancy

Many women have pregnancy during pregnancy.such an unpleasant situation, like swelling. Moreover, this condition can be dangerous not only for a pregnant woman, but also for the child she is carrying. Therefore, it is important to know how to get rid of edema during pregnancy, and it is better to prevent such a problem initially. In addition to external, visible, edema, there may be internal ones that must be recognized and diagnosed in time, as they are a much greater threat to health.

There are several ways to determinethe appearance of edema. First, it is weighing and tracking dynamics. It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the woman, if the weight gain is more than 300 grams per week. In addition, it is recommended to monitor diuresis, comparing the amount of fluid consumed (not only water, but also juices, milk drinks, etc.) and urine output during the day. Also, do not forget about the external signs of this problem.

Most gynecologists advising how to get ridfrom edema during pregnancy, it is recommended to drink less. This is not entirely true, and in hot weather it is not always possible to follow such advice. It must be remembered that the future mother needs liquid, like everything else, in full, as much as is required. In addition, if the water comes in smaller quantities, the body will begin to store water, putting it in the tissues, making the swelling only increase. However, there are several recommendations on what to do in case of edema during pregnancy, as well as how to prevent their appearance.

Salt intake is minimized duringof pregnancy. It is better to abandon those finished products that contain it, including sausages, mayonnaise, ketchup, sausage (besides, these products are not so useful for women in an interesting position). To avoid the unleavened taste of food, you can add a little lemon juice to salads, and other dishes with more fresh greens.

You need to drink as much as you want.At the same time, it is better to replace plain water with squeezed juices from fresh vegetables and fruits, since the liquid contained in them slightly differs in structure from simple water and is almost completely absorbed. Milk also contributes to the retention of fluid in the body, instead you can use kefir or yogurt. The water contained in the first dishes is enough for the daily rate. Carbonated drinks are prohibited during pregnancy, because, among other things, they can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus.

It is better to drink evenly throughout the day, little by little. This will avoid unnecessary stress on the kidneys.

Another tip on how to get rid of edema duringpregnancy: sometimes arrange days for unloading. In this case, you can choose the most favorite product, for example, cottage cheese, apples or cucumbers, and use it only once a week, for a total of about 1 kg.

It is important to monitor blood pressure andperiodically measure it. If it is constantly above the norm, a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist will be required, since inpatient treatment will most likely be prescribed.

Most often, this problem appears after 30weeks, however, women with kidney problems may face it before. Speaking about how to get rid of edema during pregnancy, it is worth remembering that this is not an easy task, and you will need to follow the recommendations even after the apparent reasons are gone, to prevent this from happening again.

In any case, it is worth knowing that ifswelling in pregnant women, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. If the problem requires a small correction, it will be enough just to observe the correct drinking regime and diet. Otherwise, especially against the background of high blood pressure, more serious treatment may be necessary, perhaps even in the hospital.