/ / Immunomodulators for children: advantages and disadvantages

Immunomodulators for children: advantages and disadvantages

Recently, in the treatment and prevention of manydiseases, the group of drugs with the name “immunomodulators” has gained sufficient popularity. They are prescribed not only adults but also children, especially during the period of epidemics of ARVI. It is logical that many have a question about their effectiveness and, therefore, the appropriateness of the application. It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on what immunomodulators are for children and what is the principle of their action.

The name of the group of drugs itself suggeststhat they are used to enhance the body's natural defenses. Immunity is conditionally divided into specific and non-specific. The first is effective against certain diseases. In order to get it, you must either have had an infection or have been vaccinated. Nonspecific protects the body from all foreign bodies. To keep this system in good shape, you need to strengthen your physical form in various ways: to harden, exercise, etc. Immunomodulators can also help. For children, these drugs are also prescribed, and sometimes already from an early age.

Immunomodulators for children

These funds stimulate the production of interferon - a protein that makes it difficult for viruses to multiply and makes the body immune to infections.

In addition, other links of protective forces are activated, as a result of which the risk of falling ill is minimized.

However, most pediatricians believe that the use of immunomodulators for children is not worth it, if there are no serious grounds for this.

Preparations are used in practice not so long ago,therefore, their long-term effects on the body are still poorly understood. In addition, the uncontrolled use of these funds can lead to a violation of the natural development of protective functions.

Modern immunomodulators

This may be due to the fact that it is not known how the body will react if the immunity is artificially increased.

Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe funds, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person and his lifestyle.

Modern immunomodulators are quite effective in cases of ARVI.

Among them can be called the drug "Derinat", very often used in the treatment of both adults and children.

He has a minimum of contraindications. Another advantage is the variety of its use: the drug can be instilled into the nose (for example, children) or used as a solution for inhalation.

Immunomodulators for influenza

Immunomodulators are used for influenza.In the treatment of this disease, doctors recommend the means "Anaferon", "Grippferon." They can also be used as a prophylaxis (no more than 2 times a year), applying according to the instructions supplied by the manufacturers, or according to a scheme appointed by a specialist.

Immunomodulators for children who often get sickcan be a means to help cope with a beginning infection or protect the body from the virus. One of the main conditions is to choose the right drug, because the use of any drug must be reasonable and as efficient as possible.