/ / The drug "Proctosidil" - reviews, description, instructions for use

"Proctosidil" preparation - reviews, description, instructions for use

Many of us live with the feeling that we are constantly "sitting on a cactus". They live, but are afraid to admit it, considering hemorrhoids not only unpleasant, but also humiliating illness.

And you can get rid of it with the help ofof the drug "Proctosidil". Feedback from patients who have been treated shows that they have forgotten the pain and burning sensation, and all the other accompanying unpleasant sensations of this disease.

The drug "Proctoside" is a local anesthetic that not only relieves pain, but also reduces itching and burning around the anus.

Included in its composition, antibiotics killbacteria, and hydrocortisone removes unpleasant symptoms. It has antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. Framiectin, belonging to the group of antibiotics, kills gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Heparin prevents various complications of hemorrhoids. Hydrocortisone is absorbed (partially) in the rectum, while other active components of the drug have a local effect and are not practically absorbed.

Indications for use

"Proctosidil" (review)patients testify) gives good results in the treatment of acute internal and external hemorrhoids, anal fissures and cracks in the rectum, proctitis, perianal eczema, postpartum hemorrhoids.

Form of issue

The medicine is issued in the form of suppositories and ointment Proctosideil M.

Mode of application

Patients who used the treatmentthe preparation "Proctosedil" (candles), the responses at the polls leave only positive. They note that in the acute period the suppository should be administered twice, and also every time after defecation. Enter the rectal capsule into the rectum as far as possible as deeply as possible. After achieving positive results of therapy, the drug can be administered 1 time per day.

Those who used in the treatment of ointment,they did the same: twice a day and after stool. The ointment is applied by the finger, locally, to the areas of itching and pain. For a deeper introduction use the applicator, putting it on a tube.

The effect can be felt immediately after the injection of a candle or ointment. The action lasts until the drug is completely absorbed from the rectum.

However, it is not recommended to use the remedy constantly. The duration of treatment is no more than a week.

Both forms of the drug can be used both individually and in combination.

The drug can not be used alone. Before using it, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor.

Side effects

With prolonged use of the drug"Proctosedil" (patients' reviews confirm this) there may be side effects. So, the patient can experience dryness and burning of the mucous membrane of the rectum. In addition, secondary infections or phenomena characteristic of the systemic action of glucocorticoids may be associated.

Possible intolerance to any of the components of the drug.

Cases of overdose and negative manifestations in the interaction of the drug with other drugs have not been noticed.


This anti-hemorrhoidal remedy can not be used categorically when the anorectal zone is affected by a viral, fungal or tubercular infection.

It is necessary to refrain from treating them during pregnancy.

To treat small children, too, the use of the drug "Proctoside" is not recommended.

Reviews of doctors indicate the need for caution when prescribing it to patients with chronic heart failure and hypertension.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored in a cool, dry place.