/ / Tibetan youth recipe: reviews, side effects and intended outcome

Tibetan youth recipe: reviews, side effects and intended results

Since ancient times, Tibet excites steadfastinterest of scholars, poets and mystics. At the end of the last century, this place began to reveal its secrets to inquisitive travelers. One of the mysteries, known only to initiates, was and remains Tibetan medicine.

Tibetan youth recipe

Features of Tibetan healing

It is at the same time science, philosophy and art.The Tibetan system of healing is based on the idea that man harmoniously fit into nature and feeds not only on its material products, but also on spiritual ones. Therefore, healing techniques include the use of natural medicines, bioenergetic methods, and effects on human consciousness. The tool called “Tibetan recipe of youth”, which many admirers of alternative medicine are fascinated today, involves the preparation of an elixir that has a healing effect on the body and stimulates its defenses. Elixir is designed to release the body from toxins, put in order the nervous system and metabolism. A grateful organism will respond with vigor and flowering, so you should not be surprised that the instructions for preparing a drug are called nothing less than a “recipe for youth”. Tibetan monks is a recipe or not - it does not matter, the main thing is that the doctors agree unanimously: the means prepared in this way cleans the blood vessels well and makes them more elastic. Rumor has it that the recipe found in a Tibetan monastery embossed on clay tablets. It should be noted that such a “summary” can only discredit the tool, because, according to scientists, they never wrote on clay tablets in Tibet.

Tibetan recipe for youth on herbs

Tibetan youth recipe with garlic

Has the most valuable healing propertiesa wonderful representative of the earth's flora - garlic. To prepare the elixir should be as follows. Take 350 g of large fresh garlic (not older than 4 months of storage) and grind it to a slurry. It is recommended to use not iron, but wooden objects. In no case should metal utensils be used when cooking. From the garlic mass obtained, 200 g of raw materials should be separated (better to take from the bottom, where there is more juice) put in a glass bottle or jar. Capacity before the procedure should be heated and wrapped with paper to protect from light. Garlic should be filled with 96% alcohol in the amount of 200 g. A tightly closed bottle (jar) should be put in a dark place for ten days. The prepared mixture then will only filter, squeeze and use a strict scheme. In some sources, you can find advice on how to prepare the tincture is better, consistent with the phases of the moon. Then it is necessary to put it on the new moon, and be considered finished - in the phase of the full moon.

Tibetan youth recipe

Garlic "rejuvenating" elixir should be addeddrops in milk. The amount of milk - 50 grams, that is, a quarter cup. Some healers claim that it should be goat, but people who use the recipe are sure that ordinary cows work as well. The elixir intake regimen looks like this:

  • day 1: breakfast - 2 drops, lunch - 2 drops, dinner - 3 drops;
  • Day 2: breakfast - 4 drops, lunch - 5 drops, dinner - 6 drops;
  • Day 3: breakfast - 7 drops, lunch - 8 drops, dinner - 9 drops;
  • day 4: breakfast - 10 drops, lunch - 11 drops, dinner - 12 drops;
  • Day 5: breakfast - 13 drops, lunch - 14 drops, dinner - 15 drops;
  • Day 6: breakfast - 16 drops, lunch - 17 drops, dinner - 18 drops;
  • Day 7: breakfast - 19 drops, lunch - 20 drops, dinner - 21 drops;
  • day 8: breakfast - 22 drops, lunch - 23 drops, dinner - 24 drops;
  • Day 9: Breakfast - 25 drops, lunch - 24 drops, dinner - 23 drops;
  • day 10: breakfast - 22 drops, lunch - 21 drops, dinner - 20 drops;
  • Day 11: breakfast - 19 drops, lunch - 18 drops, dinner - 17 drops;
  • Day 12: Breakfast - 16 drops, lunch - 15 drops, dinner - 14 drops;
  • Day 13: Breakfast - 13 drops, lunch - 12 drops, dinner - 11 drops;
  • Day 14: breakfast - 10 drops, lunch - 9 drops, dinner - 8 drops;
  • Day 15: breakfast - 7 drops, lunch - 6 drops, dinner - 5 drops;
  • day 16: breakfast - 4 drops, lunch - 3 drops, dinner - 2 drops;
  • Day 17: breakfast - 2 drops, lunch - 1 drop, dinner - 1 drop;
  • From the 18th day until the end of the tincture: breakfast - 25 drops, lunch - 25 drops, dinner - 25 drops.

