/ Asthmatic bronchitis: symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies for asthmatic bronchitis

Asthmatic bronchitis: symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies for asthmatic bronchitis

Asthmatic bronchitis, symptoms and treatmentwhich deserve special attention, is a widespread disease. Everyone is at risk, both as an adult and as a child. The most important symptom of the disease is a buildup of mucus in the bronchi. It is not displayed independently. As a result, spasms appear, manifested by a cough, on the background of which bronchial canals narrow.

asthmatic bronchitis symptoms and treatment

Description of pathology

The disease is characterized as inflammatoryprocess of the lower respiratory tract. Doctors say that it is the allergic reactions to various irritants (dust, pollen, bacteria and viruses) that trigger asthmatic bronchitis. Symptoms and treatment of pathology deserve special attention.

It is very important, as soon as the diagnosis is madeconfirmed, immediately begin therapy. Otherwise, as a result of complication, bronchitis risks developing into asthma. And this is already a very dangerous disease. Pulmonologists consider bronchitis a harbinger of asthma. Distinguish these diseases only by the absence of attacks of suffocation in the first case.

Disease affects people of all ages. But most often it manifests itself at an early age. Constant satellites of bronchitis - rhinitis, dermatitis and other allergic reactions in chronic form.

What triggers asthmatic bronchitis

Symptoms and treatment of pathology are determined by the sources that caused the disease.

As a rule, the causes of the development of an ailment are hidden in the nature of stimuli:

  1. Non-infectious. Различные бытовые и пищевые раздражители.These include: dust, wool, pollen, cleaners, paint, citrus, chocolate, nuts, seafood. Also in this group of allergens are all red and orange berries, fruits and vegetables (even carrots).
  2. Infectious. These are viral irritants of the mucous membrane. These include staphylococcus, fungal infections, mold and others.

At a young age, asthmatic bronchitis is capable ofarise as a result of a hereditary predisposition or allergy to a medicine, an inoculation. Also, the causes of the disease can be respiratory diseases: bronchitis, influenza, measles, whooping cough.

Symptoms of pathology

It is important to recognize such a disease in a timely manner,as an asthmatic bronchitis. Symptoms and treatment can be properly interpreted only by a specialist. Therefore, if you suspect a pathology, you should consult a competent doctor.

asthmatic bronchitis symptoms and treatment in children

For the disease characterized by pronounced symptoms. Therefore, you can suspect the presence of asthmatic bronchitis yourself.

Characteristic signs of the disease are:

  1. Attack long-lasting cough.It intensifies during small physical exertion, laughter or crying. Since this is an allergic reaction, it will be preceded by a stuffy nose and a sore throat. It all begins with a dry cough, and after a couple of days, sputum appears.
  2. Difficulty exhaling. This is due to the narrowing of the bronchi.
  3. Increased sweating, lethargy and malaise.
  4. Chryps in the bronchi. Characteristic wheezing will be heard even without a stethoscope.
  5. There may be a slight increase in body temperature.

If asthmatic bronchitis is caused by a reaction tohousehold irritant, then after excluding the allergen from the environment, the symptoms will disappear. If the cause of the disease is an infection, then the temperature will rise and a runny nose will appear.

The course of treatment for asthmatic bronchitis lastsless than a month. The disease itself has no effect on other internal organs. But with frequent repetition, pathology can lead to bronchial asthma.

Obstructive asthmatic disease

This is a complicated form of the disease.

Such asthmatic bronchitis is characterized by:

  • night cough,
  • impaired breathing,
  • slight suffocation,
  • dark spongy dark sputum.

This leads to contaminated air.

Therapy is based on mucolytic andmoisturizing drugs. Benefit will bring home recipes. Patients who are diagnosed with obstructive asthmatic bronchitis, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies should be discussed with a doctor in advance. Typically, recommended soda inhalation with the addition of medicinal herbs.

asthmatic bronchitis symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

It is also necessary to fight with the symptoms. Drugs that reduce temperature can be used. If necessary, rinse the nose and nasopharynx.

Chronic asthmatic bronchitis

If the cough and other symptoms that characterize asthmatic bronchitis do not leave the patient for more than 3 months, and the disease repeats annually, then this is already a chronic stage.

Most of all from this pathology sufferworkers of manufacturing enterprises. Often, the disease is detected in smokers. Tobacco, dust and a couple of harmful chemicals affect the bronchial mucosa. As a result, infection easily enters the body.

Men often over 50 suffer from suchailment, like asthmatic bronchitis. Symptoms and treatment in adults should be considered exclusively by a specialist. After all at this age as a result of the disease, the functioning of the bronchi is severely impaired. Mucous is simply not capable of completely withdrawing phlegm.

