/ / Echinacea: instructions, indications for use, release form, contraindications, reviews

Echinacea: instructions, indications for use, form of release, contraindications, reviews

This article will look at how to take Echinacea tincture for the prevention of colds and flu.

Echinacea-based medicationspossess powerful immunomodulatory qualities. These drugs have a natural composition and do not adversely affect the human body in the form of complications or side effects. However, even taking into account the relative safety, you should consult a doctor about taking the drug to exclude contraindications and determine the correct dosage of echinacea according to the instructions.

Echinacea for adults


In pharmaceutical practice, three types of echinacea are used that have immunity-supporting properties:

  • purple;
  • pale;
  • narrow-leaved

Composition and properties

The composition of these plants include several substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Among them are the following:

  1. Echinosides. Contained in flowers and roots of plants.These substances play the role of a natural antibacterial agent, possess penicillin-like properties. Echinosides effectively destroy various types of pathogenic bacteria. Another feature of them is to cleanse the body of free radicals.
  2. PolysaccharidesConcentrated in areas of plants above ground. When penetrating into the body, polysaccharides envelop the cells, thereby creating a protective film that resists bacteria and viruses. In addition, polysaccharides help cells restore their structure.
  3. Alkylamides Stand out mainly from the roots of plants. These substances have an analgesic effect. Alkylamides are often used in broad-spectrum anesthetic preparations.
  4. Inulin It is also in the root of the plant.This substance is able to activate the work of white blood cells (lymphocytes), which allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of infectious pathogens. A boosted response from the immune system speeds up the healing process.
  5. Minerals contained in the plantalso play an active role in supporting the protective properties of the body. Echinacea contains potassium, iron, magnesium, aluminum, as well as flavonoids, essential oils, shinorin, chlorogenic acid and vitamins.
Echinacea indications

According to the instructions, echinacea is prescribed as part ofcomplex treatment of infectious diseases, pathogens of which are streptococci and staphylococcus, as well as sore throats, antritis and furunculosis. These drugs show a high degree of effectiveness as a prophylactic against colds in seasons with a heightened epidemiological risk.


What else does the instruction tell us? Echinacea has a wide range of uses. In particular, it is prescribed in combination with other drugs in the following conditions:

  1. Herpetic infections.
  2. Skin rash and boils.
  3. Sleep disturbance, irritability.
  4. Acceptance of antibacterial drugs.
  5. Frequent colds.
  6. Long and hard flowing recovery.
  7. Flaccidity, weakness, and fatigue.
  8. Drinking alcohol, smoking.
  9. Increased body temperature of unknown origin.
  10. Adverse environmental conditions.
  11. Other signs indicating reduced immunity.

Indications for use for echinacea should be strictly adhered to.

Forms of release

In pharmacies you can find quite a lot of drugswhich include echinacea. The forms of production of drugs based on this plant are diverse and suitable for all age groups. So, in particular, there are the following options for drugs:

  1. Different parts of plants, dried and packaged in packages of various sizes.
  2. Herbal tea for brewing, packaged in special filter bags.
  3. The juice obtained from the plant, which is produced in the form of droplets, diluted in water.
  4. Echinacea extract in liquid form, packaged in vials of 50-100 ml. It can be added to tea.
  5. Tablet form with different dosagesEchinacea. In this quality, drugs are produced under various names - “Immunal”, “Estifan”, “Immunorm”, etc. Quite often, the composition of the tablets is supplemented with vitamins. The use of echinacea in pills is now becoming increasingly popular.
  6. Preparations from the category of homeopathic remedies. Produced in the form of granules for oral administration.
  7. Solutions for injection.
Echinacea tincture for prevention


As indicated by the instructions for echinacea, the hood onThe basis of alcohol is taken as a prophylactic for two weeks. A single dosage is 20 drops, the drug is taken twice a day, preferably before meals. If the impairment of the immune system is severe, a prolongation of the course of administration up to one month is possible, and a single dosage is increased to 25 drops.

