/ / Where and how much does the tick live?

Where and how much does the tick live?

Mites are rather small arachnids, the sizes of which sometimes do not exceed 0.5 mm. They have 8 legs and a fused head and chest. About where and how many live tick, we'll talk today.

how many live tick

How Mites Live

The mites have mastered a variety of habitats.It can be a forest litter, water, and plants. And some of them began to parasitize. Now ticks can be found on almost any kind of animal, both on land and in the aquatic environment. To understand how many live mites, you need to understand the nature of his nutrition.

In the forest, for example, a mite climbs on a blade of grassor a twig to a height of not more than half a meter and waits, when it will be possible to catch on the body of an animal, a person or a bird. And having seized such moment, longly chooses a place suitable for feeding. After having eaten, the female again leaves for the forest litter and starts laying eggs. From this moment until the emergence of an adult, several stages take place, ranging in length from three to five years. And for all this time, the mite only drinks blood a few times.

How many live tick after bite

Chitinous shell, covering the entire body of arachnids, stretches on the abdomen, so the female, for example, can drink a lot of blood, resulting in a large "bean".

how many live tick after bite

In order to eat, the female will need almosta week. And then you can fall off and digest blood and start offspring. Males also do not disdain blood. She needs them to support the body until mating. True, they drink it much less and eaten in an hour. And then the blood will be needed for both of them only for the next process of genus prolongation.

How many live tick without food

By the way, the tick can be considered the most indifferent to food being on our planet. Not being able to eat normally, he, starving, can live about 11 years!

The presence of food leads to surprising transformationsthis insect. So, argasid mites, which live in dry and warm places and do not threaten a person, without food, have a length of no more than 13 mm. But having eaten, these crumbs increase hundreds of times!

The most dangerous for a person areOrnithodal mites, living in the steppe, desert and semi-desert zone. They can do without food for 10 years, but at the first opportunity they infect the bitten with severe diseases.

how many live the tick without food

So how many live tick?

On the Earth counted more than 48 000 different speciesticks. Among them, there are those that cause diseases, for example, encephalitis or hemorrhagic fever, and those that feed exclusively on plant juice. Their duration depends on their mode of life.

The tick bite is not necessarily dangerous. Many of us do not even suspect that we were bitten. But to remember that in nature there are also dangerous individuals, it is necessary.

After all, there are scabies, and domestic - dust, eating only dry scales of human skin, but at the same time capable of causing severe allergies.

Regardless of how much the tick lives, we allIt is also necessary to clearly know that care, cleanliness and composure can help to avoid contact with this insect. Coming home from the forest or returning from the dacha, be sure to examine yourself. And having found out on the body of the tick, ask for help to the doctors. Good luck to you!