At a chronic stage asthmatic bronchitis alsoit is obstructive and non-obstructive. The course of the disease without obstruction allows the patient to live a full life and work. However, such individuals are sensitive to weather changes and often suffer from colds. And people with obstructive form should strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations to prevent the development of pulmonary embolism. Treatment in this case is mandatory. It will take a long time.

The first sign of chronic asthmabronchitis is a morning cough. Then it begins to manifest itself day and night, and in the cold season it increases. Over time, the cough becomes round-the-clock and hysterical. Accompanying him with the constant release of sputum. During exacerbations, it becomes yellow-green in color, with the presence of pus and smells unpleasant. The disease can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Pathology in children

For the first time the disease can manifest itself even at preschool age.

asthma bronchitis symptoms and treatment in adults

This happens because of the structural features of the bronchial tree:

  • the tendency of the mucous to swelling,
  • narrowed passage in the bronchi.

During the reaction to the stimulus, the strongest edema develops, the bronchi close as much as possible.

For a child, this is a severe pathology - asthmatic bronchitis. Symptoms and treatment in children must necessarily be negotiated with the pulmonologist. Kids need correct therapy.

For phlegm in small childrennebulizers are used - compressor inhalers containing bronchodilator drugs. A short hormonal course may be prescribed by a pulmonologist in the presence of severe shortness of breath.

Disease in adults

Pathology can appear at any age.

In adults, the disease develops as a result of:

  • work in hazardous industries,
  • long smoking
  • polluted ecosystem
  • weakened immunity.

Not every person associates morning coughing episodes with bronchitis. Because of this, the late detected disease has time to develop and go into a more serious stage.

asthmatic bronchitis symptoms and treatment in adults folk remedies

Diagnosis of pathology

Do not rush to make a diagnosis, even ifindicate asthmatic bronchitis symptoms. Treatment of pathology can be started only after the doctor confirms the disease. To do this, the patient will need to undergo some examinations.

In the laboratory to identify the disease conduct the following studies:

  1. X-ray May show emphysema.
  2. Blood test. Shows the level of immunoglobulin E and A, histamine. With the disease it is increased, and the level of the titer of the compliment, on the contrary, is reduced.
  3. Scraping the skin.
  4. Spraying sputum The reaction to antibiotics is checked.
  5. Endoscopy. The bronchial mucosa is considered in detail.
  6. Spirography. Measured volume of exhaled air.
  7. Picklometry. Measured air expiration rate in the morning and evening. Then there is a percentage ratio between them. For a healthy person, the rate is 20%.
  8. Pneumotachography. Identify the causes of obstruction of air passage through the bronchi.

Traditional treatment

In each patient, the disease proceeds independing on the individual characteristics. Therefore, there is no single treatment regimen. Initially, the doctor will determine what factors triggered asthmatic bronchitis. Symptoms and treatment in adults with folk remedies and medications completely depend on the sources of the pathology.

Depending on the characteristics of the disease, a pulmonologist prescribes the appropriate therapy for each patient:

  1. Viral bronchitis. Antiviral drugs are prescribed.
  2. Allergic pathology. Recommend antihistamines.
  3. Infectious disease. An antibiotic course is prescribed.

In addition, all, without exception, are assigned bronchodilator drugs, inhalations with alkaline and sodium chloride solutions.

asthma bronchitis symptoms treatment

Therapy folk remedies

But remember that only a doctor should prescribe you drugs that you will treat asthmatic bronchitis.

Treatment with folk remedies can also be carried out, but for the intended purpose and under the control of a pulmonologist. Such activities can support the body and prevent the occurrence of asthma.

There are various recipes:

  1. As mucolytic agents and antibiotics, you can take 1 tsp. turnip juice with honey (1: 1 ratio) 4 p. / day.
  2. A decoction of leaves of Hypericum, coltsfoot, nettle and motherwort (1 tbsp. Of collection is filled with a glass of hot boiled water and infused for 30 minutes). Broth should drink a month.
  3. To prevent coughing, it is recommended to drink a glass of milk with the addition of 15 drops of propolis tincture.
  4. Inhale with soda. 1 tsp soda diluted in a glass of water, boil the solution in the kettle. Inhale steam for 10 minutes through a paper tube that is put on the spout of the kettle.
  5. Whey also has a mucolytic effect. It must be drunk 2-3 times a day, warmed up or at room temperature.
  6. Infusion of clover flowers or hypericum with the addition of honey. Prepared and used as a means of ordinary tea. Recommended to improve expectoration of sputum.

asthmatic bronchitis folk remedies

However, remember that it is quite complicatedpathology - asthmatic bronchitis. Folk remedies are effective and efficient. However, they cannot replace the medication prescribed by a specialist. But at the same time they are a great addition to the main treatment.