/ / The drug "Cyclime". Reviews, application

The drug "Cyclime". Reviews, application

A unique tool "Cyclime" is an analoghormonal drugs that are recommended for women during the menopause. It has an effect that reduces the expressed manifestation of climacteric syndrome and helps to update skin cells by increasing the content of collagen and hyaluronic acid in them. It is very effective to use this medicine even after surgery on the organs of the reproductive system.

As a rule, the period of menopause in women lasts infor several years. At the same time, the functional work of the ovaries weakens, the production of progesterone and estrogens decreases. These changes are known to be accompanied by psychological and somatic disorders, such as sleep disorders, mood changes, excessive sweating, apathy and many others. The drug "Cyclime" helps to avoid all these troubles. It is recommended to use it for general strengthening of the female body during the menopause. Cyclime (reviews confirm this) affects the decrease in frequency and severity of hot flashes, reduces irritability and nervousness. His reception also improves the emotional state and increases efficiency.

It is recommended to use the drug while eatingtablet exactly 2 times a day. The course itself is designed for at least three months. But, as a rule, the positive effect begins to appear after a few weeks. The action of a biologically active additive increases if it is consumed more dura- tionally. After six months of regular use of the drug, you should always consult a doctor.

Already on the 3rd month of application of the drug "Cyclime"(the reviews say it), changes in the body are noticeable: the symptoms of menopause decrease, blood pressure decreases, and the appearance of the skin improves. It is very important that nervousness and irritability disappear completely, and the emotional state is restored.

The company that produces the drug "Cyclime""Evalar". Reviews of the medicines developed by her specialists can only be seen as positive. After all, this pharmaceutical company produces only high-quality medical products. The firm "Evalar" helps to keep youth as long as possible. It also produces drugs that help regulate metabolism, which contributes to weight loss.

Cream "Cyclime" is also available.It is recommended to use it against aging of the facial skin. It contains phytoestrogens, hyaluronic acid and retinol. Its use helps to restore elasticity and elasticity of the skin, eliminates its dryness and pigmentation. The cream also helps to get rid of facial wrinkles. It is recommended to apply it massage on the face and neck. The cream contains water, soybean oil, lipoderm, glycerin, a complex of vitamins, wild yam and cymicifuge extract, hyaluronic acid, d-panthenol, ethyl alcohol, carbopol, euksil K300, emulsifier, triethanolamine, and also an aromatic composition.

Most women after applying the cream"Cyclime" (reviews on the Internet indicate exactly this) notice changes in the skin condition after 10 days of its permanent application. It is worth noting that the depth of facial wrinkles decreases, and the so-called "crow's feet" that form in the corners of the eyes disappear altogether. Often there are positive reviews about the cream, as a preventive tool. If it is regularly applied to the area where the appearance of deep facial wrinkles is most likely, they will not appear at all. However, after stopping the use of Cyclime cream (reviews say this), mimic wrinkles can still occur. Therefore, many cosmeticians advise to use this cream at least once a day for prevention.

It is almost impossible to influence aging.True, you can try to slow the rate of aging of the body and skin. To do this, we recommend using a natural non-hormonal complex "Cyclime" from the company-manufacturer "Evalar".