/ / Preparation "Progestogen". Feedback and how to use it

The preparation is Progestogen. Feedback and how to use it

proverbial testimony
Ointment "Progestogen" is used externally. The drug is semitransparent, colorless, homogeneous, has a characteristic smell of alcohol. The active ingredient is micronized natural progesterone.

The preparation "Progestogel" (reviews of experts isconfirm) promotes the blocking of estrogen receptors. As a result, the absorption from the tissues of the fluid increases, the compression of the milk ducts decreases. The active component of the agent blocks the prolactin receptors in the tissues of the mammary gland and leads to a decrease in lactopoiesis (maintenance of lactation).

With local drug use"Projesto" (doctors' reviews also confirm this) create a high concentration of progesterone at the site of application. The medication does not have a systemic effect, which helps to avoid side effects.

The mechanism of its action is based on increasingcontent in the tissues of the mammary glands of progesterone. Progesterone, in turn, lowers the expression of estrogen receptors by stimulating the production of enzymes that convert by the oxidation of estradiol to estrone, showing less activity.

Through the transdermal route of administrationgestagen affects the condition of the vasculature and glandular epithelium. This reduces the permeability of capillaries, reduces swelling in the mammary gland tissue, eliminates the signs of mastalgia.

Absorption of the active ingredient during skin application is about ten percent of the dose. The drug "Progestogen" (doctors' reviews confirm this) does not break down in the liver on the way to the mammary gland.

When the dosage is reduced with transdermal (cutaneous) application, it is possible to create a high concentration at the application site (exceeding in 10 times the content in the systemic bloodstream).

Secondarily, the drug is metabolized in the liver, and conjugates with sulfuric and glucuronic acids are formed.

Ten percent of the drug is excreted with bile, about fifty to sixty - with urine.

Means "Progestogel". Indications. Mode of application

The drug is prescribed for mastodinia, diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy.

It is recommended to apply one application of the gel onthe area of ​​the mammary glands with the help of a dosing applicator. The drug is applied until completely absorbed. It should be applied every day once or twice or in the second phase of the cycle (from the sixteenth to the twenty-fifth day). Therapeutic course - up to three cycles. Repeated use is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor.

When using medication may occurpains in the mammary glands, metrorrhagia, hot flashes, decreased libido. Allergic reactions, swelling of the neck and lips, nausea, headache, fever, erythema at the site of application are also possible.

prostozhel reviews

The drug "Prozhestzhel" (reviews of doctors are unequivocalin this case) it should not be prescribed for nodal forms of fibrous-cystic mastopathy, tumors in the mammary gland of unexplained nature, monotherapy of breast cancer or genital organs. Progestogel is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as with hypersensitivity to its components.