Skin problems associated with excessivepeeling and dryness of the dermis, helps to solve the cream "Psorilom". Instructions for use recommend this homeopathic remedy for skin care and external effects in psoriasis and other diseases requiring antiseptic and epithelizing action.
"Psorilom": instructions for use
The composition of this cream, the formula of which is richplant extracts and natural oils, is safe and reliable, as it does not contain hormonal components. Extracts of sage and mint, sweet clover and burdock, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, calendula, violet and elderberry, yarrow, St. John's wort remove itching, flushing, inflammation and flaky skin. Natural oils: lavender, milk thistle, eucalyptus and rosemary, as well as mineral - promote the healing of various skin injuries, prevent infection of wounds and the spread of foci.
Pharmacology: how does the cream act on the skin?
Complex treatment with homeopathic remedy"Psoril" and cosmetics with carefully selected natural bioactive substances have antipruritic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The cream is used during exacerbation and during periods of psoriasis remission, in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and neurodermatitis, to combat eczema and excessive dryness of the epidermis. Zinc pyrithione, included in the cosmetic product - cream "Psorilom", the instruction for use refers to the components, qualitatively removing inflammation, eliminating fungi and harmful microbes. Extracts of medicinal plants and essential oils that are part of a specialized caring agent are traditionally used in the treatment of various skin ailments and enhance the action of zinc pyrithionate.
Despite the natural composition and sufficiently safe components of the caregiver "Psorilom", its use must be coordinated with a dermatologist.
With excessive dryness of the epidermis, if it is notis a symptom of a disease, and a sign of sensitive, prone to flaking and itching, thin skin, then beauticians to improve her condition is often advised to use a homeopathic cream "Psorilom." Instructions for use also recommend this tool for daily care for dehydrated, irritated dermis.
Application: how often can I apply this cream and is there a side effect?
Homeopathic multicomponent agent"Psorilom" allows you to get the maximum therapeutic and prophylactic result if you apply it a thin layer on the affected skin with light circular motions. But it is not rubbed, but left until completely absorbed on the surface of the dermis, free from clothing. In the annotation to the drug manufacturer recommends that this procedure 2-3 times a day. The cream "Psorilom" - instruction, application, reviews - is called a non-hormonal cosmetic preparation, its action is directed to moisturizing and improving the skin condition. Therefore, it is often prescribed for preventive purposes, in the treatment of lesions of the body surface of less than 20 percent or in complex therapy along with hormone-containing drugs.
Particular caution must be exercised by women induring pregnancy and lactation, when the use of homeopathic preparation "Psorilom" should occur strictly in accordance with the appointment of a doctor. Children under the age of 18 should not use this tool. Problems with deficiency of enzymes (insufficiency of lactase, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption) are contraindication in complex therapy, including cream and tablets (or granules) "Psorilom". People suffering from individual intolerance to the components of this cream, dermatologists usually appoint another caregiver.
Additional information: time and conditions of storage, form of issue, price and analogy
The Russian company Alcoi isthe manufacturer of the drug "Psorilom" (cream). Instruction for use (the price of one tube of cosmetic preparation is approximately 400-500 rubles) reports that there are no exact analogues of this unique caregiver. Only "Daivonex" and "Psorinochel N" can offer in the pharmacy - drugs that have a similar "Psorilomu" effect. This cream is produced in tubes of 75 ml, which can be stored for 2 years at room temperature, in a dark place inaccessible to children.
A line of preparations "Psorilom": tablets, cream and shampoo. Interaction with other drugs
Is it good for eczema, dry skin andpsoriasis "Psorilom" (cream)? Instructions for use, reviews confirming its effectiveness, advise together with the cosmetic means to use tablets or granules, as well as external preparations - gel, spray and shampoo.
Opinions and comments about the cream "Psoril" (instructions for use)
Price and reviews, most of which are approving,stimulate to purchase a cream of anyone who has encountered problems of irritated, dry skin, the appearance of eczema or psoriatic plaques. Before starting treatment with this external agent, you must visit a dermatologist. Many skin diseases can have similar symptoms, but a different nature of occurrence. A professional examination will help to avoid errors in diagnosis and increase the effectiveness of treatment. In separate reviews, a warning is given that after several treatments of the skin with cream, there was a temporary exacerbation of the symptoms, which soon passed.