/ / How to remove a wart of folk remedies at home

How to remove a wart of folk remedies at home

A wart is an increase in the surface layer.skin, which is most often roundish. Occurrence of warts on human skin occurs due to infection with the papillomavirus. Separately, they can be in the size of about two millimeters, but the combination of several tumors leads to the appearance of fairly large areas of skin covered by warts.

Types of warts

In nature, there are four main types:

  • ordinary;
  • spiky;
  • youthful;
  • senile warts.

Ordinary are small keratinization of the skin (up to nine millimeters in diameter) and do not carry any danger. Such papillomas pass for several years without treatment.

Genital warts are often referred to as venereal, as they are transmitted during sexual intercourse. The treatment is carried out by urologists, gynecologists, etc.

Juvenile papules have the appearance of small skin nodules. On the body, they are almost invisible. They are found in young people mainly on the back of the hand or face.

Seniors may develop senile warts that do not require treatment. Mostly they can be found on areas of the body covered with clothes, less often - on the face or hands, sometimes on the soles.

body wart


The appearance of warts can occur in the following ways:

  • By direct contact with a person who already has warts.
  • Use one of the clothes, dishes with a person who is infected with HPV.
  • Walking barefoot where an infected person walked barefoot.
  • If you do a manicure with a raw tool.
  • Sexually.
  • When wearing tight shoes.

The reasons listed above are intermediaries.between infection with human papillomavirus and the formation of warts. It is important to note that the HPV carrier itself may not have any warts or even suspect the presence of a virus in its body due to its good immunity. It must be remembered that weakened immunity contributes to the development of not only the papilloma virus, but also other dangerous diseases that can undermine health. Therefore it is worth being extremely careful in public pools, baths, saunas and other places where you can get HPV. The best way to protect yourself from the appearance of warts is to maintain body hygiene, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and maintain immunity at a high level.

Surgical wart removal methods

If you have one or two warts, then contactthis method is not worth it. But if they have grown into a decent area of ​​skin - you need to act. To date, there are two of the most well-known methods of removing warts through surgical intervention: excision with a scalpel and with a laser.

Excision with a scalpel.Not a very good treatment method, but is popular due to the fact that it is relatively cheap. But he has a lot of flaws. One of the first is that the surgeon touches your body with a scalpel, and an inexperienced doctor can do this so that the virus begins to grow. Also, the virus does not go anywhere. The operation process takes place so that only the wart is removed from the top, and the root can remain. And the last - there are scars. No matter how hard the surgeon tries, no matter how professional he is, there will still be a scar, albeit small, but ugly.

Иссечение с помощью лазера.The second version, it can be said, of the same excision, only more advanced. The fact is that the operation takes place with the help of a laser. This gives a huge advantage over conventional excision. Since a large temperature removes the wart from the root, then the virus will not be there, so the risk of new growths is minimal. Sterility is provided. Since the surgeon does not have physical contact with your skin, the risk of infection is not minimal, it does not exist. But in view of all these advantages, the procedure is more expensive. After all, expensive equipment is not everywhere, and medical institutions that have it become monopolists. As they say - pay or not to heal. The choice is yours.

What can wart show more?

But this does not mean that the world has converged on surgery.It all depends on the type of your growths. They are different and are often treated in different ways. An acute wart is most often treated with a surgical method, since it is not amenable to preparations and gels. But the flat can be cured in one application of a solution of the drug. But if you decide not to heal and leave it alone, this can turn into a surgical method. After all, a wart is a virus, and it does not stand still. If your immunity is strong, then it can cope on its own, but if you are not sure of its strength, then it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice. An experienced specialist will tell you what is the best method to undergo treatment and what is needed for this.

Wart in a child

Folk methods

There is a huge number of folk remedies for the treatment of warts. Consider the most effective ones.

It is very easy to remove the wart with a celandine.This method is one of the most popular among the people, as the yellow juice of the plant adversely affects all pathogens. Methods of applying celandine to warts are also very much. For example, you can apply the juice directly on the wart. Liquid deadens papilloma tissue, and the wart is gradually reduced. When working with celandine, you need to be careful, because a large amount of juice trapped on an uninjured area of ​​skin can leave a burn.

garlic against warts

Using garlic is another method likequickly and effectively remove warts. As you know, garlic is used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. In the case of warts, it will also be very useful. With the help of garlic extract, you can get rid of skin tumors in just two weeks. In order to get rid of warts, you need to grind a few cloves into porridge, add a little vinegar and pork fat. All ingredients are mixed and applied to papilloma. This ointment must be kept for the whole night, having tied a sore spot with a bandage or a plaster.

