/ / Knee injury: first aid, treatment

Knee injury: first aid, treatment

Knee injury is a serious injury to whichmany people are rather dismissive. Because of this, the consequences can be sad. From an unsuccessful fall you can stop walking or suffer from severe pain. That's why you can not let this disease go by itself. Unfortunately, there is no effective prevention of the described trauma. Therefore, in order to prevent unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to avoid falls. If they still appeared, then you need to contact your doctor in a timely manner.

In the article we will consider diagnostic measures, rulestreatment (conservative and folk methods), as well as the consequences that can occur if therapy is not followed. It should be remembered that a bruise can lead to severe complications, which are much more difficult to cure.

knee injury treatment

Description of injury

Knee injury is an injury that is consideredclosed. It is characterized by a lack of problems with intra-articular structures. The disease can occur in patients of any age and sex. In the risk zone are children and those people who lead an active lifestyle. Injuries always occur if a person falls down, or when they hit a heavy object.

Чаще всего это повреждение бытового характера.In this case, more injured adults in the winter, which is due to the presence of ice. If we are talking about injuries in children, the problems are most often observed during the summer holidays. The knee injury may not be an isolated lesion that appears together with chest damage, a pelvic fracture, a spine and so on. In order to conduct treatment, you need to contact a traumatologist.

bruised knee what to do

What is the danger of injury?

When a man strikes joints and muscles, then on themaffect negative factors. Because of this, a strong load can occur. In order to understand how serious consequences can be, it is necessary to pay attention to those processes that occur with a bruise. The stronger the person hit, the higher the risk of complications.

Чаще всего при падении мышцы расслабляются.The response will be spasm. Even with the fact that soft tissues are quickly restored, painful sensations will persist for several days. Strongly can suffer cartilaginous tissue, which takes up almost the entire impact. If it deforms, then problems with physical activity begin. Therefore, it is important to begin treatment of the knee injury in time.

Complications at impact

Considering that in the knee area there are few softtissues, most often the main burden falls on the bone. Because of this, microcracks can appear, accordingly, inflammation will begin. If it is a question of a strong contusion, the ligaments are able to burst partially or completely. Therefore it is important to comply with all the prescriptions in the treatment of knee injury. If dropped, serious injury may result. The affected area will ache to such an extent that it will be difficult to raise or lower the leg. In severe cases, there may be a rupture of the blood vessels, which causes a hemorrhage to the joint. If it is a weak blow, the blood pours out a little, not more than 30 ml. However, this indicator can sometimes increase to 100 ml.

severe knee injury

Diagnostic measures

If there is a knee injury in the fall, then you needpay attention to the symptomatology. If the problem is not serious, the pain will pass fairly quickly. However, sometimes patients notice that the state of the injured area either starts to deteriorate, or the symptomatology remains unchanged even after a week. To the traumatologist or orthopedist it is necessary to go in a case if a hematoma has not resolved, the pain does not pass or take place, there was a strong puffiness which has not passed within day. That is why it is important to begin immediately treatment of a knee injury. With the fall, tissue and ligament ruptures could occur.

Also an alarming symptom is that the kneedifficult to bend and unbend. At the reception, the doctor should examine the place where the blow hit, clarify the reasons for the injury. This is necessary in order to understand how severe damage can be. When diagnosing, the main thing is to examine the entire injury. This will eliminate the development of serious problems. It should be noted that a soft tissue injury and trouble with cartilage have the same symptoms as meniscus injuries.

Beat on the tangent

It should be noted that if a blowfell on the tangent, then the front region of the knee may suffer greatly. The cartilage usually remains unscathed. To accurately determine the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to perform arthroscopy, to make ultrasound, as well as computed tomography. Thanks to such researches it is possible to learn the full picture inside the joint, to understand the state of the muscles and to confirm or deny information about injuries of the ligament apparatus. Here's how to treat a knee injury at home.

knee injury

First aid

Not everyone has the opportunity to appealto the doctor. That is why you need to know what to do as a first aid. You should sit down or lie down, put your foot on a surface that will be above the level of the body. If the injury occurred on the street with a passerby or relative, you must move the victim and put a splint on his leg. You can use a book, stick, board and so on. Thus, you need to use any available items. It is necessary to immobilize the limb so as to prevent injury complications.

The same should be done in the event that a personhe is treating a knee injury at home. The tire should be bandaged above and below the knee, it does not cost anything to impose on the injured area. It is impossible to squeeze the damaged area, as this will end up with poor blood circulation, increased puffiness, and with a dislocation or fracture, such a bandage can cause a complication.

