/ / What are the folk remedies for the treatment of tuberculosis

What folk remedies for tuberculosis exist

Туберкулез - это заболевание, которое можно pick up anywhere: in a store or transport. The bacterium that causes it quickly multiplies in the body and destroys the internal organs. Treatment of tuberculosis is very difficult and long. The causative agent of this disease can adapt to various drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to change the treatment methods every 2-3 months. All people react differently to different drugs. Therefore, it is recommended to take in the arsenal of therapy and folk remedies for the treatment of tuberculosis.

folk remedies for tuberculosis
The development of the disease is associated with lifestylehuman, level of his immunity and sanitary living conditions. The disease is aggravated by stress, malnutrition and lack of sleep. Folk remedies for treating tuberculosis not only help to cope with the infection, but also strengthen the immune system and calm the nerves. Long since this disease was treated with fresh milk. The patient needs to drink it as much as possible. Sometimes it is recommended to add a little crushed charcoal into the milk or to prepare a kind of medicine by boiling it with propolis.

Folk remedies for tuberculosis usea lot of different medicinal plants. There are many fees, a decoction which take courses. Most often they consist of yarrow, anise, St. John's wort, calendula and licorice. It is useful to drink tea from hop cones or a mixture of motherwort leaves and chicory roots. Often used cones and needles of pine or spruce.

treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

Treatment of tuberculosis folk remediesimplies the use of honey. It is mixed with carrot and radish juices, with horseradish, pine needles or viburnum. There is a recipe based on aloe leaves, birch buds and linden flowers. They are mixed with honey and pour olive oil. Of the bee products often used propolis. Can be made on the basis of healing oil or milk.

Folk remedies for treating tuberculosis likedescribed above, taken three times a day, best before meals. The course should continue for 1-2 months, and then change the drug of traditional medicine, if there was no relief. It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits, as well as eggs, lard and cream. Useful nuts, berries of viburnum and oatmeal. You can brew bran and drink like tea. Often in the treatment of this disease are used juices of different plants: cabbage, burdock, black radish, carrots, horsetail, plantain or leaves of Kalanchoe. And instead of coffee you need to drink a decoction of barley, rye and chicory.

treatment of tuberculosis folk remedies
There is a very effective treatment prescription.Tuberculosis is a calcium tincture. For its preparation, you need to pour fresh eggs with lemon juice and leave it in a dark, cool place until the shell dissolves. This usually happens in ten days. Then heated honey and brandy are poured into the mixture. This medicine must be taken in a tablespoon after a meal for two weeks.

Folk treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis shouldaccompany the use of drugs, in any case, not replacing them. After all, the disease develops quickly. Without treatment under the supervision of doctors, the use of folk remedies can lead to irreparable consequences. Patients with tuberculosis need to comply with the regime, regularly do wet cleaning and be in the fresh air. It is very important to eat right and avoid stress.