Will help magnesia and bread spike

Magnesium removal is a great option asremove wart folk remedies. Treatment with magnesia can be done in two ways. The first way is to apply compresses to the wart. To make a compress, you need to take twenty grams of powdered magnesia and stir it with half a liter of warm water. For fingers solution can be used as a bath. It is necessary to hold a compress ten minutes. The second way is to take the solution inside. Within one month, you need to take two grams of powder twice a day. It is worth remembering that magnesia has laxative properties.

Treatment of warts bread spike.For such treatment, it is necessary to take the stalk of the oblique spikelet. Be sure the stem must be rooted. Then it is necessary to pierce the warts with a tip and bury the stem in the damp earth with the root upwards. According to the folk healers, the warts disappear when the stem completely rot. The scientific side of this tool is still not justified, but it is interesting that this method works and has the right to life.

apples versus warts

Apples use - a method how to remove a wartfolk remedies without much effort and effort. Here you can go in several ways. In the first case, you need to cut the apple in half with a silk thread. One half is necessary to rub the wart, and then connect the halves and tie the same thread. The apple needs to be buried, and when it decays, the warts will disappear. The second option is similar to the first, the difference is that the unused half of the apple should be eaten, and bury only the second part.

Удаление с помощью нити - еще один способ вывести wart, reviews of which are almost always positive. This folk method says that you need to take a silk thread, tie a knot over the wart. Then cut the potato and insert a thread with a knot in it. Further this construction needs to be buried. As in the previous method, the wart will disappear when the potato rot. In another embodiment, the thread should be tied on the wart so that at the last moment it jumped off. Further actions are repeated, and the wart disappears after the potato is rotting.

Silk thread - tried and tested method

Use of artificial ice.This is the easiest and most affordable way to remove warts. To do this, you will need to take an ice cube, which is in every household refrigerator, and wrap it in cellophane or a napkin. Then you need to attach the ice to the wart and keep as long as possible. Repeating this procedure several times a day, you can soon achieve the rapid disappearance of papillomas and warts.

How to burn vinegar

The use of acetic acid will help to withdrawa wart at home, a tool available and cheap. To remove the wart with vinegar, you must first wash the affected skin with soda solution and rinse with warm water. Then moisten cotton wool in acetic acid and attach to the wart. Such a compress should be on the wart until it becomes black. Twice a day it is necessary to update the fleece (wet again). If there are many warts, then compresses should be placed on each of them. It is worth noting that for a quicker effect, you should use undiluted vinegar.

Medical methods of wart removal

There are three on the pharmacology market.referral to means that remove skin growths. These include burning, protein and direct use. These methods will help in solving the problem, than to bring the wart to the finger or other parts of the body.

Burning Aids

drug ferasol

Это лекарства, которые вместе с новообразованием kill and skin cells. Moreover, such treatment methods can cause serious complications, if you have an allergy, and even cause it. To treat them with caution. Such means include, in particular, "Perezol". It is a solution that, by its action and smell, resembles diluted acid. If you have a small growth, you can apply once. And if you are late, you will have to apply several times.

Direct funds

solution verrukatsid

People often buy a product becausesomewhere advertised, but in fact everything can turn out to be completely different from what was promised. The fact is that you need to consult a doctor before applying or buying. Better there is no doctor advisers. "Verrukacid" refers to this category. All the same properties as the "Fresola", but, unlike the first, the tool does not damage the skin. But consultation with the doctor is required.

Means of protein origin

Such funds have a very weak and barelynoticeable effect on growths. But after prolonged use, they really disappear. The essence of the drug is that it consists of an interferon protein produced in artificial conditions, and it is actively used in flu and cold remedies, and therefore it fights viruses. These drugs include "Viferon". It contains this protein and some skin nutrients. There are also pills, but the ability to cure with their use is very small.