/ / Unique tool "Radiesse". Reviews and features

Unique tool "Radiess". Reviews and opportunities

Recently there has been a rapidthe development of cosmetology in the field of new injection drugs that help correct deficiencies and change the shape of individual parts of the face without resorting to plastic surgery. One of them is the Radiesse preparation based on hydroxyapatite (HAP). This tool has become widely known and allowed for use in the European Union, the United States and Russia. Official permission for the use of the drug in medicine was obtained in 2003.

Using the unique tool "Radiesse"cosmetologists help patients correct nasal defects, increase chin size, etc. In addition, it is used to treat dermoatrophy on the face and body, as well as lipoatrophy, including in HIV patients. Radiesse, which can be reviewed by renowned practitioners, helps patients with urological problems, such as stress urinary incontinence and vesicoureteral reflux. Apply this tool also to eliminate the deformation of the vocal cords. Dentists very often turn to this drug to increase bone tissue and eliminate defects. In cases of incontinence, Radiesse also helps patients. Reviews confirm its effectiveness.

What is a drug?

It is a milky white gel that is locatedin sterile syringes of different sizes, from 0.3 to 1.3 ml. Inside this gel is hydroxyapatite, which determines the effectiveness of Radiesse. Injections of this tool are carried out under the skin. Once in the right place, the active ingredients of the gel stimulate the processes of neocollagenesis. And if the drug is administered under the periosteum, then the process of osteosynthesis will be stimulated. Thus, either fibroblasts or osteoblasts are stimulated. Improvement in appearance is noticeable almost immediately. Even if after some time the patient feels that he has not been given enough drug, you just have to wait until the connective tissue begins to grow, because if the drug is re-administered, hypercorrection can be achieved, which will be very difficult to correct later.

This is what patients who were administered noticedRadiesse. Reviews suggest that after about a couple of months, an implant becomes noticeable in the area of ​​the introduction of the gel. Clinical studies conducted since 1990, showed that the drug is not dangerous, does not lead to any changes in hormones and genes, is non-toxic and does not cause allergies. And besides, none of the patients had any granulomas since the first injection of Radiesse. Reviews suggest that the effect of the administration lasts for two years.

As with every substance, Radiesse hasThere are contraindications - this is hypersensitivity to the components of the gel, the presence of autoimmune and serious chronic diseases, problems with blood clotting, the presence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, the period of carrying a child and feeding.

In case in that part of the body, the correction of whichit is necessary to produce, there is an acute or chronic inflammatory process, and also if it was subjected to surgical interventions or was damaged as a result of injury, Radiesse gel is contraindicated. It is important for the patient to know that injections of the drug are not made in the area of ​​the nose. But in the region of the nasolabial folds, cheekbones, chin, nasal muscle, the drug is injected into the back surface of the hands without fear.

Before the introduction of the drug injection siteanesthetized (mainly with Lidocaine). After the injection, the injection site is massaged for several minutes in order to achieve a uniform distribution of the gel under the skin. Do not be afraid, if suddenly after a couple of days you will see a moderate swelling in the places of injections, this consequence of the injection passes quickly enough. But from sunbathing should refrain. Today, Radiesse is more popular than hyaluronic acid, which is well-known in cosmetology and continues to be used by cosmetologists for injections in areas with delicate skin (near the eyes and lips).