/ / Mya Mozza - hookahs in modern style

Mya Mozza - modern style hookahs

Mya Mozza - hookahs, which have been around for a long timeare pleased with their quality and unusual design of fans of the non-standard method of smoking. First they appeared in China, and then quickly spread around the world, replenishing the ranks of their supporters and admirers.

Stylish products

Hookah smoking originated in the East for many centuriesback. Special devices were created for this purpose. With their help, people tried to make the process itself the most enjoyable. Over the years, the appearance of the devices changed, not only new models appeared, but also entire companies that were engaged in their production. Do not stay away from this and the Chinese experts.

Mya Mozza - hookahs, which by right canConsider the brainchild of technical progress. They are extremely restrained, stylish and laconic. In their design, there is not that pretentiousness and grace that are inherent in the apparatus of the Egyptian masters. They do not have precious stones or bright drawings. Everything is very simple and functional.

mya mozza hookahs

In addition, Mya Mozza - hookahs and the maximumtransportable. Firstly, they are lightweight due to the fact that modern and rather light materials are used for manufacturing individual parts: glass, stainless steel, rubber and plastic. Secondly, these are demountable devices that easily fold into a special cylindrical package (tube). That's why Mya Mozza - hookahs of a new generation in the full sense of the word.

Design solutions

Each brand of hookahs has its own distinctivefeatures. For example, products from Egypt can be recognized by a wide saucer and a cast non-separable mine. A flask for a shisha Mya Mozza is a kind of visiting card. In it there are distinctive features on which to learn the products will not be difficult. To begin with, it should be noted that the hookahs of this brand are of two types: Mya Mozza I and Mya Mozza II.

bulb for shisha mya mozza

They differ only in their lower part, thenthere is a bulb. In the first case, it looks quite simple. This is a glass bottle with a capacity of 0.75 liters. It connects to the shaft with a rubber ring, tightly fixed on the neck. To decorate the bottle in the kit there is a special nozzle made of denim fabric with a pattern on it and decorative lacing. The second version of the bulb looks a bit different. Here, experts decided to give the design a little grace. They made a flask in the form of a bottle of perfume. This not only changed the appearance of the hookah, but also gave it additional stability.

Opinions of smokers

Those who tried to smoke hookah Mya Mozza,reviews about it are very different. Purely externally the model looks quite impressive and is a mixture of two styles: modern and high-tech. Such items can always fit into the interior of a modern apartment. But regarding the quality of smoking, some questions arose. For example, a very thin mine is heated so that it is sometimes impossible to take hold of it by hand.

hookah mya mozza reviews

In addition, users note the instabilityThe whole design is due to the too light lower part of it. But in the second model this error is partially eliminated. Another drawback of this hookah is that the diameter of the siphill is smaller than the hole inside the cartridge. This makes it difficult to pull and makes the smoking process not so comfortable. And, finally, the flask. Because of its narrow neck, it is impossible to put in ice pieces for cooling. It is also difficult to put mint leaves or crushed dried fruit for flavoring.

Another drawback is associated with the hose.In the kit it comes with wooden tips that, when smoking leave a characteristic taste in the mouth, which even interrupts the aroma of the tobacco itself. The rest of the hookah is not bad at all. Among other things, a relatively small price partially compensates for existing shortcomings.