/ / Finger injury. First aid. Treatment Tips

A bruised thumb. First aid. Treatment Tips

A finger bruise is damage insoft tissue closed. Such an injury occurs as a result of exposure to a blunt object. Usually, a finger bruise is accompanied by a bruise. However, in some cases this damage has serious consequences. It is especially difficult sometimes to have a thumb bruise.

Before the start of therapeuticmeasures, it is necessary to establish the diagnosis precisely. At the same time, a possible fracture should be excluded. This more serious damage is accompanied by a sharp pain in the injured finger, its abnormal mobility or restriction in movements, and a change in its thickness and shape. In case of detection of symptoms of a fracture should immediately go to the emergency room. The doctor will examine the injured area. If necessary, an X-ray examination may be prescribed. According to its results, therapeutic measures are prescribed.

An ordinary finger bruise is manifested by swelling and soreness. If the blow has damaged the nail plate, then a hematoma will form under it, as a result of which the color of the nail will change.

Injury. Treatment.

In the event of injury, first of all,It is necessary to affect the affected area with cold. To do this, you can substitute a bruised finger under cold water, attach ice to it, previously tied up with a bandage. Cold significantly eases pain, contributes to the rapid resorption of the bruise. At the same time it is necessary to know that ice compresses are contraindicated in diabetes mellitus.

It should be noted that the bruised finger can be eliminated quickly. The main thing is to take action on time, preventing the likely consequences of the defeat.

Among the most popular folk methodsenjoys the use of potatoes. It is boiled in the peel, kneaded. On the bruised area is applied gauze dipped in potato gruel. The use of such a compress helps to reduce pain and resorption of hemorrhages. To enhance the effect, you can add honey or baking soda.

In the case if you are cooking potatoesno time, you can use the usual cleaning from it. The clean side of the skin of the potato is applied to the injured area and secured with a bandage or patch. Such a compress is recommended to wear for three hours. This tool will effectively relieve pain, as well as prevent further development of the hematoma.

Mandatory event is processingnail plate on the injured finger. Often, microcracks are formed on it with a lesion. An infection can penetrate through them. Therefore, when bruised nail plate must be treated with iodine. This will not only prevent infection, but also save the nail. To avoid the formation of edema, an iodine net is also recommended throughout the injured area.

It is advisable to alleviate the condition.use of anti-inflammatory drugs. These include, in particular, ointments for topical use ("Fastum gel", "Voltaren", "Dolobene", "Diclofenac" and others). Also useful are physiotherapy.

When bruised thumb is recommended to raise the leg up and put a cold compress or hold under running cold water.

Very effective for finger injuries are vodka compresses and dressings with plantain.

As practice shows, pain in the placeThe injury may last two to three weeks. After this period, there is a significant decrease in its intensity, if the pain persists - be sure to consult a doctor.