/ Liver cancer: how much to live? Symptoms, causes and projections

Liver cancer: how much to live? Symptoms, causes and predictions

Liver cancer is the formation of malignantthe type that occurs in the cells of the same organ and its structures. In this case, the symptoms have certain features and appear due to the action of such factors as the disease of viral hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, as well as due to excessive consumption of foods containing an excessive amount of aflatoxin.

liver cancer how long to live

General information

Statistics state that such cancer occurs inwomen are several times less likely than those of the opposite sex. And the age of the patient generally exceeds 40 years. In children, the disease is much less common.

Важно знать виды, факторы развития, симптомы и methods of treating such a dangerous malignant disease, like liver cancer. How much to live with such a disease, how to avoid it - all these questions concern not only the patient, but also a healthy person.

There are two types of illness:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

The primary species originates from cells thatmake up the structure of the body itself. Secondary liver cancer is much more common. How much to live with this form? Experts conduct numerous studies, but the findings are disappointing.

При вторичной форме протекает разрастание уже existing tumor metastases, which are based on malignant cells affected by the disease, so this form most often leads to death.

liver cancer how much is left to live

Liver cancer factors

There are certain reasons that increase the possibility of liver cancer:

  • 50 years old and older;
  • male sex is more at risk for liver cancer;
  • viral hepatitis (chronic, more often B and C);
  • cirrhosis;
  • smoking, alcohol;
  • use of contraceptives (in this case, birth control pills);
  • use of painkillers.

Symptoms of liver cancer

The first signs of liver cancer include:

  • constipation;
  • vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite;
  • drastic weight loss;
  • weakness.

Symptoms of liver cancer include:

  • swelling in the liver;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • itching, yellowing of the skin, the appearance of spider veins;
  • intraperitoneal bleeding;
  • endocrine disruption.


A preliminary diagnosis is made on the basis of commonpatient complaints, examination of the patient, percussion and palpation of the liver, as well as the presence of available laboratory research. In addition, great importance is also given to ultrasound scanning, and in case of controversial cases - computed tomography and magnetic nuclear resonance.

Laparoscopic examination allowsexternal examination, and if changes occur on the surface, material is collected for histological analysis. There is also a method for checking the presence of a malignant tumor, like hepatography.

how many live with liver cancer

Liver cancer healing

To date, liver cancer is considered one of the most difficult diseases.

When treatment involves surgery, you need to know the following:

  • if the size of the area of ​​the tumor is small, it is usually removed in order to prevent the subsequent proliferation of other organs and lymph nodes;
  • tumor destruction is carried out by embolization;
  • do liver transplantation;
  • Dieting is important.

Life expectancy with disease

How many live with liver cancer?This question, unfortunately, is becoming increasingly important for the population. Diagnosis of the disease at an early stage, as a rule, gives positive results. When conducting surgery as early as possible there is a chance to save the life of the patient. Moreover, it will give the opportunity to live for at least five years.

And yet, how many live with liver cancer?There is no exact answer to this question, because the life expectancy of this disease depends on such factors as the severity of the course and its stage, the age of the patient.

One of the most dangerous diseases that takes3rd place among all malignant diseases, - liver cancer. How long the patient is to live, suffering from this terrible scourge, is unknown. Most often, the disease is amenable only to surgical intervention. But, in addition to this, there are methods of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

All questions can not definitely answer eventhe most experienced specialists who study the disease of liver cancer. How much is left for the patient to live - will largely depend not only on the above reasons, but also on his psychological attitude. After all, a miracle always happens to those who truly believe in it. Sometimes only the care and attention of loved ones can give the patient strength, patience and hope for a good outcome.

how many live with liver cancer

How to prevent liver cancer?

  1. Get vaccinated against hepatitis B.
  2. Eliminate alcohol.
  3. Do not take iron supplements without consulting a specialist.

Prediction of recovery and survival at thisThe disease is completely unfavorable. Along with other ailments one of the most serious is liver cancer. How much to live, what predictions and methods of treatment are important questions. But despite everything, you need to be able to set yourself up for the best and not give up. Every year, experts in this field come up with new methods of treatment, and people sincerely believe that someday will be surely invented one that will help to easily overcome this terrible disease.