Each member of the stronger sex is proud of hismale force, trying not to blunder during intimacy with the woman he loved. But sometimes such a desirable manifestation of feelings has to be abandoned for delicate reasons: for example, it is embarrassing to bare oneself, if the genitals are covered with strange pimples or spots. What are these rashes, where do they come from and where to go for help? We will seek answers to all intimate questions that are of concern to the male population.
Harmless reasons
Sometimes rash on genitals in menappears due to elemental lack of hygiene. Fixing the problem is pretty easy. In order not to spoil a romantic date, make a habit of washing every morning: you can use soap or shower gel for this purpose. If the discomfort of these products is unpleasant, get a special intimate hygiene liquid with a male scent. Use the tool also in front of intimacy: a woman will appreciate the pleasant smell and cleanliness of her body, which will demonstrate that you respect the second half and are trying to make your intimate relationship comfortable.
Red rash on genitals in menmay be a consequence of wearing poor quality or too close linen. In this case, you need to revise your wardrobe and stock up on cowards made from natural fabrics that do not put pressure on manhood and do not cause much friction on the skin. Of course, well, if the appearance of acne is associated with these reasons. Indeed, in some cases they are one of the signs of a venereal disease or a fungal infection.
Quite a common problem.During thrush, a rash appears, which is grouped on the skin by individual lesions and develops into small spots. There is a strong itching, burning, white cheesy film, hiding noticeable erosion. The causes of infection are different: taking antibiotics, experienced stress, reduced immunity. The fungus lives in the body of each person, so emotional experiences or illness can provoke its activation. In addition, you can pick up candidiasis from the sexual partner: women are sick of them much more often due to the characteristics of the organism.
Reproduction of fungi causes balanoposthitis.Initially, the head becomes inflamed, and then a rash appears. On the male sex organs, it affects not only the penis itself, but also a portion of the inner surface of the foreskin. Candida balanoposthitis develops not only because of the fungus. It is also caused by various viruses and bacteria. Sometimes the reason lies in the disruption of the endocrine system or diabetes mellitus, which affects a man.
Herpes and papillomavirus
These venereal diseases are another cause.rash on male genital organs. Herpes, for example, has an unpleasant feature to appear at the most inopportune moment. At first, the red spot on the genitals begins to bother: it itches and gradually turns into a bubble in which there is liquid. Bursting, it develops into a painful ulcer. Herpes can be isolated or be massive. In the fight against infection using special creams and gels, as well as tablets.
Herpes jumps out when immunity decreases.An exacerbation also occurs if another infection gets into the body - the human papillomavirus. It causes the appearance on the genitals of small formations similar to warts. These are papillomas or condylomas. Sometimes their color coincides with the skin tint or is bright red, brown. Papillomas are flat and convex, sometimes have the shape of a mushroom: the cap of a wart grows on a small stem. They must be removed surgically, otherwise with age they will turn into huge growths, itching and bloody.
Pale Treponema
Remember that the most serious venerealthe disease - syphilis - also begins with a banal rash. Chancre appears on the penis - a small seal resembling an ulcer. Its bottom is shiny and flat, the edges are dense. The causative agent is white treponema. Chancre is formed one and a half weeks after it enters the body, but if a person has strong immunity, it can take as much as 3 months before he notices an ulcer. Over time, it disappears, and the patient naively thinks that everything went by itself, but this is not so. A rash appears on the body: it is not found on the sex organs, but it generously covers the chest, face, palms and soles.
Over time, marks like midge bites,merge into circles or ovals: they then disappear, then reappear for several years - the secondary period of syphilis. In the third phase of the disease, a person discovers tubercles on the genitals that break up, forming small ulcers. At the fourth stage, the patient is affected with bone tissue: he becomes an invalid. You should not bring this up, therefore, at the first manifestations of the infection, you should run to the polyclinic.
What to do?
Rash on the genitals in men causerepresentatives of the stronger sex shame, so they are in no hurry to see a doctor. And this is a big mistake. Should be overcome shyness, come to the reception to a dermatologist or venereologist as soon as they found strange formations on the genitals. The specialist during the inspection and with the help of analyzes will identify the pathogen and prescribe a qualified treatment. No folk remedies can not fix the situation: you only aggravate it. As a result, the disease will cause a number of complications and become chronic. It is imperative that you pass the examination with your partner, you also need to be treated together, otherwise there will be no effect. Warn, just in case, other women with whom you have had connections over the past six months.
If the rash on the genitals in men hasallergic nature, is a consequence of poor hygiene or tight linen, it is only necessary to exclude the factor causing education. In order to avoid such troubles in the future, mothers should teach their sons to take a daily shower from childhood and constantly monitor the cleanliness of their genitals.