/ / Baby uterus: causes, treatment and consequences

Baby uterus: causes, treatment and consequences

The child's womb, or, as it is called,hypoplasia is a disease characterized by a delay in the development of this female organ. As a result, in an adult woman, the size and functionality of the uterus, as in the childhood period of development. The size of this body is 3 - 5 cm (normally it should be 7 - 8 centimeters). In addition, the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus causes the uterus to bend anteriorly.

The children's uterus: the causes of such a violation

The delay in the development of female genital organs has many causes. For example, underdevelopment can be congenital, which is sometimes combined with a delay in the development of the whole organism.

But most often hypoplasia develops inadolescence. The reason for all - violations of hormonal levels. At the same time, in the girl's body, there is a deficiency of those hormones that are responsible for the growth and proper development of this organ. For example, in such women, a decrease in the amount of sex hormones produced by the ovaries is observed, along with an increase in the level of pituitary hormones. In some cases, malfunctions in the body are the result of malfunction of the hypothalamus.

On the other hand, uterine development is also affectedother factors. The pediatric uterus may be the result of a severe, previously transmitted infectious disease or nervous disorders. Quite a frequent reason is the dramatic weight loss that modern girls are so fond of. Some influence on the development of the reproductive system has alcohol, nicotine and narcotic substances, especially if they are used at such a young age.

Child womb: signs

In fact, hypoplasia is not so muchovert symptoms. For example, in girls with delayed development, periods appear much later - after 15-16 years. In addition, during menstruation, the discharge may be either too scanty, or, conversely, very strong.

Since the uterus is underdeveloped, resistance toinfections are significantly reduced. In girls with such a problem, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital organs are found. In a more mature age, hypoplasia can cause problems with the delivery of the fetus and the progress of labor, and in some cases even leads to infertility.

Hypoplasia affects intimate lifewomen. There are problems in communication, the sexual inclination is reduced or disappears altogether, the woman cannot get satisfaction, which is fraught with the development of psychological problems.

Pediatric uterus: diagnosis and treatment

Uterine hypoplasia can usually be detectedwith gynecological examination. That is why it is so important to regularly visit the doctor, which, by the way, adolescents are often neglected. The final diagnosis can be made only after an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. In addition, the patient is obliged to donate blood for hormonal analysis - this will help determine possible hormonal imbalances.

As for medical methods, this questionis individual. It all depends on the degree of development of the uterus, the severity of hormonal failure and the causes of developmental delay. To normalize the functions of the reproductive system, girls are prescribed hormonal preparations that have a positive effect on the body. The treatment time is also individual - from several months to several years. Along with this, the patients undergo regular gynecological massage, physiotherapy, as well as special physical therapy.

Baby uterus and pregnancy

Hypoplasia is a rather difficult diagnosis.In this state, it is very difficult for a woman to get pregnant. If, nevertheless, it succeeds, then there is no guarantee of a favorable outcome. Pregnancy is difficult, with the constant threat of interruption. Miscarriages, complications of the generic process, severe toxicosis. There is also a risk of ectopic pregnancy. If time to start treatment, the prognosis for women is very favorable.