Why does the face swell?
Of the most common reasons, you can name the following:
- at night a lot of liquid was drunk;
- there was an allergy to cosmetics;
- swelling could appear in a particular place that you hit the day before;
- there are problems with the health of the kidneys;
- malfunction of the cardiovascular system;
- poor lymph flow (characteristic of hot weather).
These are the main causes of puffiness. It is possible to speak about malfunctions of an organism only if the situation with swelling repeats constantly.
How to remove swelling from the face?
Get rid of ugly face swelling youhelp handy tools. For example: cold water and ice. In the morning, if you notice swelling in yourself, wash your face with cold water first, and then swipe it in a frozen cube. In this way, you can adjust the blood flow and bring the face to a normal state.
How to remove swelling from the face in other ways?
- Green tea will also be effective. To do this, it must be properly brewed and with the help of gauze applied to the face in the form of a compress for about 20 minutes.
- Grated raw potatoes will come to your aid.All you need is to grind it with a blender or a regular grater and apply on face with gauze. Hold the mask for about 15 or 20 minutes, and then rinse it with cold water.
- Take special medicines to help get rid of puffiness. But remember that most of them have a diuretic effect.
- How to quickly remove facial swelling with freshcucumber? It's very simple: we cut the vegetable into medium circles and apply them to the skin for 15-20 minutes, you can also turn it into a mass (with a blender or grater) and, using gauze, apply it on the swollen places.
- Пару ложек свежеразрезанной тыквы нужно на small fire into a mush, then mix with a teaspoon of honey and leave on the fire for 10 minutes. After that, the composition is cooled and applied with gauze on the face. Wait until the mask works (20-25 minutes) and rinse with cold water.
How to remove swelling from the face, if the reason lies in the disorder of body functions?
If you suspect diseases of internal organsand the presence of relevant symptoms, you must consult a specialist. After all, to eliminate the swelling of the face will not work until the root cause is eliminated. After examination, the doctor will prescribe you the necessary drugs and tell you how to avoid such situations.
Be healthy and carefully monitor the condition of your body. Do not drink a lot of liquid at night and do not abuse salt.