As a means of affecting health

Tibetan youth recipe with garlic

What effect does homemade health have onbalm called "Tibetan recipe for youth"? User feedback is quite encouraging: the tool relieves headaches, raises the tone, copes with some chronic ailments and gives the skin a smooth and healthy color. How reliable are the stories that forty-year-old mothers begin to look like their twenty-year-old daughters, and that after long-term use of the remedy, patients with paralysis get up on their feet, we don’t bother to say. One can be convinced of the miraculous properties of a drug only by testing them experimentally. It is unlikely that there will be any harm from taking garlic tincture with milk: garlic is unique in its medicinal qualities as a vegetable - from its antibacterial properties to its ability to stimulate blood flow and fight cancer cells. But is “Tibetan youth recipe” suitable for all people?


Do not take the remedy cooked ongarlic, people who have a diagnosis of epilepsy. For kidney disease, garlic is also contraindicated. It is extremely cautious to use tincture with an ulcer of the intestine or stomach, with cholelithiasis, prostate adenoma, with diseases of the bladder. This means that the first alarming signals from these bodies will require you to stop the course of treatment and seek advice from a doctor. Some people have difficulty tolerating essential oils, which are many in garlic. In this case, it is worthwhile to listen to your body and not force it with a balsam. Of course, do not need to take alcohol tincture of children, pregnant and lactating women.

Tibetan recipe for youth contraindications

What you need to know

Does the Tibetan recipe suggest youthside effects? Healers warn that in the course of the patient's therapy some uncomfortable states may arise. They claim that itching of the skin is due to the cleansing of the lymphatic system, discomfort in the liver from stagnant bile set in motion, and the feeling of warming up in the head indicates cleansing of the brain's blood vessels. Whether it is true or not, only a professional can say, therefore, in such conditions, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor whom you trust. Explaining the clinical picture of changes in the body will help not only the scientific knowledge of the doctor, but also the tests that he prescribe.

Tibetan youth herbal recipe: composition

We will not argue with the fact that agingdue to many pathological changes that occur with our cells and organs. Nature gave us natural medicines in the form of plants that are widely distributed on the planet. From mouth to mouth goes another "Tibetan recipe for youth", which is based on the composition of dry plants. No physician will refute the healing power of immortelle, chamomile, birch buds and hypericum. Each plant has its own code of therapeutic effects. Means "Tibetan recipe for youth" involves their use in the complex.

Tibetan recipe for youth on herbs

Cooking method

100 g of birch buds, 100 g of chamomile inflorescences,100 g of herb St. John's wort, 100 g of immortelle flowers is required to grind in a mortar or coffee grinder. Raw materials are mixed and placed in a glass jar, closed with a lid. This healing collection is necessary to brew and drink with a certain cyclical nature. On one tablespoon of vegetable powder should take half a liter of boiling water and brew, insist fifteen to twenty minutes.

tibetan youth recipe reviews

When and how to take

Infusion, which makes it possible to cook"Tibetan recipe for youth on the grass," must be taken twice a day. 250 g drink before bedtime, the other 250 g - in the morning half an hour before meals in a heated form. After this, it is necessary to prepare a new decoction for the same regimen. In the tea each time add a small spoon of honey. It is necessary to take care that in the evening after taking the remedy there are no more dinners and snacks. The course will continue until dry collection ends. Then you need to take a break for at least a week and repeat the therapy. In total, the entire treatment time should take about three months. Repeat the course healers advise in five years.

Tibetan youth recipe side effects

Herb Collection Tips

Dry raw materials can be purchased at the pharmacy, and better -prepare according to the rules of herbalists. The pharmaceutical chamomile collect inflorescences by hand after they bloom. Dried with good ventilation in the shade or in the dryer at 30-40 degrees Celsius. Store raw materials no more than a year. The same drying rule is used when preparing an immortelle, only baskets are collected at the beginning of flowering.

Tibetan monk youth recipe
In Hypericum cut the top, where are locatedflowering shoots, and dried or in bundles, or spread out a thin layer on the litter. The raw materials are flowers, leaves, and thin stems of the plant. But birch buds should be prepared in winter - in January or February. Cut branches tied into a broom and dried for a month in a ventilated room. Then they are threshed and the kidneys are kept in jars, cloth bags or paper bags separately from other herbs.