/ / Proper intimate hygiene of women - the path to health and comfort!

The right intimate hygiene of a woman is the way to health and comfort!

Our health is priceless!Therefore, the intimate hygiene of women - a delicate and very important issue. An intimate shower at first glance seems a trifle, but it has quite an important influence. It should be at least 1 time per day. Proper body care is the path to health and comfort. What you need to pay attention in the first place?

intimate hygiene women

Of course, women's hygiene is first and foremostintimate shower. Water should be warm, and in order to avoid infection from the anus, wash from front to back. What is better to use - soap or intimate gel? Special means for intimate hygiene gently cleanse and gently, relieve irritation and moisturize. A regular toilet soap disrupts the normal level of acidity, which leads to a weakening of the protective functions of the environment against the reproduction of bacteria. The answer is obvious: special cleansers should be used, but not soap.

proper body care
Of particular importance is the intimate hygiene of women incritical days. In addition to the shower, which at this time is recommended at least 2 times a day, you should pay attention to the frequency of change of sanitary pads. Remember, the longer the gasket is used, the greater the threat from it, and accordingly, less benefit. During menstruation, it must be changed after 4-5 hours. Otherwise, it turns out very beneficial environment for the reproduction of bacteria that provoke inflammatory processes.

During critical days a woman's bodybecoming more vulnerable. That is why, during the period of menstruation, swimming in open water and a visit to the pool are not recommended. Also these days, sex is extremely undesirable.

The intimate hygiene of a woman when traveling and traveling, when there is no shower nearby, can be done with the help of special wet wipes.

woman hygiene

Many girls do not know what is best to choose -tampons or pads. This is primarily due to individual preferences. Tampons are very convenient for girls who lead an active lifestyle. After all, they are more reliable than the gaskets, which can get off during the movements. In addition, tampons absorb discharge inside the vagina, which means that there is no unpleasant smell out. Do not forget that they need to be changed every 2 hours in order to preserve the natural microflora of the vagina. Tampons of the new generation are designed in such a way that they practically exclude toxic shock syndrome. The only contraindication of their use are erosion and inflammation.

The intimate hygiene of a woman also lies inproper selection of underwear. Ideal - cotton products. However, sometimes you want to wear beautiful lace panties. In this case, try to choose underwear with a cotton fabric between the legs. In the absence of such, use thin daily pads and change them at least once every 4 hours.

The intimate hygiene of a woman is a rather important aspect in the care of her body. That is why every girl should pay special attention to her.