/ / Is asthma treated or not? Is asthma completely treated in children?

Is asthma treated or not? Is asthma completely treated in children?

For a long time, pulmonary doctorsargue: is asthma treated or not? Almost all doctors agree on one thing - the disease is incurable. However, it is well controlled. Due to the systematic intake of medicines, asthmatic can lead a full-fledged lifestyle. Therefore, wondering whether asthma is treated or not, be prepared for the fact that you will have to take care of your health throughout your life.

is asthma treated or not

general information

Asthma is a slowly developing chronic disease. Even with prolonged treatment, relapse can easily occur. Allergic form of the disease is best treated.

Doctors, answering the question of whether asthma is treated, lead to a number of factors due to which pathology is not curable:

  1. The disease is a response of the immune system to a stimulus (strong smell, pollen, dust, tobacco smoke).
  2. The disease occurs due to deformation of the respiratory tract.
  3. So far, no medicine has been developed to eliminate the cause of the pathology. Therapy is aimed only at stopping the symptoms.

To prevent seizures, you need to get rid of all irritants and take medication regularly. Many consider the use of drugs useless. But you can not do without them.

Causes of bronchial asthma

asthma is treated or not

Various factors can lead to the development of the disease:

  1. Heredity. If one of the parents is diagnosed with pathology, then the risk of its occurrence in a child is about 30%. If both parents are carriers, then about 80%.
  2. Maternal smoking during pregnancy, as well as excessive consumption of allergenic products may result in asthma in the newborn.
  3. The emergence of food allergies in a child under the age of one.
  4. Allergic reaction to dust, pollen, drugs and food in older children.
  5. Contact with allergens causing bronchospasm. These include dust mites, mold, wool, feathers and feathers.
  6. Inhalation of polluted air. Increased risk of disease in metropolitan areas. Exhaust gases, emissions from factories and factories, even tobacco smoke - can lead to immune disruptions in the body.
  7. Frequent respiratory diseases: acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis.
  8. Exercise causing choking.
  9. Psycho-emotional stress of the child (constant stress, scandals in the family, conflicts in the school).
  10. Occurrence of suffocation after taking Aspirin.
  11. Seizures are possible after taking foods with food dyes.

Complications can occur on the background of diseases of the digestive tract. Is bronchial asthma treated? Doctors say yes. However, you need to constantly monitor your health.

is asthma treated

Use of medicines

So, if bronchial asthma is diagnosed, is this ailment treated or not? And how?

Asthma drugs,cause quick addiction. Therefore, their constant change is necessary. Bronchodilators and inhalants are used for treatment. It is more efficient to use both means at the same time. They neutralize asphyxiation and restore the respiratory process. But remember what the doctors say, explaining whether asthma is cured or not. The later the treatment is started, the less effect of the medication. Thus, to delay with the disease should not be. Otherwise, the pathology can be seriously complicated.

Medications can be prescribed only after consulting a doctor. Apply bronchodilators is contraindicated for children and the elderly.

Inhalers as part of therapy

Doctors, explaining whether asthma is treated or not, argue that it is impossible to do without the use of inhalers.

is bronchial asthma treated

After all, they have the advantages that make them simply irreplaceable:

  1. Neutralization of asthma in asthmatics of all ages occurs in 5 seconds.
  2. Uniform spraying eliminates the possibilityallergic reaction inside the oropharynx. This is dictated by the rapid penetration of the drug into the respiratory tract and lungs. At the same time uniform dispersion is provided.
  3. Use for children is allowed.

Ингаляторы считаются одним из наиболее effective remedies for eliminating asthma symptoms. But you should pay attention to the composition of drugs. Some components can cause bronchial cramps with prolonged use.

Compresses, banks and other means

Continuing to consider such a pathology asAsthma, whether or not the disease is treated, needs to be addressed at one more important point. Most pulmonologists approve the use of additional funds to remove toxins from the body. Compresses and cans complement drug treatment well, relieving symptoms. But you must follow a number of rules when using them:

  1. You can not carry out the procedure before or immediately after taking the medication.
  2. Do not use them after the use of the inhaler.
  3. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than 3 times a week. Otherwise, you can harm the body.
  4. Combined compresses will help stabilize the functioning of the respiratory system.

The process of treating asthma in children

The emergence of pathology in children is a responsereaction of the immune system to allergens. This is mainly dust, pollen and animal hair. Since most drugs are forbidden for children, the inhaler becomes the main drug. And complement its banks and compresses.

bronchial asthma is treated or not

Is asthma in children treated?Pulmonologists recommend a diet that includes vegetables, fruits and complexes of vitamins and minerals. Also recommended physical activity, stay in resorts and sanatoriums for asthmatics.

It should be noted that the use of medicationspossible only from the age of 14. However, in severe attacks, physicians allow the use of certain medications. But such drugs are prescribed in small doses and under the supervision of a physician.

Recovery from the elderly

As for the treatment of asthma in persons of age,The focus is on eliminating the symptoms. Since such people have this disease is the result of natural aging and weakening of the body, age-related deformities of the bronchial area.

Much attention is paid to taking vitamins andstrengthen immunity. This therapy contributes to the body's fight against allergens. It is also necessary to reduce the pain of attacks. In some severe cases, antispasmodics are prescribed to completely eliminate pain.

In older people, any choking attack can become critical. Therefore it is always necessary to keep the inhaler with you.

Allergen Hazard

Substances that provoke attacks of breathlessness are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous.

Is asthma in children treated?

It depends on a number of reasons:

  1. Diversity. Allergens, there are so many. And their number is constantly growing.
  2. Sudden appearance. Allergies can occur during the period of illness, when a weakened immune system is unable to fight the provocateur.
  3. It is impossible to reduce the susceptibility of the body. All due to the fact that the reaction to stimuli is a natural process.

That is why you can accurately say whether asthma is completely cured. Unfortunately, complete healing of the disease is impossible.

Therapy comes down to combating the symptoms.To alleviate this process will help the elimination of allergens such as smoke, dust, wool from asthmatic environment. Get cleaners and humidifiers. In addition, it is necessary to air daily the room in which the patient is located.

Disease prevention

To facilitate the course of the disease and prolong the therapeutic effect, you need to constantly take care of your health. In other words, you should be aware of preventive measures.

is asthma completely treated

For such purposes, doctors advise such activities:

  1. Adults and children are recommended to walk, slack exercise, stay in the fresh air, douche and easy hardening of the body.
  2. It is worth getting rid of bad habits. Especially from smoking.
  3. You must follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Drink teas and decoctions recommended for colds.

So now you understand that completelycure of asthma is impossible. But do not neglect the recommendations of doctors. It is necessary to use medications prescribed by doctors. Be sure to carry an inhaler. The patient should stick to a diet, avoid contact with allergens, and exercise.

Clearly following all the prescriptions, you can significantly improve the condition, reduce the number of attacks and reduce their severity.