It should be noted that displacement with other injuriescure is quite difficult. It is necessary to attach something cold. It can be ice, frozen food, water from the freezer, and so on. It is necessary to cool the problem area only through the fabric. Otherwise, it can overcool much. At the same time to impose cold substances need not only the injury zone, but also the places around it. Thus it will prevent the development of edema. Painkillers can be used if severe pain is observed with a strong injury.

Means and further actions

You need to use such pills as “Nurofen”“Pentalgin” and others. You should carefully read the instructions to them in order to understand at what interval and what dose is allowed to drink. If we are talking about severe pain, then you can take a few pills.

Bruised place must be smeared with gel orointment, which will allow to resolve the hematoma, improve blood circulation and relieve swelling. They will allow for effective treatment of knee injury at home. However, before you use drugs, be sure to read the instructions. She will allow you to understand whether you can apply this gel with abrasions or scratches.

If the knee was scratched during the fall, then hydrogen peroxide can be used. Next you need to apply balm "rescuer". This tool can be used even with open wounds.

After first aid was providedIt is imperative to assess the condition of the victim. If the above methods do not ease the torment, then you need to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctors, the person should be relaxed, giving him a sedative or anesthetic.

home treatment

Home Injury Treatment

If the patient turned to the doctor, then he, ratherAbove all, ointments and creams were prescribed that allow the hematomas to dissolve and relieve pain. The damaged area should be lubricated about 5-6 times a day. At the same time, act as gently as possible and do not put pressure on the injury. Knee injury is treated at home if there are no serious injuries in the form of a meniscus tear. The patient must fully adhere to the methods prescribed by the doctor and follow the rules of behavior.

It is imperative to provide up tofull recovery of the problem area. Homemade formulations that allow soft tissue to heal quickly can also be used. They also prevent inflammation of the joints and cartilage. The main thing is to use recipes only those funds that delicately affect the tissue with swelling. Given that many of these recommendations are made on the basis of natural products, then allergic reactions appear much less frequently. The main thing is to properly follow the recipe, then you can forget about bruises and pain, even if the question arises: "Hurt my knee: what to do?"

knee injury when falling

Chamomile, plantain and cabbage recipes

  • You can use a camomile compress andcalendula This tool will help against puffiness, will also relieve inflammation. Infusion should be prepared from 0.5 liters of boiling water, in which you need to add a spoonful of a mixture of herbs. After 45 minutes, wait for the mixture to infuse, then strain. This herbal decoction should be moistened with gauze and applied to the injury.
  • Good helps gruel of plantain.Use a few leaves of the plant. They need to soak and grind. Next, apply to the bruised area. If a knee injury occurred in nature, then it is necessary to wrap the damaged place with leaves. The pain will gradually begin to subside, swelling will decrease.
  • Cabbage leaves are also good for injury.The thickened area should be removed and gently applied to the swollen area. Next should be bandaged. However, it is impossible to press down strongly. Every hour you need to replace the dried leaf.

Additional folk methods

  • With a strong injury to the knee will help compressapple cider vinegar. It is necessary to take olive oil, in which to add boiled water. Next, you should use a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. It is necessary to take a flannel cloth, lower it into a liquid and attach it to the sore spot. Next, you must wrap the knee with cellophane, cover with a towel and fix. After 4 hours, the product should be washed off.
  • Aloe juice will also help.This is a fairly simple recipe that will get rid of pain, swelling and hematomas. Thanks to him, you can relieve inflammation. Aloe has many housewives. You need to take a thick leaf, cut it and grease it painful area about 4 times a day. At the same time covering the knee is not necessary. In order to enhance the effect, you can add thick honey, keep it for 30-40 minutes, then wash off the legs.
  • Many prepare homemade ointment.Need to take 3 tablespoons of birch tar, the same spruce resin and unsalted bacon. These components should be combined in a blender, and after a day they can already be used. This tool should be applied twice a day and lubricate not only the sore spot, but also the areas around it.
    bruised knee treatment


If you neglect the treatment of injury, thenthere are quite serious complications. The fluid in the joint can accumulate, the ligaments break or stretch, and dislocation or fracture of the patella often occurs. Prepellar bursitis may also occur. Other types of complications are also common, so when a similar injury occurs, you should immediately contact a specialist in order to prevent pathological processes.