If pregnancy is planned, then it is necessarytake into account sometimes the slightest nuances. It will not be superfluous to know how much sperm is living in the uterus and vagina. This is an important indicator. And those who do not want to have babies yet, it is also not recommended to pass such important information past them. It often happens that the child was conceived during a second sexual intercourse when viable spermatozoa remained in the folds and on the head of the penis. The period of their activity is an indicator of individual for each man, you can learn it by submitting an analysis - spermogram.
Dependence of sperm life on temperature

The indicator of how much sperm is living,directly depends on the ambient temperature. For example, it is noticed that for men working in "hot" shops in harmful production, it is often reduced. The optimum temperature for saving sperm in activity is 37 degrees. If this figure increases, the life span of spermatozoa will decrease. A very interesting and very useful conclusion can be drawn from this. If a man in the near future wants to become a father, he should not often visit saunas and baths. But not only does high temperature affect how much sperm is living. Low its indicators completely immobilize the male tadpoles, but they retain their viability. This makes it possible to freeze the seed in special stores and use it later for artificial insemination.
How many sperm cells live in the vagina?

It is known that the egg lives no more than 24 hours.But how much can save its viability of sperm, it is not exactly known. Too many factors depend on this indicator. For example, if a woman has an inflammatory process, then they quickly lose their activity. Also, the quality of the sperm itself plays an important role. The female genital tract significantly restricts the period of sperm life. It is inherent in nature itself. In a woman's vagina a weakly acidic environment, but in semen, on the contrary, it is alkaline. Accordingly, the weakest spermatozoa die first only for this reason. Before the egg can only get resistant. This is a natural mechanism for selecting only high-quality genetic material. In general, considering all the factors, you can approximately answer the question about how much sperm is living in the vagina. This period is from 2 to 7 days.
Sperm in the environment

In the vagina, the sperm retains itsactivity. Fertilization can also occur on day 5 after intercourse. But in the environment everything is different. How many live sperm in the air? Just a few hours. But that's why you need to be careful. If a woman does not plan a pregnancy, it is recommended not to start a second sexual intercourse without a man's hygiene procedure. He should thoroughly wash off all the sperm remnants from the penis. If this is not done, it is entirely possible that the surviving spermatozoa will penetrate the vagina, and then into the uterus and fertilize the egg. Such cases, though rare, but still happen.