Hepatitis is a group of diseases causinginflammation of the liver and is both infectious and non-infectious. Acute hepatitis contributes to impaired liver function, which is accompanied by the development of jaundice. To date, up to 30% of the adult population suffer such a dangerous disease, which in severe forms causes death.
Causes of hepatitis
To date, there are several reasonsthe development of the disease - viral, toxic and cholecystic. With the last two reasons caused by food and medicine, doctors cope pretty quickly. In a person who uses a poor-quality product, intoxication occurs, in which the liver cells begin to break down. It is much more difficult to cope with viral hepatitis.
The main types of existing hepatitis
Let's look at the main types of hepatitis.
Viral hepatitis - in this group are combinedThe most common diseases that are dangerous to humans. This includes the viruses of groups from A to G. A distinctive feature is the viruses pathogens. But, despite the differences, they all cause inflammation in the liver. Here you can identify the most common infections - rubella, Epstein virus - Bar, cytomegalovirus, HIV disease.
Toxic hepatitis mainly occurs in humanswith disturbed liver function. It differs in two types - alcoholic and medicinal. The development of drug-induced hepatitis is influenced by long-term use (from 2 days to 1 year) of drugs (antibiotics or tranquilizers). Alcoholic hepatitis provokes excessive use of "hot" beverages, which have in the composition of ethyl alcohol.
Chronic hepatitis is a disease that occurs without improvement within 6 months.
Acute hepatitis is the most common disease that occurs when a virus or bacterial infection, industrial poisons, drugs or low-quality food are affected.
How to recognize hepatitis and how to treat it?
The first symptoms of hepatitis are accompanied by jaundice.Quite often the disease is accompanied by rapid fatigue, weakness and bitterness in the mouth, fever, headache, in rare cases, vomiting opens. The urine of the patient changes color and resembles strong tea, while the stool on the contrary acquires a white-gray color. In some cases, the asymptomatic course of the disease is possible.
Symptoms of hepatitis in each of the existing species are different. Consider these:
Hepatitis A .The first signs of hepatitis of this species are manifested 30 days after the alleged infection. The patient feels pain in the abdomen and muscles, fever, weakness and headache. In times of illness, people are most dangerous to others. This type of hepatitis can cause death, can lead to chronic illness or liver cancer.
Methods of treatment.The doctor prescribes painkillers and antipyretic drugs and a long rest. There are no drugs against this disease, however, immunoglobulin injections performed soon after infection are in most cases quite effective.
Hepatitis B.Infection can occur through blood, sperm, saliva or fluid secreted by the female genital organs. Newborn babies can be infected through the placenta. Usually, the symptoms of hepatitis appear several months after infection (malaise, jaundice, rash and pain in the abdomen).
Methods of treatment. The patient is assigned a bed rest, a plentiful drink and a diet. Successful treatment is achieved with the use of interferon.
Hepatitis C.This disease is directly related to blood transfusion. The first symptoms of hepatitis appear 50 days after the alleged infection. People with this diagnosis are susceptible to cirrhosis or cancer.
Methods of treatment. Doctors use interferon for treatment.
Remember, with the first signs of hepatitis urgent hospitalization is necessary. In the hospital you will receive the necessary medical care. You will receive timely treatment and a suitable diet.