Duodenal ulcer -a disease characterized by the formation of ulcers of the mucous membranes. A similar pathological process is diagnosed in women and men of different ages. There are many different factors that trigger the occurrence of this disease, which is why it is important to detect and eliminate them in a timely manner. The disease proceeds with stages of remission and exacerbation.
Features of the disease
Двенадцатиперстная кишка – отдел gastrointestinal tract going from the stomach to the small intestine. It gets partially digested food from the stomach, and it is important in the process of digestion. Duodenal ulcer - a disease of recurrent nature, in which there is a lesion of the mucous with its subsequent scarring.
Зачастую она возникает по причине поражения Helicobacter pylori. Previously, it was associated with malnutrition, and the main method of therapy was adherence to a special diet. This disease is considered to be quite common and often is completely asymptomatic, which threatens to move to a more serious stage and the occurrence of complications.
The main cause of peptic ulcerthe duodenum is hyperacidity. It causes serious damage to the mucous membrane, resulting in destructive processes that lead to the development of this disease. Factors such as can also provoke the formation of an ulcer:
- eating disorders;
- Helicobacter pylori;
- emotional stress and stress;
- genetic predisposition;
- alcohol abuse;
- taking certain medications;
- tobacco smoking.
Quite often in people who abusealcohol diagnosed this disease. Alcohol causes very serious damage to the cells of the mucous membrane, changing the nature of the release of hydrochloric acid. The protective function of mucus in this case is significantly reduced.
The main symptomatology
The very first symptom of gastric ulcer andduodenal ulcer is the presence of pronounced soreness. Pain can manifest or significantly increase during physical exertion, consumption of spicy food, drinking, and also prolonged fasting. With typical ulceration, painful sensations have a clear relationship with food intake, they occur during exacerbation of the disease and are characterized by seasonal manifestations.
In addition, a decrease or completethe disappearance of pain when taking antacids. In addition, there may be other symptoms of duodenal ulcer, in particular, such as:
- heartburn;
- nausea and vomiting after eating;
- weight loss;
- loss of appetite;
- decrease in working capacity.
Soreness may be early, lateand nightly. Early pains appear immediately after eating and literally decrease after 2 hours. They are characteristic of patients with ulcers localized in the upper part of the stomach. Late ones begin to appear 2 hours after the consumption of food and are found in people with ulcers in the antrum.
Many patients with duodenal ulcer complain of irregular stools. Constipation can bother much more often than pain.
Conducting diagnostics
When treating a patient with a characteristicsymptomatic, the doctor conducts diagnosis of duodenal ulcer, which begins with the collection of data. For this, the nature and location of pain, heredity, history and many other factors are determined. During a visual examination, the doctor performs a palpation of the abdomen. In addition, the diagnosis implies:
- conducting clinical analysis and determining the number of bacteria in the blood;
- measurement of gastric acidity;
- x-ray with a contrast agent;
- endoscopic examination;
- mucosal examination.
As a result of determining the presence of peptic ulcer and its localization, the doctor selects a method of treatment, taking into account the patient's condition and the particular course of the pathological process.
Features of treatment
The basis of the treatment of gastric ulcer andduodenum laid two principles, namely, individuality and complexity. Therapy is mainly applied conservative. During the period of exacerbation, treatment is shown for 6-8 weeks, and should be carried out exclusively in the hospital. Therapy includes:
- strict adherence to bed rest;
- health food;
- the use of drugs;
- thermal procedures.
The first stage of the treatment of peptic ulcerduodenal ulcer is best held in a hospital. During this period, the patient should be provided with full physical and psychological rest. Bed rest has a very good effect on intra-abdominal pressure and the normalization of blood circulation in the digestive tract, which contributes to a more rapid healing of the ulcer. However, it is worth noting that prolonged rest can negatively affect the overall functional state of the body, therefore, after eliminating an attack of acute pain, you need to gradually return to physical activity.
Лечебное питание подразумевает под собой adherence to a diet with an exception to the diet of products that irritate the mucous. In addition, it is important to undergo a course of drug therapy, which will help to normalize the patient's well-being, eliminate an acute attack of pain, and also remove pathogenic microflora.
The use of drug therapy
In the presence of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, the doctor prescribes certain medication, in particular, such as:
- antibacterial;
- painkillers;
- blocking the production of hydrochloric acid;
- neutralizing hydrochloric acid;
- protecting the mucosa.
Antibacterial drugs are required in caseif the disease was provoked by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. These drugs include Amoxicillin and Metronidazole. If, after the course of antibiotic therapy, the bacteria could not be eliminated, then another treatment regimen should be selected.