As an adjunct therapy for ARVI, infectionsBacterial origin and flu, as well as exacerbations of chronic diseases, it is recommended to take Echinacea tincture three times a day - in a single dosage of 25 drops. High efficacy shows the drug at the first sign of a cold. Doctors also advise taking it for two more days after the symptoms disappear.

Echinacea for children

По отзывам, данное средство для детей просто indispensable. The body of a child is more susceptible to diseases of the cold. Immunity, which is in the process of formation, is not always able to resist the negative effects of pathogenic microorganisms that are present in large numbers in children's groups. Such an impact leads to frequent, recurrent colds, the healing process is often delayed and accompanied by complications.

Детям, не достигшим 12 лет, противопоказан прием alcohol extracts of echinacea. For them, various syrups, tablets, granules and lozenges, emulsions are produced. Permissible brew herbal teas. Echinacea for adults is sometimes prescribed for children.

Echinacea contraindications

Starting from the age of 12, to raise the protective propertiesThe body can be applied alcohol tincture. It must be diluted with water, based on the ratio of 1: 3 and giving the child 5-10 drops of the resulting solution three times a day before meals.

Echinacea herbal tea can be drunk for children withthe age of three up to three times a day, 50 ml. At the same time, the duration of the course should not exceed five weeks. You can add tea to fruit drinks and juices, or use in its pure form.

Indications for the use of echinacea, we reviewed, then let's talk about contraindications.


In addition to the huge number of indications, there are contraindications to Echinacea. So, drugs based on this plant can not be taken in the following conditions:

  • acute leukemia;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • immunodeficiency of viral origin;
  • diabetes;
  • hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to echinacea;
  • tuberculosis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus.

Prolonged use of drugs with echinacea can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as nervous excitement.

In addition, Echinacea has a toxic effect on the liver under the condition of prolonged administration. Be that as it may, all the contraindications of Echinacea are described in detail in the instructions.

echinacea instruction

Interaction with other drugs

Echinacea is not combined with all drugs. So, you should avoid combining it with drugs that adversely affect the liver. These include the following remedies:

  • "Amiodarone".
  • Steroids included in the anabolic group.
  • "Methotrexate".
  • "Ketoconazole".

Echinacea is contraindicated in conjunction withimmunosuppressive drugs such as corticosteroids and cyclosporine, as well as during the recovery period after the transplantation of organs. This is due to the fact that Echinacea in this case can provoke an exacerbation of diseases and a decrease in immunity.

Quite often there is debate about the use of echinacea intime of pregnancy and breastfeeding. The decision must be made by the attending physician, since only a specialist is able to adequately assess the possible risks and potential benefits from taking the drug. However, alcohol tinctures are clearly contraindicated in these conditions.

Now it is clear that in the first place Echinacea boosts immunity. Consider what people think about it.

Echinacea tablets use


Reviews of drugs based on echinacea prettylot. They allow us to conclude that the medicinal products that comprise this plant effectively “boost” the immune system. For example, many reviews contain information about Echinacea P, which, if taken, prevented colds during a difficult epidemiological situation.

Special attention is focused on convenience.tablet form of the drug. In this case, it is not a problem to take it anywhere and at any time, whether on a trip or at work. Also, the advantage of tablets is the absence of alcohol in the composition, which makes it possible to give them even to children and does not create problems when driving.

Echinacea boosts immunity

Reviews of echinacea for children confirm highthe effectiveness of the drug in the fight against viral diseases. Accepting it speeds up the healing process. For example, after suffering a sore throat, many experience fatigue, and the body under the influence of the disease can easily pick up a new virus. In such cases, echinacea can help.

You probably know that human immunityIt is a defense exhibited by the body against harmful bacteria and fungi. Many negative factors (stress, hypothermia, etc.) can weaken these protective properties. In such cases, echinacea can be a real salvation for the body.