/ / Rash on penis can be safe

Rash on the penis can be safe

The skin of the male genital organs is thin andvulnerable. During puberty, the sebaceous glands are activated in the head area and under the bridle. Sebaceous glands grow and look like a white rash on the penis. Such manifestations do not require therapeutic intervention. Preventive measures are reduced to regular hygienic procedures to eliminate infection. If you neglect the purity of the rash may become pustular in nature, requiring treatment from a dermatovenereologist.

A rash on the head of the penis as a symptom of syphilis

First, an ulcer appears on the genitals, whichdoes not attract attention by pain, or itching, or burning. This is a chancre, it can painlessly be present on the organ for several weeks without attracting the attention of a sick person. So the first stage of a venereal disease is shown.

The second stage starts in 1 or 2, or 3of the month. During this time, the pathogenic bacteria multiply actively in the body. In the end, there is a pink rash on the penis and throughout the body. After some time, the rash transforms to acne and boils. Specific bumps are observed in the perineum. A distinctive feature of the symptoms of syphilis is that the formation does not hurt and almost does not itch.

Head rash as a symptom of balanoposthitis

Complaints of patients on the rash in the form of redpoints, small spots directly on the surface of the glans penis often indicate the diagnosis of balanoposthitis, that is, inflammation of the glans penis and the foreskin. The disease is transmitted through sexual contact. In rare cases, balanoposthitis begins as an allergic reaction.

Penis rash as a symptom of human papillomavirus infection

After infection of the body, venereal wartsmanifest by no means immediately. In the initial stage, microscopic stains are noticed. In the course of the development of the disease, the spots grow and turn into the form of warts. Warts can so tightly overlap the skin of a member, that outwardly it will resemble a cauliflower. Scalls extend to the trunk, at the entrance to the urethra. Observed discharge, burning during urination or evacuation of feces.

Most often a man as a papilloma virus carrierdoes not have information about their carrier status, because the infection is asymptomatic for the time being. Treatment will be successful only if both partners are treated.

Rash on the penis as a symptom of thrush

Infection occurs when immunity is weakened andthere is a presence in the blood of the herpes virus. Symptoms of candidiasis in men are manifested by a red rash in the form of spots on the head of the penis, there is a highlight consistency of cottage cheese. In addition, the man feels itching and burning, discomfort and pain when urinating. There are problems in sexual satisfaction. Even worse, the man becomes an asymptomatic carrier of the infection. All the time, the fungus erodes the male reproductive system, and the man is unaware of impending problems.

Hygiene irritation

In some cases, sensitivity develops.to some components of hygienic or cosmetic products. Soap, gel, intimate shampoo or cream cause a rash on the head with redness. Observed swelling of the genitals. Some people are irritated by latex, from which condoms are made.

Doctors attribute some rashes and discharge to the normal variants:

- smegma - secretions of the sebaceous glands located in the zone of the foreskin;

- enlarged glands - “pearl ring” around the head of light nodules. Nodules are absolutely painless and do not cause the slightest inconvenience;

- cysts of the sebaceous glands frighten patients with a complex name only. This is not considered a disease, but only a cosmetic defect of the penis.

In any of the above cases, it is recommended to contact a specialist for advice.