Also in the process of treatment of gastric ulcerand the duodenum is prescribed pain killers. The most common drugs are: Kontrolok, Gastrozol, Sanpraz. Their action is aimed at eliminating the painful sensations by reducing the amount of hydrochloric acid in the body.
Requires drugs to help formprotective film on the mucous membrane. These drugs include "Maalox" and "Almagel". To quickly normalize the patient's well-being, funds are needed to block the production of hydrochloric acid. Often, inhibitors are prescribed, which include "Omeprazole", "Pantoprazole", "Esomeprazole".
Drug therapy often lasts from2 weeks to 1.5 months. In many ways, the course of treatment depends on the size of the ulcer and the patient's well-being. It should be remembered that to appoint drugs and control the process of therapy should only be a qualified specialist, based on the characteristics of the course of the disease. That is why, in the presence of the slightest suspicion of the presence of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Surgical intervention
There are certain indications for surgical intervention in the presence of an ulcer. These indications include:
- perforation of peptic ulcer disease;
- intense bleeding;
- pyloric stenosis in the acute stage.
Surgical intervention is recommended ifchronic benign ulcer does not heal for a long time, despite the treatment with the use of drugs. Another indication is that the patient has several stages of gastric bleeding.
In case of perforation, suturing or excisionulcers with the performance of pyloroplasty. In the case of the presence of abundant bleeding from an ulcer, endoscopic hemostasis is initially carried out, and then conservative therapy is applied with the use of hemostatic preparations. With the ineffectiveness of these techniques, an operation to stitch an ulcer or perform its resection followed by grafting is shown.
If the deformity of the bulb is observed, then the surgical intervention consists of plasty or anastomosis.
Rules of adherence to diet
If there is a peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, the diet must comply with such principles as:
- providing the body with good nutrition;
- consumption of the most benign products;
- strict adherence to diet.
Food should be soft and well chopped,have an average heating temperature. In addition, foods consumed should not be too salty, sharp and fatty. You need to eat often and in small portions. Daily caloric intake should be no more than 2000 kcal.
Cooking only needs to be steamed or boiled.As a beverage, it is desirable to consume mineral water without gas. In addition, a positive effect on mucous tea with melissa and mint. In the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. Due to the observance of a special diet for duodenal ulcer, the intestine does not receive an extra load, and food is absorbed much faster.
Traditional medicine
Some patients are not willing to takedrugs and resort to traditional methods of therapy. It is worth remembering that when using unconventional means you need to first consult with your doctor, as you can harm your condition and provoke an exacerbation of the ulcer.
For treatment can be applied:
- propolis;
- medicinal herbs;
- beetroot;
- viburnum juice;
- green tea;
- olive oil;
- flax seeds.
However, gastroenterologists recommend a comprehensive therapy aimed at eliminating pathogens and reducing the level of acidity in the body.
What to do during an acute attack?
If you have severe abdominal pain, be sure toneed to seek medical attention. You should not use any medications yourself, especially painkillers, as this may distort the clinical picture, which greatly complicates the diagnosis. Only after a comprehensive examination, the doctor prescribes treatment.
When exacerbating peptic ulcer is very importantprovide timely assistance and eliminate the pathogenic Helicobacter bacterium. If you do not provide comprehensive assistance, then there may be a significant deterioration in health, which threatens with the emergence of a painful shock.
What can be complications?
Complications of duodenal ulcer can be very dangerous for a person and include:
- bleeding;
- perforated ulcer;
- ulcer penetration.
При протекании глубокой язвы кислота может corrode blood vessels, leading to heavy bleeding. Sometimes it is so heavy that it can cause a very life-threatening condition. Among the main symptoms of this violation can be identified the presence of vomiting, pressure drop, severe weakness, dizziness, heart palpitations, dark stools.
У некоторых пациентов язва может проникать через all layers of the duodenum, resulting in a hole that connects the intestinal lumen with the abdominal cavity. The main signs of the occurrence of this complication is a sharp pain in the abdomen. The severity of the patient's condition is constantly deteriorating, with an increase in temperature, and the stomach becomes hard.
Ulcer penetration is penetrationit to other organs, which causes the occurrence of the inflammatory process, which provokes the occurrence of the inflammatory process. Often, such ulcerative formation penetrates the pancreas, which leads to very serious consequences. A healed ulcer with frequent exacerbations can cause damage to the duodenal bulb, making it difficult for food to pass through.
The main measures for the prevention of duodenal ulcer are:
- prevention of Helicobacter pylori infection;
- reduction of hydrochloric acid;
- timely treatment of duodenitis and gastritis.
In order to carry out prevention, you need to refusefrom bad habits, to observe the correct diet, and also to eliminate the factors provoking stressful states. If an ulcer is suspected, it is imperative that you consult a doctor who will prescribe diagnostics and, if necessary, treatment.